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What kind of character would you do with this team?

Imoen: Thief (mage?)
Jaheira: Fighter Druid
Khalid: Fighter
Rasaad: Sun Soul Monk
Neera: Wild Mage


  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    edited April 2019
    Fighter / cleric would fit very well and I prefer dwarf to half-orc due to better saving throws. If you are going to dual Imoen to a mage then you will be without a thief for a while so a fighter / thief (again dwarf or half-orc) would work well to cover that gap. Neera is also one of the few that will romance a dwarf ? Also looking ahead, there is a lack of good aligned thieves from SoA onwards and thief HLAs are awesome ?
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited April 2019
    Firstly, I see you team doesn't have a dwarf, so that's a given. Now that we've established the race, then we look at class and see you don't have a cleric. Dwarfs make excellent clerics, and especially, fighter/clerics. The save bonus from dwarf and the very excellent saving throws from Fighter and Cleric progression will bring you to negative saving throws in BG1.

    So, I'll join the above choir and say F/C Dwarf.

    (edit: A gnome Fighter/Illusionist would also be cool, but why would anyone want to be a gnome when you can be a dwarf?)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    A bard. But in all fairness, I always play a bard.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Cleric/thief would be great, IMO.
  • AaezilAaezil Member Posts: 178
    Paladin or cleric/ranger(if you re-instate druid spells for them) or fighter/cleric
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    I'd replace Rasaad with Minsc and Khalid with Coran, personally. But if you're asking which CHARNAME would best complement the party you listed, I'd go with a half-elf ranger/cleric. Other solid choices would be a half-elf fighter/mage/cleric or a half-orc fighter/cleric.
  • DhariusDharius Member Posts: 665
    edited April 2019
    Yes, you have all bases covered already (a cleric would be nice to get their spells, but not essential) and a good front line of three warriors with Rasaad, Khalid and Jaheira, so the class of the main character doesn’t matter.

    For a challenge I’d choose a pure mage, pure cleric or pure thief :)
    Post edited by Dharius on
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    A lot of people recommending Fighter Multiclasses. Any special reason for that?
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    edited April 2019
    Because they are much stronger than single-classed warriors and also bring much-needed versatility. Those were my reasons, anyway.

    To elaborate on that, clerics have nice strength-increasing buffs and mages have incredible defensive buffs, but neither has the APR to put those buffs to great use in melee. Add fighter to the mix and you end up with a whole that is much greater than the sum of the parts.

    Same for thieves. They have the often-underappreciated ability to unleash backstabs but aren't in a great position afterward because they don't have the APR to handle any remaining foes. Add fighter to the mix and they'll be able to dish out enough damage to be a solid melee combatant.

    That's not to say you can't win the game with singleclass warriors -- you can. But if you're willing to devote a little bit more time to each battle, then FCs or FMs are stronger than singleclass fighters in nearly every respect that matters, in my view at least.
    Post edited by jsaving on
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    If I did a cleric/thief do you think the over-abundence of slings would be a problem?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Chronicler wrote: »
    A lot of people recommending Fighter Multiclasses. Any special reason for that?

    even though Chronicler has a potential 3 melee warrior group, jaheira and rasaad in all honesty aren't that great in melee, so having another fighter type around doesnt hurt

    but also with that being said, it doesn't need to be a full fighter since Chronicler does have all those warriors and jaheira is the only spell divine caster so a fighter cleric would really help round it out
    Chronicler wrote: »
    If I did a cleric/thief do you think the over-abundence of slings would be a problem?

    to be perfectly honest, not really

    imoen can still use a bow even if she is a mage ( or at least once her mage levels surpass her thief levels )

    and depending on what you are going to do with jaheira ( if she goes in to melee ) then it will just be neera and your holmes

    and in BG 1 EE there are 2 good slings ( the +3 sling, and the sling of something-er-rather accuracy +2 )

    hell even if everyone on your team was using slings except for rasaad and khalid, you should still be alright ( you could also give neera darts if you really wanted to as well, or even imoen, or even rasaad worse case )
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    To be clear, I always have every character proficient in at least one ranged and one melee weapon, so they can fight at any distance.

    In addition to the player character, who would have slings as their only ranged option, Neera, Jaheira, and Rasaad would have only slings and darts.

    Usually I play teams with diverse arrays of ranged weapons. Longbows and Shortbows and Crossbows and more.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Chronicler wrote: »
    If I did a cleric/thief do you think the over-abundence of slings would be a problem?

    No. You could still have Khalid and Imoen using bows - in a game where archery is so powerful that even Imoen can fill the role competently on her own. There are also some nifty sling bullets at High Hedge that provide elemental damage. Slings are pretty good.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I concur with most of the others; either go Fighter/Cleric or Cleric/Thief. Alternatively, you may also want to go pure Cleric since Cleric hits quite a big XP stumbling block around level 8, and multi-classing can further put 5th level spells out of your reach. (IIRC, only Druid can reach 6th level divine spells in BG1, even with SoD installed.)
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    Okay, so I've worked it out so in BG2 I'll have a diverse array of ranged weapons, and that's helping me feel better about this.

    In BG1 to a certain extent everybody's still in their formative stage. It's fine if it takes everybody some time to get where they're going.
  • NeverusedNeverused Member Posts: 803
    If you're still open to suggestions, a Bard of any stripe would be a nice addition, or possibly a Shaman. Bard has access to all weapons, can cast spells that absolutely must be cast (Wild mage screw-ups at crucial times suck), and can either buff the team with songs or Jester can mess up your opponent. Shaman just has a pretty solid jack-of-all-trades status, offering more healing and some area damage and save-or-else spells, while also being able to use a shortbow for the special arrows.
  • Very_BigSwordVery_BigSword Member Posts: 222
    Chronicler wrote: »
    To be clear, I always have every character proficient in at least one ranged and one melee weapon, so they can fight at any distance.

    In addition to the player character, who would have slings as their only ranged option, Neera, Jaheira, and Rasaad would have only slings and darts.

    Usually I play teams with diverse arrays of ranged weapons. Longbows and Shortbows and Crossbows and more.

    Consider also throwing daggers. 2 APR and strength bonus is a decent trade off for the inventory space they use at stack size 40, assuming no mods to enable higher stack amounts. You can purchase unlimited amounts from Thunderhammer and Nashkel carnival, or farm truckloads at high hedge.

    If you don't edit characters then Imoen has shortbow, Khalid has longbow and Jaheira has sling. Cleric multi will be sling of course. I would take darts with Neera and dagger with Rasaad (hint: Rasaad can drink fighter only potions incl giant strength, 2nd level wizard spell strength, Cleric spell strength of one is perfect for this party). Dagger can also be used as the melee weapon which is nice, esp dagger of venom and longtooth.

    If you don't mind some proficiency editing then Jaheira has any missile weapon except bows to choose from, same for Rasaad and Neera, Imoen any except longbow. Khalid anything and charname has slings.

    No reason to take sling unless you are a cleric or have high strength really. And even then daggers are better for non cleric due to APR.
  • ChroniclerChronicler Member Posts: 1,391
    Never tried using throwing daggers in BG1. There aren't any enchanted throwing daggers, are there? Wouldn't they become useless in major fights as you progress?
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Chronicler wrote: »
    Never tried using throwing daggers in BG1. There aren't any enchanted throwing daggers, are there? Wouldn't they become useless in major fights as you progress?

    only against baddies that require magical weapons to hit, and as far as i know that is only going to be; mustard jellies, flesh golems, and perhaps werewolves?

    if you play SoD, you can actually buy throwing daggers +1
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