What I mean is that you could make it so that by clicking a box with something like this written
"I'm going to use EET mod" the BG:EE bar becomes grey and not usable and only SoD bar will be left to be clicked on.
Ach the checkbox. That's interesting idea but I'm not sure if it just doesn't make the process more confusing. Isn't choosing 'EET' as a mod should be sufficient for player to say 'I will install EET" ?
If that's the case, you could skip the checkbox and just go for "clicking EET" means BG:EE bar grey.
Edit: I suggested the checkbox because people could get confused that
they first add the games,
then add the mod EET
then they have to actually look only for SOD bar while they may have already added all of these games into their respective bars.
I would make all bars grey until you choose either
I'm going to use EET
I'm not going to use EET
I suggested the checkbox because people could get confused that
they first add the games,
then add the mod EET
then they have to actually look only for SOD bar while they may have already added all of these games into their respective bars.
True. How about yet another way to simply process: when someone add BG:SoD, it will be copied to "EET-SoD" field but only if it's empty. So initial config of the games will provide SoD-source for EET.
I would make all bars grey until you choose either
I'm going to use EET
I'm not going to use EET
And then leave the corresponding bars grey/white
Do you mean at the time when they setup games/game paths or at the time when they choose one of the 'EET' components? This 'action' can be detected and the application can display additional dialog with some info like "You selected EET, this mod requires clean SoD path, please provide it below:" (path can be pre-filed from BG:SoD field) etc. Such way of dealing with this shifts 'configuration of EET' part from being part of PI into being part of EET mod configuration.
Not quite:
BG:EE is just normal game entry for "BG:EE without SoD"
BG:SoD is just normal game entry for "BG:EE with SoD"
The third one, "path to unmodded Siege of Dragonspear game folder for EET" is game path for a extra copy of BG:SoD but without any mods. It can be the same as BG:SoD if you wish but it should not have mods. I see that it isn't clear as much as I would like to be but I'm out of ideas
Sorry! Gotcha! Sounds good to me... but yeah, I can see how it could be confusing, specially for somebody new.
What about, and this is just a crazy idea... a duplicated separated entry completely dedicated to EET setup, maybe surrounded by a Group control that says clearly "all of this inside here ONLY applies to EET setups"
So, you'd have two more separated PATHs there... one for BG1:EE+SoD unmodded, and one for the BG2:EE to use as a destination.
The original BG2:EE could be simply base installation for just modding BG2 (I have a couple of those!) and the BG1:EE+SoD outside of the EET group could simply be modded BG1.
Same as BG1:EE with no SoD, again modded BG1 for mods that don't require SoD. EDIT: And for when the user don't have or don't want to include SoD.
You then could add an entry to the game menu labeled EET, and all that does is switching the target PATHs for BG2:EE base to EET group's BG2:EE, and requires you to have the EET mod present in the mod selection list.
I'd think that would be a bit more clear, maybe... at least to me, but then again, I'm weird sometimes
@leeux I've explored similar setup but I have not decided to use it for a number of reasons:
- it's perfectly logical and clear for advanced users who have extra copies of BG:SoD and BG2:EE only to deal with EET but at the same time is not clear for beginners at all
- it introduces 'new gametype: EET' - from a technical point of view it is very logical but it will not be understandable by beginners at all since they simply want to install 'just another weidu mod'
- it doesn't follow 'general EET install instructions = copy EET into BG2:EE and install'
- you can clearly achieve the same effect by putting 'path to copy of the BG2:EE' into other fields (like BG2) and you can have both BG2:EE paths as games for the drop-down game menu
I'll add my 2 cents to a few others that it would be great if the tool would remember my check box selections after pressing the refresh button.
I lost track of whether a particular mod was "picked up" by PI (not PI's fault -- some mods had errors in tp2 files, thought maybe this one did too), so I re-downloaded it and hit the refresh. ALL my mod subcomponent selections disappeared from a 75 mod list. At least I hadn't gone through SCS or Tweaks Anthology yet, but still ... >.>
Good app, I'm just still learning its ins and outs.
Ok I think I have the sorting order text file thing figured out. That will help with a persistent sort order. In fact, I could have -- as soon as I had a selection I liked -- pressed the "set-installation-order" button, copy/pasted to a text file, then loaded it at any time with the "load-sort-order" button.
Incidentally, two mods -- Adalon's Blood, and Improved Archer Kit -- have # symbols in their filenames. c#sb_silber and A7#ImprovedArcher, respectively. Those read as comments by the text parser and thus don't get sorted xD. I imagine I should be able to just change the filenames, but at least now I have that external Sort Order text file to load after refresh.
