Your biggest gaming disappointment? Mine is D3

in Off-Topic
What is your biggest disappointment with this gaming hobby? And why?
My first disappointment was with Heretic 2. I really liked the first one, but the second is not a bad game. I just din't liked the change from fps "doom with magic" to a platformer. But is a small disappointment compared do what D3 was.
Diablo was always an action focused dark fantasy rpg. And what become on D3?
- No skill progression.
- No attribute progression
- Only gear progression is present(compared to d2 who have skill/attribute/gear progression)
- Everything is %WD(weapon damage) including monks punches and casters spells/minions
- Ridiculous inflated damage numbers
- Reach level cap in a day
- Cartoonish wow-like graphics
- Cooldowns(i really hate this mechanic who makes no sense)
- No immunities(even pokemon a children's game have it. On D3 you can kill skeletons with poison)
While D1 had no problem showing naked succubus breasts(no pic due forum rules), no problems with ocutlist symbols, gore, etc... This is how D3 is
An interesting video from a huge diablo fan about why diablo failed
My first disappointment was with Heretic 2. I really liked the first one, but the second is not a bad game. I just din't liked the change from fps "doom with magic" to a platformer. But is a small disappointment compared do what D3 was.
Diablo was always an action focused dark fantasy rpg. And what become on D3?
- No skill progression.
- No attribute progression
- Only gear progression is present(compared to d2 who have skill/attribute/gear progression)
- Everything is %WD(weapon damage) including monks punches and casters spells/minions
- Ridiculous inflated damage numbers
- Reach level cap in a day
- Cartoonish wow-like graphics
- Cooldowns(i really hate this mechanic who makes no sense)
- No immunities(even pokemon a children's game have it. On D3 you can kill skeletons with poison)
While D1 had no problem showing naked succubus breasts(no pic due forum rules), no problems with ocutlist symbols, gore, etc... This is how D3 is

An interesting video from a huge diablo fan about why diablo failed
And while I do agree that Diablo 3 is disappointing (for a Diablo title that is), it is nowhere near as bad as people claim. I don't care if anyone believes in what I'm about to say, but the fact is people tend to ignore everything that is bad in Diablo 2 including existing systems, still existing bugs or story which is both just weak and inconsistent within itself. It's curious how D3 gets criticized for things like that, and D2 does not. Nostalgia much?
Recently I've been trying Path of Exile and I get why people like it. At the same time, I am baffled because when it comes to skill/stats system it is even worse than Diablo 3. Skills are basically from orb you put in the socket, meaning there is no unique skills for every character class. Stat points are in form of passives you can allocate in a hugely unintuitive and confusing skill tree.
About immunities, there would be a good way to handle them, but neither Diablo 2 and 3 handles them well. Immunities are good when you have, even in single player a viable ways of dealing with them. Fire-skills oriented characters are basically screwed in later acts of hell difficulty, even if you happen to have items like Infinity on your merc. So, the game makes fire a not viable element and it is okay somehow.
Diablo 3 has no immunities, which makes using anything but your element of choice pointless. And to think the easy couinter-meassure would be to introduce huge % of resistance (80%? 90%?) instead of total immunity. That way:
1) If you are single element-oriented build, you can still deal with them, although it will take more time. As result, elite/champion monsters have more time to use their special abillities.
2) Not to mention you can have a party in multiplayer using different elements.
3) Diversing for more elements than one still gives you advantage, even if your DPS is overall lower.
But overall, I didn't get to play new games often and I tend to buy games only when I am more or less sure if I will end up liking them. But I guess my biggest dissapointment as of late would be MKX, simply because I overpaid it (with season passes) only to find out they dropped support on PC version. I don't know whether they resumed the support, but I don't care anymore.
And I guess BG:EE release day made me angry, very very angry. It was unplayable for me for like a week or two, and that after the delay (which in turn was announced 4 days before the first release date). Oh, the salt was real.
