November 23 Livestream Recap

in News
Today Beamdog CEO Trent Oster and Producer Luke Rideout shared the latest Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition and studio news, talked about the NWN:EE Android Beta, and chatted with Grumpycat, a DM on the popular NWN:EE persistent world Arelith, about her experiences as a longtime Neverwinter Nights player and DM.
Check out the recap.
Check out the recap.
Also, if they do pull the plug I hope we get one last push on externalisations of the engine to open up the game as much as possible to modding.
It would be such a big shame that I don't think I'd personally be able to forgive it, even though I've been a supporter of Beamdog since the first announcement of BG:EE.
I'm currently playing NWN: EE Darkness over Daggerford and as much fun as I'm having, it's mostly thanks to the people in Ossian studios. Most of the enhancements in the EE are probably cosmetic, but why even bother, when everything is so fugly (like every early 2000's game in 3D). The towns are somewhat ok looking (even though EVERYTHING looks so boringly bland), but most of the other outside areas look downright laughable.
And gameplay? Pathfinding is horrible as it always was, PC still trips over invisible barriers or doors, henchmen are stuck somewhere all the time for no apparent reason. I replayed the OC and both expansion packs 2 years ago and sadly I don't see any changes in EE, that actually made the game better gameplay wise.
As to WHY, well NWN is Trent Osrer's baby. He worked on it back in the day, and he wants to make it the best he can.
These issues would require serious effort to fix, and it's become increasingly clearer over time that such effort will likely not be spent.
- Bug: missing UI sounds from button clicks
- Bug: missing UI sounds from list selections
- Bug: missing UI sounds from opening windows
- Bug: list items sometimes remain selected from a previous instance when a new list is displayed
- Bug: scrollbars generally fail to scroll to the relevant position when their content gets updated (e.g. when selling/buying in stores, donating to temples, drinking in taverns, etc.)
- Bug: clicking the background of a scrollbar fails to scroll the content
- Usability issue: when using the mouse wheel, the scrollbars in the store window scroll too slowly
- Bug: text input fields scroll to the wrong character position when clicking the contained text
- Usability issue: text fields do not become selected by default when a new text field panel opens
- Usability issue: Confirmation and query windows aren't confirmed when the player presses the enter key
- Usability issue: missing dialog for custom portrait selection during character creation
- Usability issue: disabled character options missing from lists during character creation
- Usability issue: character color sliders scroll to the wrong color when clicked, and are difficult to handle
- Bug: area names overlapping on the world map
- Usability issue: travel time texts overcrowd the world map screen, mainly in BG1
- Bug: missing travel time indication for unnamed areas on the world map
- Bug: double-clicking areas on the travel map often assigns phantom commands to the party afterward
- Usability issue: area map doesn't zoom out when viewing a small area—in fact, it often zooms in
- Bug: dragging the viewport rectangle with the mouse on the area map doesn't move the viewport in real time
- Bug: XP progress bars show the wrong percentage
- Usability issue: the dialog window has three different scrollbars instead of one, which is all that would be needed
- Usability issue: pressing space skips dialog, which is desired by some and undesired by others—hence it should be optional
- Bug: the pulsating selection circle is sometimes missing from the NPC speaker during dialog
- Bug: item handling in the inventory is less responsive due to clicks not always registering when moving items between slots or characters
- Usability issue: when picking up an item in the inventory, the item icon doesn't get centered under the cursor
- Usability issue: there are small gaps between the inventory item slots that make item handling more difficult
- Inconsistency: right-clicking any item or spell icon opens its description, except on the mage book and priest scroll pages where you need to left-click the spell's name to open its description
- Inconsistency: left-clicking a spell's icon on the mage book and priest scroll screens selects the spell, but left-clicking its name shows its description
- Usability issue: the player cannot memorize spells in any desired order, instead, the spell memorization order gets automatically set
- Usability issue: item description screen lacks indication for when the character cannot learn any more spells of a scroll's spell level
- Usability issue: the player cannot switch to the journal menu while any other menu is open
- Usability issue: to sell a stack of items in the store, the player is unnecessarily required to double-click the item and select the maximum amount
- Bug: stores display the wrong price when the player selects multiple of the same item to buy
- Aesthetics: missing initials from item/spell descriptions
- Aesthetics: missing tooltip animation
- Aesthetics/opinion: the tooltip graphic looks very low quality and simplistic when compared to the original
- Bug: missing tooltip sound when the tooltip opens more than once sequentially over the same UI element
- Bug: opening and closing menus often repositions the viewport
And there's probably more that I can't recall at the moment. You can go ahead and tell me that I'm crazy or that these are nitpicks, but all that I expect in all the above cases is the same standard of UI design that was set by the original games, which, especially for their time, had excellent design and polish.
Now I don't think that I have a lot of great qualities, but one thing I pride myself on is a good eye for detail, and these issues genuinely bother me pretty much every time I play the game. Some bother me more than others, but they all contribute to the exceedingly poor level of quality that I've come to know the 2.0+ UI by.
Some of the 2.0 UI issues actually have gotten fixed, but those are very very few compared to the issues I've listed above, especially considering the amount of time that has passed.