Edit: Hahaha, or not. File structure is referenced all over the place within the tp2. Simpler to just manually place those 2 files each time I load sort order.
/*idiot alert*/ I was very surprised to see there's no output. I don't know how viable it is, but I would very much like to have an output window showing me what's happening. I can see if there are errors, or if mod components aren't installing correctly, or just for peace of mind.
I can see files and folders being added to my game folder, so it's all happening. I just gotta know the details, man
/*end idiot alert*/
/*I hope*/
Edit: So the install was just unpacking and moving. Normal text output occurring per weidu installs xD
<whistles> Nothing to see here, move along.
When applying a Sort Order.txt, it doesn't actually make the selections. I still need to go in and check the boxes for each component. Tweaks Anthology and SCS together have well over 100 components, I'm sure, plus any and all other mods. Given the need to resolve issues during installs, and thus close out of PI each time, the ability for Apply Sort Order to also check the boxes would be highly appreciated.
I seem to recall both BWS and the EE Setup Tool had a way to export a mod list and order so you could resume where you left off -- selections made. I thought Apply Sort Order would do the same. Am I missing something?
I see that importing a weidu log can make selections for you. That's a start. However, it's been a while and much has changed in my install setup -- that old Weidu log from 2 years ago (in my case) is of limited use. It would be nice to be able Export selections as well as import them. Is there a way to get that Sorting Order.txt file to cause that behavior?
Since we are talking about Sorting Order i would like to clear up one thing. How to create Sorting Order file from BWS for EET? You can do it only for BG2 or BG1. This way mods from other game are unsorted. So this method is in my opinion unhelpful for EET. Then how to figure out mod order? Order groups are a little bit misleading. aTweaks are "Last" or "Tweaks"? SCS are "AI" or "Scripts"? Where should i put "Unfinished Bussiness" and other restoring mods? Maybe weidu.log method is good solution, but i don't know how to create this file. Should I install all mods without sorting, save weidu.log, reinstall games, convert weidu.log into Sorting Order file and the use it for proper installation?
Since we are talking about Sorting Order i would like to clear up one thing. How to create Sorting Order file from BWS for EET? You can do it only for BG2 or BG1. This way mods from other game are unsorted. So this method is in my opinion unhelpful for EET.
EET support was added few days ago, I didn't updated docs. Now, there is section for EET at the wiki. Please remember that BWS data is partially outdated for eg doesn't cover new SCS/tweaks/new mods. But the good news is that you can make it less outdated by full conversion into sorting order file.
Order groups are a little bit misleading. aTweaks are "Last" or "Tweaks"? SCS are "AI" or "Scripts"? Where should i put "Unfinished Bussiness" and other restoring mods?
Order groups are not misleading - they simply don't provide you the info/knowledge which you need because they wasn't created to provide it. They are only for convenience.
Maybe weidu.log method is good solution, but i don't know how to create this file.
The weidu.log is not intended for manual creation. The 'import weidu.log method' was created in order to allow a simple way:
- to use weidu.log file and simply repeat the same mod installation using different mod language
- to use weidu.log file from someone else mod installation in order to exactly match the install order
- to use weidu.log file from project like BWP PDF (it's only for classic games but it's currently best source of the install order if someone still plays classic version of the games)
So you can only use w 'import weidu.log method' when you have the file.
Should I install all mods without sorting, save weidu.log, reinstall games, convert weidu.log into Sorting Order file and the use it for proper installation?
It would be pointless, since you installing mods randomly, you will create the weidu.log file with the same random, thus incorrect install order data. So when PI will convert it, it won't magically fix it.
The problem with # inside filenames is fixed, thanks.
Sorting order file and the data from install sequence field are not the same.
Sorting order file only sorts mods, never check them, that's the goal.
Importing selections and checking is planned. Currently, it's partially possible: simply paste install sequence data into install sequence field and immediately click "Start-Installation", without doing any other mod customization.
Thanks for the tips Alien. Install completed successfully last night. Tool works admirably. Mega-modding BG-series games (plus SCS and EET) is always an exercise in trial and error, and PI smoothed over a lot of the problems that can occur.
So I'm experimenting with using Project Infinity for the first time after BWS was discontinued, so I'm going through the steps and feeling out the program. I've got to the part where you start sorting out mod order and I've now noticed, with most of the mods I've placed in the game folder sorted, that a mod listing I can't account for has appeared. So I just wanted some advice, as perhaps this something that's necessary or common in Project Infinity.
The mod is called:
with only one component:
1000:Automated conversion of strings.
@Reddbane Tak look at mod infobox: there is a tp2 path - this is the source of the mod. It's just a helper for SCS, not really intend to be installed. No, I can't make it so it won't be displayed.
