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Android Modfile for BG:EE PLS (

TeclaTecla Member Posts: 12
I'm back to playing BG1 again on the latest update ?

If anyone's able to provide me with a mod pack, that'll be great. I'd like to have these mods...

BG1 NPC Project
- without portrait changes
- without starting locations changes

BG1 Unfinished Business
- all components

BG1 Romantic Encounters
- all components

- Make Protection from Normal Missiles affect some magical projectiles
- Reintroduce potions of extra-healing
- More realistic wolves and dogs
- Improved shapeshifting
- Make party members less likely to die irreversibly
- Allow BG1 NPC pairs to separate
- BG1 NPCs go to inns
- Skip the Candlekeep tutorial sections (2nd option)
- Move Boo out of quick access and into Minsc's pack
- Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads
- Remove blur effect from displacer cloak
- Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge
- Initialize AI
- Smarter general AI
- Better calls for help
- Improved Deployment for Parties of Assassins
- Relocated bounty hunters

Lefreut's enhanced UI 

Journal Fixes

Accessible Console Command Mod

Tweaks Anthology
- Weapon Animation Tweaks
- Fix Boo's Squeak
- Make Magic Shields Glow
- Use Character Colors Instead of Item Colors
- More Interjections
- Make Cloakwood Areas Available Before Completing the Bandit Camp 
- Add Bags of Holding
- Bottomless Bags of Holding
- Reveal City Maps
- Weapon Styles for All
- Change Experience Point Cap (remove completely)
- Wear Multiple Protection Items
- Lightning Bolts Don't Bounce
- Max HP at Level One
- Higher HP on Level Up (maximum)
- Remove Fatigue from Restoration Spells
- Sensible Entrance Points

- Chatty Imoen (without portrait change)
- Coran's BG Extended Friendship Talks
- Xan's Friendship Path
- Garrick's Infatuation
- White
- Gavin
- Drake
- Vynd
- Verr'Sza


  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Tecla, welcome back. No probs, I will see if I can get it done today but it is Easter and have some family plans. If not today, I will try for tomorrow.

    Happy Easter
  • TeclaTecla Member Posts: 12
    Thanks a lot @Gusinda

    I hope you have a good time! Happy Easter to you too ?
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    edited April 2019

    All done with some changes.

    No longer in SCS, installed from Tweaks Anthology.
    - Move Boo out of quick access and into Minsc's Pack
    - Stackable ankheg shells, winterwolf pelts and wyvern heads (this component is no longer a standalone, I installed it using Tweaks Anthology but is now part of Increase Jewelry, Gems and Miscellaneous component)
    - Remove blur effect from displacer cloak
    - Ensure Shar-Teel doesn't die in the original challenge
    - Make party members less likely to die irreversibly
    - Allow BG1 NPC pairs to separate
    - BG1 NPCs go to inns

    For these items, they are installed by default when installing Initialise AI:
    - Reintroduce potions of extra-healing
    - Make Protection from Normal Missiles affect some magical projectiles

    Lefreut's enhanced UI - wasn't sure which skin you wanted so I took a chance at the BG1EE skin.

    There is a known fault when using SCS RC10 and Lefreut's enhanced UI, so I used SCS RC9 which also has a UI fault but is fixable. I moved the fine tuning button up to a blank area which will allow you to access the difficulty sliding bar.

    Unfortunately the size of the modfile is too large for Beamdog (have a max of 50MB and teh modfile is 128MB), so I have uploaded it to Zippyshare. I think there is 30 days before it is deleted but I will keep the modfile on my system until 2.6 has been released. Then there would be a new requirement to reinstall the mods anyway...

    Attached here is the WeiDU.log and the main file is: Edit - See below for updated files

    To install, unpack the file into:
    where will sit in the same folder as baldur.lua and the override folder is unpacked and sitting off the Files folder (ie: Files/override).

    If you have any problems, just let me know. I did a quick test just to see if the UI was all fine and the Console access worked.


    Edit: Updated files below
    Post edited by Gusinda on
  • TeclaTecla Member Posts: 12
    edited April 2019
    @Gusinda thank you for the file. I just tested it out and I'm having a small issue with the tutorial skip component on SCS. The app crashes whenever the guard tries to talk with my character. I'll try to see if it's another mod conflicting with this or something.

    Edit: Yeah it's definitely just that component. I have to avoid talking to the guard or letting him talk to me to not crash the game. Is it possible to remove it?
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    edited April 2019
    @Tecla, give this a go. The 'Skip Candlekeep' component has been removed. the files are attached or linked here. I will delete the ones above just to keep it all a bit clean.

