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Android Modfile for BG:EE PLS (



  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @streifer, are you using a saved game with Mathias or are you creating him from scratch? It should work with the other override folder if it is only the 'all item use' as there shouldn't be a conflict but it is always good to test without just to make sure.

    It may be that it needs a repack. Having a problem with a crashing IWDEE modfile so will check this at the same time.

    Would you be able to upload a saved game where it has the invalids?

  • MaleficMalefic Member Posts: 1
    edited May 2021
    @Gusinda can you add increase movement speed while outside of combat? My game crashes when gorion fights saverok.
    Post edited by Malefic on
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Malefic, firstly, welcome to the forum. Secondly, sorry about not answering sooner, but I have been away from home.

    Which modfile is the prob? There are a couple in this thread. I can add the increased movement no probs; how fast would you like (it is from Tweaks Anthology and there are 3 speeds) 50, 100, or 150 % faster?

    Happy Gaming
  • Caelan25Caelan25 Member Posts: 11
    Hi @Gusinda ! I tried to download the one you uploaded for cinnabunni. I got crash with my encounter with sarevok when his mage companion uses a spell.

    I extracted the files and it work fine now but the problem i am having are the invalid text from certain NPC's.

    The first two ones which i met in candlekeep and next is Imoen who keeps on talking but i can't understand what she was saying since all is invalid text.

    If you can help me fix it, i will be grateful.

    My game current version is android
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