Reputation Management (Evil)

So I'm playing through with an evil party, and trying to really buy into the ethos of it with how I play the game. But a lot of quests give reputation points, and I can think of at least one (Cloakwood) that gives 2. Is there a better way than killing an innocent before gathering rewards? Specifically for cloakwood, is there an option to not save the miners and therefore forfeit the reputation gain? Thanks guys
Follow these rules:
1. Take whatever you want from containers no matter who's watching
2. Whenever the Flaming Fist try to arrest you, kill them
3. Whenever the Flaming Fist attack, kill them
If you do this consistently your rep will hardly ever rise above 1.
(And yes, as others said, you can let the slaves/miners die, too.)
This component places three Bards in three inns scattered on the Sword Coast. Each can be hired to spread your fearsome reputation around, decreasing your reputation. The amount of money this costs is dependent on your current reputation. This allows players to manipulate reputation both upwards through temple donations, and downwards through the spread of rumors (for those of us who hate killing an innocent just to keep neutral NPCs happy).
But, although not sure how it works, the Bards can only be used limited times and then they disappear.
That's what it seems like anyway, but if I wait too long after so many tries I have had him leave.
@AstroBryGuy Any thoughts on that as far as the number of times a bard can be used to adjust alignment?