And some updates brought more problems, for example, runewords killed the gear variety of the game, now every non sorc uses enigma. The way that D2 handled immunities is poor too. For example, an fire elemental being fire immune is ok. A bird being electric immune is not. An unique enemy immune to fire and cold at the same time is not ok. Immunities are too prevelant.
Also, there are few dual elements in same skill line/skill. Druids can use tornado(physical) and hurricane(cold), or molten boulder(fire + physical), an fire/cold sorc can't do that.
One game who did right immunities was M&M VI. Immunities are not prevalent and... On Dark Magic i have Poison(Toxic Cloud), Magical(Finger of Death) and Physical(Sharpmetal) in the same "magical school", you can't poison poison immune mobs but can use other like sharpmental against then. I don't know why they changed immunity to M&M VII and all dark magic spells are resisted by dark magic resistance/immunity...
But lets be honest, at least D2 still an dark fantasy rpg and a masterpiece game(despite his problems)
edit :
About PoE i agree that will be better if you don't use gems on items and have an skill tree to place skill gems but disagree that the system is worse than d3.
Just for you to know, the immunity system you speak of makes sense, but I don't think it would work very well in action rpg/hack n' slash like Diablo series is.
I preordered NWN the day that you could do so from amazon. Now, that meant, due to the fraught development cycle of NWN that I preordered it years in advance. Then, it *finally* arrived, and literally the moment I took the box into my house a drunk driver hit the pole that has my transformer on it and I was without power, through a series of errors, for a full week. Thus, I had to wait an additional week to finally play, in the dark. You can only read the manual so many times.
Sim City 2013 was just unplayable in an unentertaining way, so maybe it's that one.
All in all people do call it a worthy successor to homm iii though, so theres that. I just don't agree.
Vampyr was another recent one I was hyped for. I was so ready for a gritty vampire game, since Bloodlines was so awesome, and I actually used to play the table top/live action game back in the 90s. What it had was boring lock and target combat, which I absolutely hate. Why can't I just move and shoot freely?! The game's an endless string of talking heads whose information you have to keep track of but nobody was really that interesting. For me it became a chore to play the game and just stopped.
I`ve purchased the game after the trial(note that the trial was in English) and by some reason i an forced to play in PT-BR. Why they do this? I`ve played RPG`s in English since my childhood, work with native speakers, played DA:O in English and ... Can`t play the game in English? Why the trial is in English and there are no information about "language lock" on store? The translation is a piece of **** with words that nobody uses like "melindroso", tried to change registry keys, download dlls, only using an really old game version i managed to play on English. I know that my grammar is awful but to be honest my grammar is awful even in my native language.
This was just the beginning. After i started to play the game, the game fells much more like a generic mmorpg with a lot of pointless and repetitive stuff, boring mechanics like "sponge" enemies, no blood magic(the uniquest type of magic on dragon age universe) and tons of other problems... The game fells much more like a generic mmo than a proper dragon age game. Uninstalled the game. Asked for a refund but my refund """"failed""""
Was a huge disappointment but D3 still the biggest of all time.
Other huge disappointment was Might and Magic X Legacy. M&M VII For Blood and Honor was my first RPG. I purchased the 10 expecting something like 6-8 but was a very bad linear game.
edit > M&M VI is a huge open world game done right. Each dungeon is unique. The very console/controller focused melee combat was a huge "cons" for me, but i really enjoyed the game. I mean, is not good as VtMB but is an good game with good story. Since there aren't many vampire games and very few good ones, i liked. Wasen't expecting an VtMB like masterpiece.
EDIT 2 : This was an disappointment with dark souls for me too(not saying that the game is bad. Only that can be better). Why i can't aim my soul arrow/soul spear???
You know, whenever someone meantions D2 or D3, I keep picturing the old school obscure japanese series about Dracula.
It actually has replayability if you don’t force yourself to do EVERYTHING in one go.
I couldn’t get into Andromeda but I bought it late and heavily discounted so I wasn’t expecting much.
Diablo III was a good brain dead time waster. It’s how you had to play it.
