November 09 Livestream Recap

in News
Today Beamdog CEO Trent Oster and Producer Luke Rideout shared the latest Infinity Engine and Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition news. They went through the current NWN:EE Roadmap, and talked about the upcoming open Beta of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition on Android.
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When do we want it? Yesterday
But we also have patience and virtue.
When do we want it? Doesn't matter!
Keep up the good work ...
I'd be much more happy with a Tales-of-the-Sword-Coast-style content expansion. I don't really care what it's about, as long as it's a story the writers want to tell.
It's unfortunate that the chances of something like that happening look very slim now.
There's so much that could be done in that game world that perhaps links in other regions - perhaps with light tie-ins to the original campaigns.
Just roaming around and meeting interesting characters and picking up some lighter quests was very pleasurable in BG1.
I would certainly pay for more added content adventures in BG1, BG2 SOD & PST.