Any reason to take the lightning bolt spell as a sorcerer when wands of lightning exist?

Title says it all. I am creating a new sorcerer and was thinking of picking lightning bolt until I realized I could use wands instead. Wands of lightning seem to inflict more damage than the actual spell, as lightning bolt caps out a 10d6 which is obviously less than 6 x 3d6. Is there anything the spell itself can do that the wand can't? Spell sequencer is the only thing I can think of.
Thanks for the feedback.
Thanks for the feedback.
Probably the only reason, but then again there aren't many "must-take" spells for sorc on level three other than skull trap and MMMs (and if in a party/using summons, maybe Haste), so go nuts.
but of coarse the best level 3 spell for a wizerd harry has to be slow, with that mammoth -4 penalty to the save to start enemies will more often than not get hit by it, making them chop suey for your front liners, plus its party friendly as well
PS: oh and yes, you might as well use wands instead of wasting on of your valuable sorcerer slots on lightning bolt
If you bounce the spell off the walls, Lightning Bolts can do substantially more damage than Skull Traps. Lure an enemy into a corner and aim straight north, and you can strike 5 times or more with one bolt. The Wand of Lightning can easily do 90d6 damage in a corner or narrow hallway.