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Project Infinity - mod manager for Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Planescape Torment, and EET



  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Vadász Thanks, already fixed locally.
  • CrxifictionCrxifiction Member Posts: 13
    Will there ever be support for 32BIT PC for this tool/program?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Crxifiction No, sorry. Not only it cause major pain for distribution/updating but it also means that every extra tool like WeiDU/Git/Iconv etc also need 32-bit version. Additionally, when you use 32-bit version of the WeiDU, mods like SCS can break when you install lot of mods.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited August 2019
    • minor fixes

    • full support for WeiDU README keyword including translated readme files
    • adopted to the new WeiDU distribution model
    • Git is now build-in tool
    • improvements to the mod update process
    • auto-update will be executed without user action
    • added 'Restart' button, visible when update was downloaded
    • fixed VERSION RegEx
    • added SoD as separate game
    • added feedback for user regarding duplicated tp2 files/mods
    • lot of internal changes
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • CrxifictionCrxifiction Member Posts: 13
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Crxifiction No, sorry. Not only it cause major pain for distribution/updating but it also means that every extra tool like WeiDU/Git/Iconv etc also need 32-bit version. Additionally, when you use 32-bit version of the WeiDU, mods like SCS can break when you install lot of mods.

    i understand
  • SirickSirick Member Posts: 94
    I think I'm doing something wrong, but not sure what.
    Followed all the steps I should, get to the part where I click "Set-InstallationSequence", but nothing happens.

    Mods are checked in the in the Install Order window, but nothing. Am I being super dumb and missing a step somewhere?
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,805
    ALIEN wrote: »
    jastey wrote: »
    Question to metadata and mod structure for PI:
    tp2 still on level with the setup.exe is ok? ini file with metadata into the mod folder would work even if mod-setup.exe and modfolder have different names? How would I call the ini file, then?
    I know that some modders use top-level tp2 because it's quick and easy to create new mod/test things. PI supports all kind of weidu mod/tp2 locations. If the tp2 is at the same level as exe, the ini filename must exactly match tp2 name: setup-modname.ini. But this extended support is nothing but a proof of concept, no mod currently use it and I strongly believe that is should be treated as legacy - don't use it for actual released mod.
    jastey wrote: »
    I'm referring to the Edwin Romance, I am doing an update but @Wisp suggested not to change the mod's structure, wich is setup-edwinromance.tp2 and setup-edwinromance.exe in the game folder and mod folder called "edwin".

    So after long discussion, the conclusion is: renaming 'main data folder' is the same thing as changing 'DESIGNATED' numbers - it's a flaw but acceptable flaw. I say go for unification, just add big red warring for new release which says 'Remember to uninstall older version first!"

    Thanks for the answer. It was decided not to switch the mod structure for legacy compatibility reasons, I'd have preferred it differently. Calling @Wisp in case he might change his mind. :)
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    @Sirick Please send me ziped Logs folder.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    Is it possible to install EET by Project Infinity? If so, can you write some instruction how to do it to avoid errors?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    Yes, you can install EET using PI. EET is normal BG2EE mod. Did you read EET instruction and PI instruction at the first page? What wasn't clear enough? What kind of errors did you encounter?

    If you never used PI before, I suggest you to play around with it a bit in order to get familiar with it and then install EET.

    P.S. I have coded prototype for EET support, it currently allows for installing mods for BG1EE, installing EET and installing rest of BG2EE mods in one go. I'm waiting for @swit support/feedback before release.
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited October 2019
    After reading what @davidW said about the EE tool making some (non-allowed?) updates on mods

    (see this:

    I'm going to bite the bullet and go for PI. I've got just one question: does PI download the mods... ? I understand it's an indecent amount of work and to be honest I could do that myself, but asking shouldn't harm anyone.

    Edit: I'll wait a bit for Swit prototype.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    ## 0.7.7

    - New Feature: support for EET
    - cosmetic changes
    - minor fixes

    I'm after long vacation break. I'm releasing initial version with support for EET. It mostly for gather feedback about the complexity and clarity of install process. This release was entirely focused on EET support.

