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Neverwinter Nights Minimal Reload, (or just report your run for fun), Thread (spoilers)



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    if you play NWN EE on steam, and press f12 for a screenshot ( unless you have it set to something else ) they will automatically save as jpegs
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    I'm using Snapper, it saves as JPG, too.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    @Arvia no worries! I’ll learn how that is done and will do so going forward. Thank you for the information. I’ll brush up and commence forthwith.

    Yeah, I agree on the portrait! The bearded fella with leather armor would have also fit for a Sigurd, had I gone the barbarian route. Alas, plate in the current portrait fits a paladin better, hence opting for this one. Cheers, be well! Hopefully, have a quiet shift.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @EnialusMeliamne , You keep using the term "MAD build". I'm sorry, but I don't know what that means. Could you please define it? Thanks.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    For GOG users I think the Screenshot is F12 also, I'll try it when I get home.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2019
    I’m on the Beamdog client. I’ll see if I can figure out if there is any difference. Either way, I’ll fix it, or barring that, just stop posting screenshots. I’m fairly confident I can work out the tech side.
    Post edited by EnialusMeliamne on
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited July 2019
    In HOTU chapter 2 you can find some pretty unique gear and possibly a set belonging to a certain someone from the OC and left down there, who it belonged to and where they are well search around and check those stores.

    Did you go to the Makers island?
    Post edited by Cerabelus on
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2019
    @BelgarathMTH, great progress! I'm already dreading those fights, the Manticore looks scary. And I hate riddles and puzzles in a game, at least in a minimal reload. Especially if I'm playing for the first time and really have to think instead of just knowing things like "the prince is 30 and the princess is 40".
    Hm. I understand that Beamdog won't develop or upgrade more single player content, but I consider it a pretty severe bug if your only available rogue companion can't be used, with all the traps and locks. That's not fair. Not everyone who buys these games is interested in multiplayer or POW, although I know it's the majority.

    @EnialusMeliamne, I understand and respect your desire to turn down rewards, but I don't recommend it, unless it's one of the few occasions where we have to do something that we're not happy with.
    You're going to need healing supplies, potions, and good equipment, and the "no stealing, no looting unless among enemies" policy already limits our income. There are some really expensive but important items that you probably won't be able to afford if you don't accept rewards. If it's about paladin ethos, I'd say it's my duty to be well equipped, well armed and armored, because the city of Neverwinter and every life in it depend on my success.

    That said, you have my highest respect if you try to do this under a vow of poverty, but it's going to be hard.
    Post edited by Arvia on
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    Cerabelus wrote: »
    For GOG users I think the Screenshot is F12 also, I'll try it when I get home.

    yeah it's F12 for GOG, it saved to Documents\GOG Galaxy\Screenshots\Neverwinter Nights Enhanced Edition as a PNG file??? never heard of it.


    It's been awhile since I've played NWN but apparently i was last playing a Cleric named Alexia, i don't remember that.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    just finished HotU actually, makers island was the second place i visited out of the 5

    so progress of chapter 3:

    found some cewl looking armor, and thankfully my alignment matches it to boot:

    for this armor alone, this is half the reason why i play evil runs, the other half; level ups


    oh, we have a new recorded record for critical hit damage:

    and then, this is probably my most favourite/best fight in HotU

    the amount of items you get from this fight is absolutely ludicrous


    and then we break out critical hit record for the last time, not too shabby for a one handed weapon eh?

    and then we finally reach the finale of chapter 3, but before we battle the last boss, here be a look of all the stats i could achieve:

    some of these might look like duplicates but its actually show more of my special immunities and such


    and then some final screenshots of the final battle, and this is a big time spoiler, because it shows who the last boss is, but these screen shots show more of a "oh burn, sucks to be you buddy" sort of thing hahaha

    ah, natural 1s, it goes both ways


    and that is it campaign done, and then a bunch of epilogue stuff which is actually pretty neat, although it wasn't completely accurate claiming that my guy was such a great hero and such, too bad they didn't write anything for evil characters but oh well

    now perhaps i might start working on that module i was working on before, or maybe i will just creep this forum for a bit and take a break, i think in the last 2 weeks i've played NWN for about 100 hours, so we shall see what is next...
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited July 2019

    hmm those stats are slightly intimidating and perhaps put Thor to shame?, I think we shouldn't ever be on the wrong side of your Hammering.

    I wonder if my Wizard could give you a Finger of Death before you caved in his skull, I wont try it.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Cerabelus wrote: »

    hmm those stats are slightly intimidating and perhaps put Thor to shame?, I think we shouldn't ever be on the wrong side of your Hammering.

    I wonder if my Wizard could give you a Finger of Death before you caved in his skull, I wont try it.
    i have a belt in one of them bags that makes me immune to death magic :)

    plus i believe i had 12 ranks in spell craft so i get a +2 bonus to all saves vs spells :)

  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2019
    Congrats @sarevok57! Dude, your toon is a freaking beast. I’ve never beaten HOTU, but I’m really looking forward to when I get there now. AC in the 60s?! YES, PLEASE! I think my paladin for SOU will add some levels of monk.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Oops, I actually made level seven in that last post, not level six. @sarevok57 , Thanks for catching the error. Congratulations on your finished run. It looks like you had a lot of fun.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Congrats @sarevok57! Dude, your toon is a freaking beast. I’ve never beaten HOTU, but I’m really looking forward to when I get there now. AC in the 60s?! YES, PLEASE! I think my paladin for SOU will add some levels of monk.

