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Vampire: Bloodlines 2



  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited May 2019
    I never played V5, but is true that blood sorcery is much more weaker than thaumaturgy? For example, the range is much more limited(require melee range) on cauldron of blood and the effectiveness against kindred is much more limited for the first ones. Nothing like blood shield, blood salvo and other blood projectiles.

    I really wish for path of conjuration and etc on the first game...

    EDIT : About what i've talked about vampires using magic, on VtR this is possible. But ". Furthermore, vampiric sorcerers are, by default, unable to contact any other plane of existence besides the Material(source - white wolf wikia.)" That is a H.U.G.E. limitation

    On VtR, according to white wolf wikia

    "The Tremere liches, a Legacy from Mage: The Awakening, are rumored to have been the slaves of an ancient vampire known as the Theban(...)"
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    well it's not a straight copy of pnp rules. The thin blood powers almost seem to mimic some higher level disciplines, like changing into a bat or mist. In V5, thin bloods just get access to some more merits and flaws, including possibly being able to tolerate sunlight, and thin blood alchemy.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited May 2019
    Yes, anyone know if Lasombra will exist on VtMB2? I really wanna play as LASOMBRA and the Antitribu mod on my PC din't worked. Even tried to install on M$ OS(have dual boot) but din't worked. The mod crashes on both systems after i create my character. The idea of controlling shadows and the abyss itself is amazing.

    I installing with POL

    Will watch an playtrought since i can't play. I really liked Lasombra. IMO Lasombra is much more interesting than any clan, except Tremere. I've heard in a video(not the bellow) that they primogenitor is now pure shadow, but not sure.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I hope Lasombra's playable in VtmB:2, too. I kind of expect they won't be one of the initial 5 clans you can play as, but will be one of the ones they add on later, since they're supposed to join the Camarilla in some V5 books that haven't come out, yet.

    You should check out the Tzimisce and Followers of Set. They're histories go really deep, and they've practiced blood magic long before the Tremere. The Setites had the sweet Path of Corruption and the Tzimisce had Koldunic sorcery. Most of this only got referenced in their clanbooks or the Thaumaturgy books.
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    Though Koldunic Sorcery was extremely rare even among Old World Tzimisce. Unlikely for a fledgling in the US to pick up.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Ammar wrote: »
    Though Koldunic Sorcery was extremely rare even among Old World Tzimisce. Unlikely for a fledgling in the US to pick up.

    I'm not saying it'll be in the game, just thought they were really interesting.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Ammar wrote: »
    Though Koldunic Sorcery was extremely rare even among Old World Tzimisce. Unlikely for a fledgling in the US to pick up.

    If Tremere is on the game, is very unlikely that another clan will have an very similar discipline.

    Talking about location, if i was a vampire, very weak against the sun, i will avoid live in regions close to "mediterranean",, i will choose or one city like Reykjavik, Iceland or Ushuaia, Argentina ( ) But on world of darkness setting, even clans who are extremely weaker against the sun, spend most of his time, on mediterran ( ). Anyway, anyone knows an good place to find homebrew clans?
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Ammar wrote: »
    Though Koldunic Sorcery was extremely rare even among Old World Tzimisce. Unlikely for a fledgling in the US to pick up.

    If Tremere is on the game, is very unlikely that another clan will have an very similar discipline.

    Talking about location, if i was a vampire, very weak against the sun, i will avoid live in regions close to "mediterranean",, i will choose or one city like Reykjavik, Iceland or Ushuaia, Argentina ( ) But on world of darkness setting, even clans who are extremely weaker against the sun, spend most of his time, on mediterran ( ). Anyway, anyone knows an good place to find homebrew clans?

    That was a bit in the original Max Payne

    When you think about it the temperate regions are where the biggest populations of humans are at that can support vampires feeding on them, it makes sense they'd cluster there.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Ammar wrote: »
    Though Koldunic Sorcery was extremely rare even among Old World Tzimisce. Unlikely for a fledgling in the US to pick up.

    If Tremere is on the game, is very unlikely that another clan will have an very similar discipline.

    Talking about location, if i was a vampire, very weak against the sun, i will avoid live in regions close to "mediterranean",, i will choose or one city like Reykjavik, Iceland or Ushuaia, Argentina ( ) But on world of darkness setting, even clans who are extremely weaker against the sun, spend most of his time, on mediterran ( ). Anyway, anyone knows an good place to find homebrew clans?

    That was a bit in the original Max Payne

    When you think about it the temperate regions are where the biggest populations of humans are at that can support vampires feeding on them, it makes sense they'd cluster there.

    My point is not that you should live in an place with no sun and no human to feed. Only that an place with less sun and an city to protect you from werewolves is the best place to live as a vampire. On Ireland you have less sun to hurt you and more people to feed, and Ushuaia, the closest city to southern pole, there are 55k people. Only 4 hours of sunshine per day on average, that means that an vampire can technically operate for 20 hours. If there are 20 vampires, everyone can feed without great problems.
  • AmmarAmmar Member Posts: 1,297
    Ammar wrote: »
    Though Koldunic Sorcery was extremely rare even among Old World Tzimisce. Unlikely for a fledgling in the US to pick up.