    Q: How to install EET in one go?
    A: Select BG2EE game and follow usual mod installation procedure, additional info:
    • the path for BG:SoD will be automatically provided for EET using path from Options > "BG:SoD" path
    • all mods before EET mod will be installed into the BG:SoD game

    This is example of installation sequence which you might want to test out:
    DlcMerger:1:"Siege of Dragonspear" DLC
    bgqe:15:Bodies for a Good Cause
    bg1npc:0:The BG1 NPC Project: Required Modifications
    bg1npc:10:The BG1 NPC Project: Banters, Quests, and Interjections
    EET:0:EET core
    cdtweaks:170:Unique Icons
    EET_end:0:EET End
    Simply run PI, paste it into install sequence window and start installation.

    Q: What if I want to install a mod into BG2EE but before EET?
    A: If you are installing EET, no mods should be installed before EET installation, except language pack. If this is the case, simply install it separately as single mod. Then you can continue to preform full EET installation.

    Couple of questions for people who install EET:
    - do you use separate BG:SoD copy for EET which isn't overmuch modded? How about separate BG:SoD-EET in "Options" which will be used only for EET import process?
    - do you install BG2EE mods before EET? If yes, which one?
    - do you install EET_End as last mod?
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    edited October 2019
    1. When I installed EET in the past, I definitely used a barebones BG:EE+SoD installation with the minimal mods required for EET (copied from a clean unmodded BG:EE+SoD I always keep as base) and it's different from the actual BG:EE+SoD modded copy that I normally use for playing (and modding.)

    2. I never had the need to install any mods before EET in BG2, in my case at least.

    3. EET_end is last but before SCS, since SCS requires it to be installed before... so there's some other mods that has to be installed after SCS, that are required to install after EET_end too. Particularly, tb#tweaks and atweaks, and them some portraits packs, and finally EEUITweaks is last for me for convenience, so I can tweak options easily without requiring reinstalling of other mods.

    EDIT: I'm gonna give it a test as soon as I can! I haven't had the time to do BG playing and modding lately, so I'm behind the schedule with updates and it would take me some time to catch up!
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    At the end of EET installation i have this:
    #Choose which tool should be used
    # 1. Custom version of PCU for mods with BG1 content
    # 2. GAME_IS patcher
    # 3. BG2:EE mod chapter patcher
    # 4. Variable exporter

    What to choose?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    @Etamin Why did you chose to install mod converter? It's a tool for modders and intend only for debugging purposes. Since you already launched it, choose '4'. It has no effect on the game files.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    I can't install some mods through PI. More styl for mages for instance:
    Also i have noticed that all mods go to default/unassigned folder.
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    Etamin wrote: »
    I can't install some mods through PI. More styl for mages for instance:
    What do you mean? Does the mod doesn't show in the mod list? Does errors popup? I've installed it and everything works fine. Please zip and send me all logs from Logs folder.
    Etamin wrote: »
    Also i have noticed that all mods go to default/unassigned folder.
    That's default group for unassigned mods.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    I have zipped last logs. MSFM appear in default folder, but when i pick it, compont doesn't show in installation sequence window (same goes with iwdofication which comes from SCS), so i can't start installation.
    So far I downloaded few mods and all went to the unassigned group (MSFM, EET, SCS, Lefreut UI, my few mods).

