Current list of BG1 EE compatible mods?
in BGII:EE Mods
Does anyone have a current list of old BG1 mods that are updated to run in EE?
There were so many fun mods out there back in the day, before EE. I really enjoyed tricking the game out with them like a finely tuned custom hotrod. EE is great but I miss those mods, and just don't remember where to look anymore to find them to see if they've been rewritten for EE.
There were so many fun mods out there back in the day, before EE. I really enjoyed tricking the game out with them like a finely tuned custom hotrod. EE is great but I miss those mods, and just don't remember where to look anymore to find them to see if they've been rewritten for EE.
One old mod for BG1 I would remember is NTotSC?
NTotSC sounds familiar but I'm not remembering what the N stands for...
Sword Coast Stratagems
Dark Side of the Sword Coast (did they ever get a real BG2 dragon in there?)
Wild Mage Additions
There was a quest mod I can't recall the name of that has a really difficult battle at the Friendly Arm Inn where the big bad says "now the fun begins" right before it starts (voiced by someone with a German accent? maybe I have that wrong but somewhere in Europe).
And there was a giant quest mod that added a lot of original new side quests... Big Picture?...
Thank you!
The questmod at the FAI is The Grey Clan, I think:
This is an official version, and as soon as there are enough bug reports, it can replace the official download (so please everyone, play this mod!