    If Tremere is on the game, is very unlikely that another clan will have an very similar discipline.

    Talking about location, if i was a vampire, very weak against the sun, i will avoid live in regions close to "mediterranean",, i will choose or one city like Reykjavik, Iceland or Ushuaia, Argentina ( ) But on world of darkness setting, even clans who are extremely weaker against the sun, spend most of his time, on mediterran ( ). Anyway, anyone knows an good place to find homebrew clans?

    That was a bit in the original Max Payne

    When you think about it the temperate regions are where the biggest populations of humans are at that can support vampires feeding on them, it makes sense they'd cluster there.

    My point is not that you should live in an place with no sun and no human to feed. Only that an place with less sun and an city to protect you from werewolves is the best place to live as a vampire. On Ireland you have less sun to hurt you and more people to feed, and Ushuaia, the closest city to southern pole, there are 55k people. Only 4 hours of sunshine per day on average, that means that an vampire can technically operate for 20 hours. If there are 20 vampires, everyone can feed without great problems.

    Living close to the poles makes no sense. There is not really much "more night" there, it is just not as equally distributed as on the equator. You are getting long nights in winter, but also longer days in summer. Specifically Reykjavik has no night at all in June and July. Same for Ushuaia in Dec and Jan. In Nairobi you have a nice, almost constant night length of about 9 hours throughout the entire year. Basically you would be forced to torpor for 3 months a year.

    Besides, I am guessing your 4 hours of sunshine does not count when it is light, but cloudy? Because according to the shortest day is still a bit about 7 hours.

    The 55k to 20 vampires rate is much too high for the modern world according to the official lore - preferred is something between 100k and 10k mortals per vampire. Imagine the crime rate if each of the 20 vampires has just a single feeding accident per year... In the Dark Ages it would have been sustainable, but now it would be much to high.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Newest clan video is up, and @SorcererV1ct0r you got your wish, it's for the Tremere
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited May 2019
    Ammar wrote: »

    Besides, I am guessing your 4 hours of sunshine does not count when it is light, but cloudy? Because according to the shortest day is still a bit about 7 hours.

    The 55k to 20 vampires rate is much too high for the modern world according to the official lore - preferred is something between 100k and 10k mortals per vampire. Imagine the crime rate if each of the 20 vampires has just a single feeding accident per year... In the Dark Ages it would have been sustainable, but now it would be much to high.

    My point is not that you will not take any damage on sun. Only that clouds and the greater distance compared to the sun can reduce the damage taken. Anyway, here is the sunset/sunrise

    And 20 can live in a 55k city if they have high humanity.

    Newest clan video is up, and @SorcererV1ct0r you got your wish, it's for the Tremere

    I din't liked direct projectiles like blood strike/blood salvo and lack of blood shield ( )

    Also, the lack of domination. Domination was the best discipline against natural and thaumaturgy the best against supernatural. The 2 powers / discipline that most clans are having is awful IMO. Limits a lot what you can and cannot do. I really wish that they don't add cooldowns. I was expecting Lasombra, but honestly, will be awful. Probably if Lasombra comes, will be no dark Metamorphosis, nightshade, etc.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Oh, that's interesting they don't have dominate, and kind of disappointing. But, for all we know, dominates not listed there, because they haven't hammered down how the powers will work so don't list it yet, so maybe they'll get it. I also wonder if they're listing all the powers for the discipline there, since they just show a few levels. The Brujah page on that site isn't working so I can't compare them.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited May 2019
    Only an "update", i finally managed to make the antitribu funcion. First tried an old version, but lasombra disciplines on old version isn't that good implemented compared to the present. So i downloaded the most recent, re instaled, used wine logs to see where is the "error" and replaced the files with older versions of the mod. Looks like the mod is working properly. At least on tutorial. I know that the game will probably crash or bug at some point and i will not finish, but only be able to play a little with LaSombra worht try.

    Looks like the antitribu uses the arsenal mod too, so Dragon's Breath shotgun and electric dart pistol is possible. No anti material rifle unfortunately but remember. Everything that a PC can use, an NPC can use. Vampire hunters uses dragon breath(not sure) and patrol the city even without an masquerade break. I casting an lasombra discipline on tutorial. Can't take screenshot, but took an photo.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    About antitribu, after playing antitribu, i really wish that the next game comes with LaSombra.

    Most mods who aims to make the game more hard, try in the worst possible way. By changing damage dealt and damage taken. But antitribu is different. Why? Because they change the difficulty by increasing the amount of enemies, making enemies use his disciplines and vampire hunters use weapons that were effective against kindred. Nosferatu for example with obfuscate and potence is a very deadly enemy and vampire hunter with 40mm grenade launchers, can OHK you and probably other kindred. I really wish that the next game follows the same. More enemies using things that makes sense to be hard, than the player being 3 shoted by a .38 special while the enemy can sustain multiple .44 magnum shots.