  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Etamin wrote: »
    I have zipped last logs.
    Last log doesn't show anything. I need all of them.
    Etamin wrote: »
    I have zipped last logs. MSFM appear in default folder, but when i pick it, compont doesn't show in installation sequence window (same goes with iwdofication which comes from SCS), so i can't start installation.
    Previously, I've checked only English language of the mod. You probably using Polish - bad news, mod has bug inside "Polish" tra file - it's encoded as UTF-8 BOM and it should be in standard UTF-8. You can fix this locally by changing encoding of the "msfm/tra/polish.tra" into UTF-8
    Etamin wrote: »
    So far I downloaded few mods and all went to the unassigned group (MSFM, EET, SCS, Lefreut UI, my few mods).
    As I said, unassigned mods are placed into this group. If you want any of them to be inside another, you have to move them via standard methods like buttons/drag and drop.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    Thanks, i changed coding for MSFM and i was able to install it.
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    edited October 2019
    I would like to make sure how to install mods using PI in correct order. I guess they install in good order when they are sorted, but for me all mods go into unassigned folder. Maybe it's because i use polish version. So how to be sure my mods will be installed properly? I'm preparing big EET installation with ~30 mods and don't want to screw anything up.
    Also how to install mods which are only in .exe file?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    Etamin wrote: »
    So how to be sure my mods will be installed properly? I'm preparing big EET installation with ~30 mods and don't want to screw anything up.
    • by creating new thread, posting you mod list and asking about correct install order
    • by converting BWP weidu.log or old BWS data into "Sorting Order" file and use it for you install, you need to read PI F.A.Q. about setting installation order.
    • by reading all readmes of the mods and determining correct install order
    Etamin wrote: »
    Also how to install mods which are only in .exe file?
    Which one are exe-only? Check if you can imply extract it via WinRAR/7zip. If yes, you will have extracted copy inside "Extracted mods" folder. If you use some older mods which happens to use NSIS-installer, then simply install them into "Extracted mods" folder. You won't actually install them because all what 'exe-installers' do is 'extracting' the content into the choose folder (and then launching setup-modname). You can close all 'black console windows' and you should be able to see the mods inside PI when you re-scan/relaunch it.

    P.S. 30 mod is not 'big' installation :wink:
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    ## 0.7.8

    - New Feature: mod metadata Readme keyword

    Instructions are at the wiki
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    I cook something in order to better distinguish EET BG:SoD from actual BG:EE+SoD modded copy. Does something like this is understandable:

    the major difference is that the game copy from this path won't showup at the game list.
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    I would do it like this...

    First I would order the EE games:

    a) bg:ee
    b) bg:SoD
    c) Bg2:EE


    Rather than path to unmodded siege of dragonspear etc... wouldn't you be able to just make the SoD menu above grey if you are planning to use EET?
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    @Arthas Define "if you are planning to use EET" in the context of PI. EET is just a mod for player, installing EET is simply selecting EET mod components.

    EDIT: Also, EET requires BG:SoD, not BG:EE.
    Post edited by ALIEN on
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    Hey @ALIEN Sorry I haven't had time to take a look as I've been busy with other stuff, but from your image, I can infer that BG:Sod is supposed to be the clean BGEE+SoD for EET, and the at the bottom you have the BG:EE which is supposed to be the one for actually modding? Is that right?

    Then the target for EET is the BG2:EE folder, right? Which then uses BG:SoD and any mods installed into it as source for EET's BG1 path?

    Sounds good to me! Though, if it's possible I'd give the Labels also a tooltip/hint with a more detailed description about their meaning!

    Besides that, it's looking great!
  • ALIENALIEN Member Posts: 1,271
    edited October 2019
    leeux wrote: »
    I can infer that BG:Sod is supposed to be the clean BGEE+SoD for EET, and the at the bottom you have the BG:EE which is supposed to be the one for actually modding? Is that right?

    Then the target for EET is the BG2:EE folder, right? Which then uses BG:SoD and any mods installed into it as source for EET's BG1 path?
    Not quite:
    BG:EE is just normal game entry for "BG:EE without SoD"
    BG:SoD is just normal game entry for "BG:EE with SoD"

    The third one, "path to unmodded Siege of Dragonspear game folder for EET" is game path for a extra copy of BG:SoD but without any mods. It can be the same as BG:SoD if you wish but it should not have mods. I see that it isn't clear as much as I would like to be but I'm out of ideas :disappointed:
    leeux wrote: »
    Though, if it's possible I'd give the Labels also a tooltip/hint with a more detailed description about their meaning!
    I will add some basic description, thanks!
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited October 2019
    ALIEN wrote: »
    @Arthas Define "if you are planning to use EET" in the context of PI. EET is just a mod for player, installing EET is simply selecting EET mod components.

    EDIT: Also, EET requires BG:SoD, not BG:EE.

    What I mean is that you could make it so that by clicking a box with something like this written
    "I'm going to use EET mod" the BG:EE bar becomes grey and not usable and only SoD bar will be left to be clicked on.
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