    Main file: Edit: Update below
    WeiDU.log attached


    Edit: Update below
    Post edited by Gusinda on
  • TeclaTecla Member Posts: 12
    @Gusinda dang... looks like the game just crashes every time I try to talk with an NPC. Not sure what's going on since I thought it was the Skip Candlekeep component ?
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Tecla, I think I have found the problem. It seems to be either 'Lefreut's enhanced UI' or a mod that is conflicting with it. Whenever the dialog box changes to something else such as when it is going to an NPC dialog script, it crashes. Though it might have just been the fonts but when I took those out, the problem remained. Lefruet doesn't have an Android device (that I am aware of), so I will see if I can find the exact prob when time permits.

    I removed the Enhanced UI, and took the liberty of replacing it with the EEUITweaks mod, components are mostly the improvements (like Journal, spellbook) of what Lefruet has in his UI Mod plus some others. It seems to work okay in the limited testing I did. I also added some other 'features' with the mod, but have a look and see if you like them or not. If not, I can remove them; they are noticeable (like transparent sidebars etc), so shouldn't take long to evaluate. I also added back in the Skip Candlekeep component of SCS.

    Main File:
    WeiDU.log attached.

    If you have other problems, let me know.
  • TeclaTecla Member Posts: 12
    @Gusinda omg thank you so much!!! It's finally working without any crashes. Looks like it was the UI after all... nonetheless I appreciate your help on this. I like the new features you added in and they seem to work pretty well so far.

    Thanks again ??
  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 357
    @Gusinda I did everything here, but I keep getting invalid text strings when people talk. The file is still zipped. Am I supposed to unzip it? This seems like the perfect mod I'm looking for.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Allanon81, no, keep the packaged.

    If you are getting invalid strings, it will be the dialog.tlk.

    My initial thoughts are that you might be playing with other mods installed. In the first instance, rename any previous override folder and make sure there isn't any other .zip in the folder other than (this includes the package downloaded, it should be stored in another area and unpacked into the Files folder). This would confuse the game. Also make sure you don't have any 'lang' folder hanging off Files (ie: /Files/lang).

  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 357
    @Gusinda No, I took the old override out first and then put this one. I just upgraded to My other posts were based on me using 1.3. So that was where my trouble lay. In 1.3 I was able to decompress the patch.obb file and insert the new dialog.tlk and dialogf.tlk files and only had trouble with it crashing in certain areas. And that was with the previous mod you gave me. So now I upgraded to and uncompressed the patch.obb, inserted this posts mod recompressed with no compression, (all this using my phone, Total Commander and RAR apps) went into the patch.obb file to delete some language files I'll never use, then further erased parts of a file in order to bring the patch.obb file to the exact size as the original unmodded patch.obb. Booted up and everything was perfect except when spells are cast it crashes. Is there another mod just like this without any spells being modified that you can give me with SCS implemented as well? I'll give this another shot, maybe I messed up somewhere. So I guess there is no need to pack the dialog files into the patch.obb?
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Allanon81, there is no need to touch the .obbs any more. That is only as a last resort and only with BG2EE (if requried) because it is still the previous version. And yes, trying this modfile on the 1.3 version wouldn't work because the dialog.tlk is specifically for

    All that needs to be done to use this is to unpack the modfile into the Files folder. This is after making sure no other mods are installed first of course (but it looks like you are fine there). You should end up with:

    Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/override (folder unpacked)
    Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/baldur.lua (file which should already be there)
    Android/data/com.beamdog.baldursgateenhancededition/files/ (file - do NOT unpack or repack)
    and any other folders you may have like portraits etc.

    After that it should be a case of just playing. You are likely required to start new games as you older ones may not work.

  • Allanon81Allanon81 Member Posts: 357
    edited May 2019
    @Gusinda I did everything right, getting invalids. The file is in files folder, with override, etc. I guess I'll try fiddling with the patch.obb file.
  • TeclaTecla Member Posts: 12
    @Gusinda hey, the mod pack link expired. Just got a new device and wanted to play some BG, is it possible if you could reupload the file for a bit? :)
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @Tecla, sure no probs...

    Link: (Zippyshare - I am guessing here that you are having no problems with the popups; if so let me know)

    Attached is the WeiDU.log

    Also let me know if you are getting the invalids.

  • cinnabunnicinnabunni Member Posts: 3
    @Gusinda Hi there, I know this discussion is a bit old, but would you be able to reupload the mod pack link? Many of the modding features here I would like to include in my own game ^^
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @cinnabunni, and welcome to the forum.

    No probs about uploading the file. I will rebuild it so that it contains the latest mod versions. Is there anything else you would like added or removed before I rebuild?

    Merry Christmas
  • cinnabunnicinnabunni Member Posts: 3
    Hi @gusinda. Thank you for your quick response! I would like to keep everything in the modlist the same... Except, would you be able to remove the Gavin mod and replace him with Isra instead? As well, could the animal companion mod and bp series be added? Thanks again and Merry Christmas ^^
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @cinnabunni, have finished the requested modfile with the changes.


    Attached is the WeiDU.log for content.