EDIT: Regarding "mods I've placed in the game folder" - do you mean extracted mods folder? You cannot extract mods into game folder.
Hey Alien, will you ever add a way to download all mods without having to do the work yourself? Or it is made impossible by the fact that every mod creator publishes his stuff in different spots and that makes it hard to actually have such a feature?
If I were you and I had to actually "update" every link for every download any time the mod got updated, I would get frustrated by the loss of time
@Arthas Having build-in list with download links is one of the 'not planned' things as you can read in FAQ. You answered your own question.
PI can download mods without "having to do the work" but only from sites that have API like Github. Currently, only Gibberlings3 site uses it at a bigger scale.
PI can also update mods which are hosted on Github under the condition that the mod has filled metadata. So re-downloading and extraction are no longer necessary for such mods when a new mod version is released.
Finally, If you really miss some mods at PI "Download Mods" tab, you can ask modder to request adding his Github account/organization into PI.
I thought this program is like BWS and it can download stuff too? I only see stuff with mods who are alrdy installed ?
Next to this program create folder "mods" and unpack there every mod you would like to install. By Project Infinity you are able to choose components. Order you will have to figure out by yourself. This program doesn't download mods or put them in correct order during installation, but thanks to it you can easily install mods with one click (and since they are in your drive, you won't get "server unavailable" message). When you will decide which component you want to install in which order, then just copy theirs list to some txt or word file. This way, when you would like install everything again you won't have to pick components again.
Edit: I suggested the checkbox because people could get confused that
they first add the games,
then add the mod EET
then they have to actually look only for SOD bar while they may have already added all of these games into their respective bars.
I would make all bars grey until you choose either
I'm going to use EET
I'm not going to use EET
And then leave the corresponding bars grey/white
True. How about yet another way to simply process: when someone add BG:SoD, it will be copied to "EET-SoD" field but only if it's empty. So initial config of the games will provide SoD-source for EET.
Do you mean at the time when they setup games/game paths or at the time when they choose one of the 'EET' components? This 'action' can be detected and the application can display additional dialog with some info like "You selected EET, this mod requires clean SoD path, please provide it below:" (path can be pre-filed from BG:SoD field) etc. Such way of dealing with this shifts 'configuration of EET' part from being part of PI into being part of EET mod configuration.
Edit: third solution sounds the most elegant, though.
Sorry! Gotcha! Sounds good to me... but yeah, I can see how it could be confusing, specially for somebody new.
What about, and this is just a crazy idea... a duplicated separated entry completely dedicated to EET setup, maybe surrounded by a Group control that says clearly "all of this inside here ONLY applies to EET setups"
So, you'd have two more separated PATHs there... one for BG1:EE+SoD unmodded, and one for the BG2:EE to use as a destination.
The original BG2:EE could be simply base installation for just modding BG2 (I have a couple of those!) and the BG1:EE+SoD outside of the EET group could simply be modded BG1.
Same as BG1:EE with no SoD, again modded BG1 for mods that don't require SoD. EDIT: And for when the user don't have or don't want to include SoD.
You then could add an entry to the game menu labeled EET, and all that does is switching the target PATHs for BG2:EE base to EET group's BG2:EE, and requires you to have the EET mod present in the mod selection list.
I'd think that would be a bit more clear, maybe... at least to me, but then again, I'm weird sometimes
- it's perfectly logical and clear for advanced users who have extra copies of BG:SoD and BG2:EE only to deal with EET but at the same time is not clear for beginners at all
- it introduces 'new gametype: EET' - from a technical point of view it is very logical but it will not be understandable by beginners at all since they simply want to install 'just another weidu mod'
- it doesn't follow 'general EET install instructions = copy EET into BG2:EE and install'
- you can clearly achieve the same effect by putting 'path to copy of the BG2:EE' into other fields (like BG2) and you can have both BG2:EE paths as games for the drop-down game menu
Now, let me put all this together.
I lost track of whether a particular mod was "picked up" by PI (not PI's fault -- some mods had errors in tp2 files, thought maybe this one did too), so I re-downloaded it and hit the refresh. ALL my mod subcomponent selections disappeared from a 75 mod list. At least I hadn't gone through SCS or Tweaks Anthology yet, but still ... >.>
Good app, I'm just still learning its ins and outs.
Incidentally, two mods -- Adalon's Blood, and Improved Archer Kit -- have # symbols in their filenames. c#sb_silber and A7#ImprovedArcher, respectively. Those read as comments by the text parser and thus don't get sorted xD. I imagine I should be able to just change the filenames, but at least now I have that external Sort Order text file to load after refresh.
