Any use of CHA and INT in OC?

Will these abilities affect any story or conversations in any meaningful way during the official campaign? I really would like to have a clever and charming character that shows in the game play.
Low or high CHA will also affect folks reactions to you, you will notice this right from the start of the game.
NWN OC is very good with making your stats matter.
I'm glad to hear that! I've played NWN plenty but mostly modules and communities. Never got very far in the OC before I was recommended he modules. Now I'd really like to give it a go with a druid. Some of these games have certain dialogue options only available for those with the highest of INT or CHA scores, but as a druid it's all about WIS. Should I be tempted to lower this just to have a higher CHA?
It's been awhile since i've touched the OC, but i'm almost positive WIS gives extra dialogue options in the form of choices labeled [insight]. Some of these are pretty cool, like seeing through the deceptions of certain characters and calling them out on it.