    To install:
    - Remove any previous modfiles
    - Copy to (no requirement to unpack):
    - Play

    Hopefully all plays as expected with no errors, tested on Note8 but didn't go too far. If you get any errors, let me know and I will see if I can fix.

    Just a note about BP Series. As you might be aware, it hasn't been updated for several years with the last being to make it compatible with EE which at that stage was v2.3.x.x. Hopefully the scripts run properly but I haven't tested them here. I haven't used them previously so I wouldn't know what any problems may have been... You might be more familiar with them. If so, could you let me know if they work as the should (for future modfiles)?

    Enjoy and Merry Christmas
  • TeclaTecla Member Posts: 12
    Aye nice to see the thread revived hahahaha. Hopefully the BP mod works well in the game.

    Merry Christmas Gus and Cinnabunni ?⛄
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Bit late but I hope you also enjoyed your XMas @Telca

  • streiferstreifer Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2021

    Any chance this will work for bg2ee also? Just bought both bgee and bg2ee on appstore 50% sale lol playing it on my tablet, also any mod for edwins amulet... i want it on my neutral good(its true neutral though... just want my cute dragon) sorc male and my other play thats a female version of edwin lol(yes im a caster user in all games i play), ill be using this mod also gonna replay bgee no lv cap woot! Btw is SOD a wort buy? A lot seem to be saying no -.-

    Thanks in advance either way :wink:
    Post edited by streifer on
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @streifer, and welcome to the forum. The attached mod in this thread doesn't work for BG2 but there are many others in the BG2 and general modding discussion groups. Each modfile made is for a specific version of the game as well. It can all be read in the modfile name.

    As an example, the last one here for @cinnabunni

    The game is BG1 and the only version is will work with is in English. Once the next version is released, this modfile will no longer work. This is all because of the dialog.tlk being used.

    If none of the ones for BG2 suit your needs, then I am happy to create another to meet them. Just need to know what mods and components you would like installed...

    If you want to use Edwin's Amulet, then grab the attached file and unpack it into your override folder. If you don't have an override folder, then just create it in:


    and place them in there. There should be no problems if you also have one of the modfiles in use. I put this together but haven't tested it, so if it doesn't work let me know and I will redo. This should allow you to use most (not sure what I might have missed) of the NPC only items. If there is something else, also let me know so I can include it.

    For SoD, I have only played the game once due to time available, but for me, it is an Infinity Engine game so well worth it. When I played, it was great fun, new and challenging (for me however, that wouldn't be too hard :smile: ). Will be definitely be playing it again though.

    Happy Gaming

  • streiferstreifer Member Posts: 6

    Thanks, ill go read there then, does this use npc item for bg1ee only?
  • cinnabunnicinnabunni Member Posts: 3
    Hi @Gusinda , thank you so much for your hard work! I played through the mod list and it's going great so far. The Bg Series works quite well for me. Although, in order to get the mods to work on my phone (One Plus 5), I did have to make a few changes. To keep it short, I had to zip and central fix a couple of the files. Also I found the journal fixes did not work with the mobile console commands, so I added a few custom lines to the UI menu and readded it to my overdrive folder. Everything worked like a dream after that.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    HI @cinnabunni, thanks for the feedback. Not sure why you have needed to centralfix the files. Did you unpack on your device? If so, then that could have been the problem. This modfile was created to just put into place without unpacking.

    Not that it matters. If it is working, then all is gooood.

    Happy gaming
  • streiferstreifer Member Posts: 6
    @Gusinda hi restarted my game wasnt too happy with my sorc spell so back to bg1, ive use this file and cant seem to find the console buttom for Accessible Console Command mod, also the first guard that talk to me has invalid dialog so is a female char with yellow robes near the door to the inn.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @streifer, for the Console Command, just long press on the Skull (Return to Game) at the top left hand corner of the game screen.

    With the invalids, how was the modfile installed (and which one). If it was the latest one for cinnabunni, then it only needs to be copied to the folder and not unpacked. Unpacking will generate invalid errors. You also need to make sure that there are no other modfiles in the folder. If you have any override folder with other mods in it, then rename it for the moment to test the modfile.

    If it was the one for Telca, then that requires unpacking, but you would still need to clear out any other mods/modfiles that had been used previously.

    Hope that helps
  • streiferstreifer Member Posts: 6
    edited January 2021
    @Gusinda seem my char is bug must be cause i made it with 2 override folder for all item use mod works now with char made without another override, btw the unlock exp scare me a bit still dong have sod but will get it, whats the safe level here that it wont mess my char in bg2ee or sod? Also sod i a solo app right? It wont merge with my bgee? Also bought planescapea few weeks back 50% off too so... hope sod and icewindale will go 50 too lolz
  • streiferstreifer Member Posts: 6
    @Gusinda Weird when use my test chat with the name trst yeah miss spel lol the dialog with the guard work and so with alex if its with my Sorc Mathias or even the default char addel its invalid. Im using the zip i didnt unpack it
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