I am going to have to go Mass Effect 3. The story was great, but that’s what it was. Too many cut scenes. And the rewritten ending. I still buy into the indoctrination theory. Just shows how sad it is that the fan base can write a better ending than what was delivered.
I’ve attempted to replay it, but there is really nothing to play.
Diablo 3 is basically an arcade game with some moderately engaging RPG elements.
Dragon Age: Inquisition is basically a single-player MMO
Mass Effect: Andromeda is Inquisition in space.
I don't have major problems with any of these games. I don't think any of them are as good as their predecessors, but I don't think they are "bad" per se.
The most disappointed I've ever been in regards to a game is Sword Coast Legends. I only expected a middle of the road quality adventure as was greeted with a steaming pile of garbage.
As for DA:I, why put this boring mmo stuff into a single player game???
As for Sword Coast Legends, a lot of people was expecting an 5e BG/IWD like game and got an awful game. I din't purchased luckily...
Many games I had my eyes on weren't up to my expectations but very few turned up to be disappointing. I expected more from Icewind Dale 2 but I still play it nowadays, and Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption was nothing but dungeon crawling but visually and plot-wise it's beautiful . Seven Kingdoms 2 enhanced edition was disappointing because it didn't really bring anything new or exciting to the game, also.
M&M VI is an example. See how this two dungeons are different(spoiler about in game dungeon layout and locations)
Tomb of VARN
Lair of the Wolf
Instead of walking in the same random generated or copied area, the game actually have many different unique layouts from each possible dungeon.
World of Warcraft, I remember watching early game footage and dreaming about how epic the game would be. To part of a living world, changing the course of the story together with other players online. And then it was just killing dire rats and bringing 10 tails for a few coppers. My disappointment was huge and I stopped playing within, I dunno, 10 game hours perhaps. I switched to Kotor which had been released failry close IIRC and I never really returned. I wasn't expecting "MMORPG"s to just be Diablo-esque, it was also my first MMORPG so I was completely new to that genre. Anyways, MMORPGs are still my least favorite kind of game. Whenever I want to run around and kill dire rats with other players, I prefer to do it in a proper aRPG, ie D3, PoE, and now more recently, Grim Dawn.
Witcher 3 I waited quite some time before I bought it. I wanted to have time to actually play, so waited 'til I had a good balance between work and free time, so it was probably 1 year old when I played it (or more) and IIRC at least one DLC had been released. I played it around 10-15 hours perhaps, maybe less, and even though some quests had that old, great witcher-feeling to them, the overall "kill 10 dire ghoul nests" feeling was surpassing and destroying all that could have been good about that game. I still look back at my memories of Witcher 2 from time to time, thinking about how truly epic that game was (the first one wasn't as good, the second one was a masterpiece, same as with Mass Effect). I never returned, though I have contemplated a "story mode" playthrough just to get the awesome quests but skip all the redundant crap where you have to kill 10 bandit camps just to fake-add hours to the total game time.
If I have to choose between the two, I think I might choose WoW since I had been waiting for a longer time for that and since it was a new genre to me which I had high expectations on.
Other notable mentions, but since my expectations where lower, I wasn't as disappointed with them:
Dragon Age Inquisition, my expectations had already been lowered a lot after DA2, which I never finished, and from talking to a friend that told me it had all those elements I dislike.
Fallout 4, I wanted to love the game, but I hated it. Well, maybe not hated, but thoroughly disliked. It truly was a bad game in an amazingly good-looking suit. I actually finished it and poured in plenty of hours in it, but after the first 10 hours or so, the repetitiveness of it all tore on me and the actual story was so bad it hurt my brain.
EDIT: btw, still haven't tried ME:Andromeda since I know I won't like it. Thoroughly disappointed at the wasted potential there, but that's directed at the Publisher company, and not the game itself. Man, if I could time-travel into the board room where they took the decisions on what the next step in the ME franchise would be, I might just bring a Tommy gun and end it all before it begun.