Edit: Hahaha, or not. File structure is referenced all over the place within the tp2. Simpler to just manually place those 2 files each time I load sort order.
/*idiot alert*/ I was very surprised to see there's no output. I don't know how viable it is, but I would very much like to have an output window showing me what's happening. I can see if there are errors, or if mod components aren't installing correctly, or just for peace of mind.
I can see files and folders being added to my game folder, so it's all happening. I just gotta know the details, man
/*end idiot alert*/
/*I hope*/
Edit: So the install was just unpacking and moving. Normal text output occurring per weidu installs xD
<whistles> Nothing to see here, move along.
I seem to recall both BWS and the EE Setup Tool had a way to export a mod list and order so you could resume where you left off -- selections made. I thought Apply Sort Order would do the same. Am I missing something?
I see that importing a weidu log can make selections for you. That's a start. However, it's been a while and much has changed in my install setup -- that old Weidu log from 2 years ago (in my case) is of limited use. It would be nice to be able Export selections as well as import them. Is there a way to get that Sorting Order.txt file to cause that behavior?
Order groups are not misleading - they simply don't provide you the info/knowledge which you need because they wasn't created to provide it. They are only for convenience.
The weidu.log is not intended for manual creation. The 'import weidu.log method' was created in order to allow a simple way:
- to use weidu.log file and simply repeat the same mod installation using different mod language
- to use weidu.log file from someone else mod installation in order to exactly match the install order
- to use weidu.log file from project like BWP PDF (it's only for classic games but it's currently best source of the install order if someone still plays classic version of the games)
So you can only use w 'import weidu.log method' when you have the file.
It would be pointless, since you installing mods randomly, you will create the weidu.log file with the same random, thus incorrect install order data. So when PI will convert it, it won't magically fix it.
By reading readmes of the mods, asking modders or asking community. Simply create new thread with you mod list. It won't hurt if you ask.
The problem with # inside filenames is fixed, thanks.
Sorting order file and the data from install sequence field are not the same.
Sorting order file only sorts mods, never check them, that's the goal.
Importing selections and checking is planned. Currently, it's partially possible: simply paste install sequence data into install sequence field and immediately click "Start-Installation", without doing any other mod customization.
Also bwp itself contains a folder named smoothpack
After extracting the install order from BWP, can I force PI to actually use also these archives that I mentioned above?
Or would you kindly add a way to do so, as you added a "special" route for EET, please?
The mod is called:
with only one component:
1000:Automated conversion of strings.
Can anyone shed some light on this?
EDIT: Regarding "mods I've placed in the game folder" - do you mean extracted mods folder? You cannot extract mods into game folder.
Thanks, I just wanted to make sure this wasn't something important I was overlooking.
If I were you and I had to actually "update" every link for every download any time the mod got updated, I would get frustrated by the loss of time
PI can download mods without "having to do the work" but only from sites that have API like Github. Currently, only Gibberlings3 site uses it at a bigger scale.
PI can also update mods which are hosted on Github under the condition that the mod has filled metadata. So re-downloading and extraction are no longer necessary for such mods when a new mod version is released.
Finally, If you really miss some mods at PI "Download Mods" tab, you can ask modder to request adding his Github account/organization into PI.
I would like to make it work with Linux.
Project Infinity does not work anymore:
Problemereignisname: CLR20r3
Problemsignatur 01: ProjectInfinity.exe
Problemsignatur 02:
Problemsignatur 03: 5d327fda
Problemsignatur 04: PoshExeHostWinV5
Problemsignatur 05:
Problemsignatur 06: 5d327fda
Problemsignatur 07: 3c
Problemsignatur 08: 87
Problemsignatur 09: System.IO.FileNotFoundException
Betriebsystemversion: 6.1.7601.
Gebietsschema-ID: 1031
Zusatzinformation 1: fdc5
Zusatzinformation 2: fdc51d2c66af9ab3d2cf6cf3252915ec
Zusatzinformation 3: 52dd
Zusatzinformation 4: 52ddddd5ae8607c1d972bb730aba93d9
Any ideas how to fix it ?
I thought this program is like BWS and it can download stuff too? I only see stuff with mods who are alrdy installed ?
Next to this program create folder "mods" and unpack there every mod you would like to install. By Project Infinity you are able to choose components. Order you will have to figure out by yourself. This program doesn't download mods or put them in correct order during installation, but thanks to it you can easily install mods with one click (and since they are in your drive, you won't get "server unavailable" message). When you will decide which component you want to install in which order, then just copy theirs list to some txt or word file. This way, when you would like install everything again you won't have to pick components again.
It does, but only a small amount. Click the "Download mods" button.