    i actually could have hit almost 70, there was a ring of protection +9 that i could have bought, but i kept my ring of resistance +3 instead, because i was still wearing a clock of deflection +5

    and if you add monk levels to your paladin i add them at levels; 2,7,12,17,22,27

    the reason being is that if you are a human with 10 INT you will have 5 skill points, so then i dump all those skill points into tumble, and for every 5 ranks you have in tumble you get a +1 to AC, and since at those levels i mentioned above thats where the ranks are at 5,10,15,20 ect

    plus just even taking 1 level of monk is amazing because you get:

    +2 to all saves

    all for free, its a pretty good deal, you dont get BAB for that first level, but what you get in return i think more than makes up for it
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2019
    Thanks much for the suggestion! I'll be consulting that very post when that time comes. For today's entry, thus far anyway, I'll post the following for humor's sake, copied straight from the journal notes area for my character (edit: for those of you wondering, you can find this information in the localvault folder):

    Tomi Respawns - 7
    Sigurd of Tyr Respawns - 3

    Tomi Respawn - Prison gang up surrounded
    Tomi Respawn - Kurdan Fenkt on a 40 damage critical
    1 Sigurd of Tyr Respawn - Luxor
    Tomi Respawn Twice - Luxor
    Tomi Respawn Swords of Never
    Tomi Respawn Meldanen Apprentice
    2nd Sigurd of Tyr Respawn - Meldanen Apprentice
    3rd Sigurd of Tyr Respawn - trapped chest that my useless @$$ rogue companion couldn't see. In the name of Tyr, Why DO I EVEN PAY YOU!?!
    Tomi Respawn - Bloodsailor house

    Recruited Linu to replace Tomi, whose checkered past I could not abide.

    Linu Respawn - Bloodsailer Lieutenant

    Come back to Blacklake District with Tomi at a later level for trap. Also, to get the Tomb of Never item. Swords are rough there.

    Come back to the Blacklake District at a later level for apprentice and wizard combat. Magic is rough there.

    EDIT: Updated journal totals and entries. I think I'm going to put this play of the OC on hold for a few days. I'm beyond annoyed at the game, again, which utterly defeats the purpose of playing it. I'm finding the lack of AC for the companions to be a real problem (Just like I did in the past). If they draw any sort of aggro, and they do (OFTEN), they end up getting beaten by the multiple attacks stick. I don't use taunt on my paladin, so it's definitely a recurring issue.

    I think SOU is calling me again. At least there, I can update Dorna's AC (Does anyone use the barbarian sorcerer, ever? *Crickets*.

    Post edited by EnialusMeliamne on
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @EnialusMeliamne , I don't know if you would consider it cheating, but I dumped Tomi before entering the Tomb of Never, took a Potion of Invisibility, walked in, took the item, walked out and picked up Tomi again. I don't know if it's possible to beat the swords without tons of respawns. I've found that solution in another discussion, because as a paladin of Tyr I really wanted to complete the quest for Oleff.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2019
    Thanks, @Arvia! Good suggestion, and likely one I will follow when I pick this playthrough up again. I did that quest many years ago during one of my many failed attempts to stay engaged with the OC (Of which I'm feeling the compulsion to put it on hiatus once again), and also found it rewarding. It seems very much like a paladin-y thing to complete.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Arvia wrote: »
    @EnialusMeliamne , I don't know if you would consider it cheating, but I dumped Tomi before entering the Tomb of Never, took a Potion of Invisibility, walked in, took the item, walked out and picked up Tomi again. I don't know if it's possible to beat the swords without tons of respawns. I've found that solution in another discussion, because as a paladin of Tyr I really wanted to complete the quest for Oleff.

    there is a bit of a caveat to this fight to make it so its not "so insane" but it requires some somewhat fast acting though:

    so first obviously, before you go down, do all your necessary buffing, keep plenty of those potions of speed handy ( if you can )

    then the nano second you arrive in the area where the swords are, pause the game ( sometimes it lets you right away, sometimes it doesn't, kind of dumb )

    but if it lets you right away, this will help you get better positioning by.... running away like sir robin

    and where you run to, is the back corner of the room ( behind the stairs where you came from ) if done correctly, only one or two of the swords will come after you so now the fight is a little bit more feasible, and once you take out the one or two swords, you can slowly lure the other ones one by one,

    or if the above doesnt work, your handy dandy henchman will easily make the swords go aggro, especially if your henchman is set to melee, they will gleefully go running to their doom while you run in the opposite direction so then again, you can slowly lure them in to you so then you dont have to fight all 4 at once, sucks for the henchman, but hey, stupid is, is stupid does i suppose, good thing we have absolutely no control over our henchmen, because you know, they might actually survive a bit better......

    also AC wise, the evil dwarven monk actually has some decent AC, but he's evil, so no doubt that will be an easy pass for paladin play throughs
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    Companions in the OC are umm how do I put it...less than good.

    If we had Inventory control we could give them some better stuff and maybe a better chance of survival but I'd really like to have full party control in future content, if they bother making any.

    I gave up on them years ago and prefer my Wizard's Pixie Familiar for locks and traps.

    I like Deekin from SOU and HOTU.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    yeah, don't know if full party control ( like BG style ) is even possible with the NWN engine, but even if it was like NWN 2 that would be a huge improvement

    but also with that being said, that means the AI of enemies would have to be cranked up as well because they also join the derp a derp train with henchmen on how good their AI is

    so if we had smarter henchmen, then we would need smarter baddies

    playing NWN almost feels like that episode of reboot when enzo made it inside the super computer and asked to be better than everyone else, so instead of making him better, the super computer just made everyone else worse, by under clocking everyone and lowering the RES, now i know how enzo felt haha
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    Yeah the AI would need to be given an "Enhanced Edition" maybe things like Teamwork, having Martial types hold the front line, Clerics supporting, Mages spelling, Bards doing stuff, Rogues shiving.
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