Look, it isn't Diablo 2. But there is plenty of content there to dive into. Even if you simply play working towards building around ONE of the class sets for each class each season, you would never repeat yourself for 28 seasons, because there are 7 classes and 4 viable sets each. I don't particularly like how they just give away the set pieces for doing chores on a checklist, but that is just how gaming works nowadays. I don't see how running Greater Rifts to upgrade to Ancient or Primal Ancient versions of items is any more or less "engaging" than using Enigma to teleport directly to Baal and kill him hundreds of times a night on an endless loop. The addition of Legendary Gems and Kanai's Cube further fleshed things out. If people haven't played it since it came out, it is barely even the same game other than the general combat mechanics. All the stuff under the hood has changed.
I DO hate the inflated stats, I think the soundtrack sucks, and the art-style is......fine I guess. But the oppressive atmosphere everyone always talks about from Diablo 2 really only exists in Act 1 and select dungeons from there on out. And I will remain steadfast in my opinion that the first half of Act 3 in D2 is the most annoying section of any RPG I have ever played.
No, this is not the problem of D3
aRPG = Action Role Playing Game, D1 have a relative good character progression, D2 too(not saying that they are perfect, they have many flaws as i've said before) but D3 have less role playing than borderlands for eg and borderlands is not an rpg. Is just an action focused game(and even loot is better made on borderlands since weapons fells more unique instead of only having different "damage numbers")
There are tons of problems with D3. No immunities, a lot of boring mechanics like cooldowns, no dark gothic atmosphere, etc, etc, etc; and more important. Everyone of the same class is a clone of each other. How you become better at trowing holly bolt on Diablo franchise?
D1 - Reading tomes
D2 - Investing skill points
D3 - Finding an bigger and sharper axe
There are ZERO CHARACTER/SKILL PROGRESSION. Only gear progression.
Also, my favorite class on D2 was necromancer. They launched with an boring Witch Doctor, then a necro DLC years after the game launch and i honestly, even necromancer din't revived diablo for me. Sure, blood skills was cool, but all boring mechanics like cooldown, bigger and sharper my axe, more stronger bone spear i can trow, lack of bone wall/bone prison, no IA curses, etc, etc, etc made it a really bad disappointment.
Here is an guy killing the ancients without a single piece of gear. This is possible on D1/ this is possible on D2 but on D3 it is impossible.
This is true that D3 progression is mostly due to loot. Nobody is going to deny that, nobody with a common sense anyways. But at the same time you are ignoring paragons, skill runes etc, when they do matter.
Two things. First I hope if D4 is really in the work, that it would be close to what Kotaku article describes (that is more leaning towards what D2 was in general). That would work for everyone, I think.
Second, it would be better for you to actually play Diablo 2 than focusing on negativity. I am pretty sure our Diablo no-reload thread would use another Guardian.
I might not sound like this, but I do feel for you.
D1 has an oppressive atmosphere. Twisting dungeons, then twisting and narrow catacombs, dark caves with lava lakes, and then hell, all with blood, gore, and gorn all throughout.
I want a redone Diablo 1. Actually, in D1 it was more a matter of finding the right shrine to boost all your spell's spell levels at the cost of reducing one spell 1 spell level if you weren't a mage (I played Rogues). In Diablo 1, there was the concept of the "beyond naked", where you actually wore gear that did not help you at all, it was only cursed gear. Mostly a Mage concept, though there were some Rogue variants.
I was never that good or insane.
Also, another part of this video points out another VERY important thing to mention about Diablo 1 and 2. You'll notice that this guy has about 100 mana potions between the ground and his inventory for this fight. And one way to describe BOTH of these games, as great and timeless as they are, is potion chugging simulators. There has never been two games made in history in which you could abuse instant health and mana regeneration like in Diablo 1 and 2. There is no cooldown and no limit to the amount you can have available, as this video shows. Which frankly IS bad game design. Hell, even in Baldur's Gate or Dragon Age there is finite limit on how many healing potions you can buy or craft simply based on the stock at merchants or available crafting materials. Diablo 1 and 2 have infinite resupplies.