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Cannot start the game...?

When I start Baldur's gate 2, I get this message:


Since when do I have to log on to verify my user? I've bought the game... :smiley:


  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    Also, I cannot click either the "Forums" or the "Forgot my password"... Nothing seems to work.
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    I am very positive that my e-mail and password are correct (it works for BG1 but not BG2).

    Now I got this message:

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,739
    Please use the new Beamdog Client.
  • MWOMWO Member Posts: 214
    In what way will this disturb my current game with all it mods?!
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,915
    @MWO, it wont fix your password woes, but you should be able to bypass the client and start the game directly from the game folder double clicking on baldur.exe.

    If you want to fix the prob (and who wouldn't) but concerned about your mod setup, you can copy the entire game folder into another area on your HDD and continue to play the game from there, while using the initial install to fault find the client problem.

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