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Ctrl+J: J is for...

I'm addicted to the CC commands. If I'm level drained, I could memorize [Lesser] Restoration, rest, cast it, and probably rest again because fatigue. Or I could Ctrl+R. If I've misplaced an important item, I could go look for it, or I could just create a new one. And if I don't want to wait for my party to simply walk somewhere, I press Ctrl+J.

But why J??? Why J. I mean, I like to think of Ctrl+R as casting Restoration. So now there must be some reasoning behind the J. So sayeth the wise enqenq. But I can't decide if J is for Jump or Jaunt. And this has bothered me for years now. HELP ME!
  1. Ctrl+J: J is for...20 votes
    1. Jump
    2. Jaunt
    3. Jan Jansen's Instant Family Escape Gizmo
    4. Just who the hell spends time fussing over this???


  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    Jump sounds good, but you could also go for journey - or perhaps a joyride might be more appropriate.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Actually it derives from the latin Ianuae Magicae, which means magical gateway. Why the "I" was changed with the "J" is a mistery however.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    I think the J stands for:

    Just get there already and stop taking the god damn long way... no don't bump into each other and turn around head that way you stupid... great... great... you triggered an encounter while you're at 1 hp and they are firing arrows at your squishy ass. I don't have time for this.
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    What about Ctrl+P? Ctrl+Q? Ctrl+2?

    More importantly why Ctrl+Y??? Does it mean Yemen? Was someone at BioWare a time-traveler? Were they named John Titor?

    See what's the problem? When you start thinking about things like these you can't stop! Now I just received a mail with only HUMAN IS DEAD MISMATCH in it! I need to get to the bottom of this!

    El Psy Congroo
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    well it teleports you so i'd say jump.
  • benibielbenibiel Member Posts: 8
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870

    Insider dev joke, definitely. :P
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
  • enqenqenqenq Member Posts: 499
    Wow, no votes for jaunt. Clearly that settles it.

    To everyone trying to add to the voices in my head:

    Your pathetic magics are useless.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    cntrl j is useful for when you don't feel like going through the maps. and for chapter 7 so basically it's used mostly in bg 1.
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