    The mod is insanely hard in certain parts, guys on Society of Leopold can OHK me while i was protected by Dark Metamorphosis with an single 40mm grenade from an GL. IMO this is amazing. Vampire hunters who specializes on hunting vampires should know that fire is the biggest weakness of their enemy and use more incendiary ammo, incendiary traps, etc.

    Two screenshots with minor spoilers


    I was hoping for Followers of Set, but after i discovered that they use protean instead of Serpentis and honestly, think that is a step down.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I don't think Lasombra will make it in the initial release, since there's only 5 clan choices, but they are supposed to add more clans as DLC, so I really think they'll be an option eventually. Especially since they're supposed to join the camarilla in an upcoming book.

    I just hope they have arms of Ahriman. Attacking people with shadow tentacles is sweet.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    I don't think Lasombra will make it in the initial release, since there's only 5 clan choices, but they are supposed to add more clans as DLC, so I really think they'll be an option eventually. Especially since they're supposed to join the camarilla in an upcoming book.

    I just hope they have arms of Ahriman. Attacking people with shadow tentacles is sweet.

    And Baali? Or Giovanni?

    Anyway, i think that in WoD Tremere and Baali serves an propouse. Show how vampires are weak compared to other supernaturals. I mean, thaumaturgy/blood sorcery is not much different than linear magic and tremere are a bunch of "mages wannabes" and baali serves and worships another type of supernatural. Anges, Demons, Liches, Mages, Werewolves, Kuei Jin(...) all of then are far stronger than vampires.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    Next clan video is for the Toreador.

    I don't think there's any way in hell they'll have Baali as a playable clan, even in PnP they're only really antagonists. Giovanni's probably a stretch too, but I suppose it could happen.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    edited May 2019
    If Toreadors are in the game, probably firearms will be because is impossible to play a toreador without firearms.

    I just hope that the first game improve in "firearms", vampire hunters should use incendiary ammo against you and many type of ammos should be available like silver ammo, armor piercing, hollow point, also, i wanna see grenade launchers. Vampire hunters on antitribu can OHK me and that makes the combat much more tense.

    About Tremere, i wish that more "paths" will come. I really wanna see path of conjuration, even if limited to few in game items and lure of flames. Also, rituals. Imagine how cool if you can create your own gargoyle. About path of conjuration, the disciplines are amazing.

    Probably the clan with greatest chances to defend against an WW is tremere. They have how to "seal umbra" and with his thaumaturgy, they can create some "silver traps", not mentioning, gargoyles armed with silver halberds.

    EDIT > Things from Toreador stream in nutshell
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    No surprise here, next clan is the ventrue

    I suspect Gangrel will be the last of 5 clans available in the game at release.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    I don't think that "only 5 clans" is a bad thing, as longs they work properly each clan. I mean, to include MAlkavian and Nosferatu, they will need to re write and re voice act all dialogs. Not mentioning, inter-ligating everything on swewers.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    I agree. Effectively, we did not have more different clans in Bloodlines either. The only truly different ones gameplay-wise were Nosferatu, Tremere and Malk.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    Isewein wrote: »
    I agree. Effectively, we did not have more different clans in Bloodlines either. The only truly different ones gameplay-wise were Nosferatu, Tremere and Malk.

    As a Tremere, you can get an "unique" room on Chantry, but an Ventrue and an Toreador run is not that different...

    One question guys. Is possible to someone become an demon in WoD? I was reading the wikia and "Eventually, he ascended to demonhood. He still resides in Chorazin's ruins into the Modern Nights, awaiting supplicants with whom to share his wisdom."
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    So the last of the 5 clans is Malkavian, after all.
  • batoorbatoor Member Posts: 676
    edited May 2019
    Something about the voice acting makes me feel they're trying too hard.

    I'm really not sure about this game... it's what we all wanted back in the day, but it's a different time now.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    batoor wrote: »
    Something about the voice acting makes me feel they're trying too hard.

    I'm really not sure about this game... it's what we all wanted back in the day, but it's a different time now.

    I don't really hear it as being any more exaggerated than any other video game or cartoon. Anything you can't see the full expressions and body language has to be exaggerated, but well enunciated, voice acting, since the faces aren't as expressive and there's much less body language.
  • FrostHarui89FrostHarui89 Member Posts: 5
    I played the original on PC and I will play Bloodlines 2 on PS4.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    As long as Clan Malkavian is in it, everything is right in the world.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Unless I've misread something, it looks like Ganrel got passed over. That's a shame.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited June 2019

    Extended pre-alpha gameplay trailer is up, fresh from E3. :)

    Edit: swapped the short E3 trailer for the extended one.
    Post edited by Kamigoroshi on
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