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Neverwinter Nights Minimal Reload, (or just report your run for fun), Thread (spoilers)



  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2019
    Sigurd went the way of the dustbin of history, like all other characters I've tried in the OC before his. The cool stuff in the story just kept getting overridden by the sheer annoyance of the AI and other things about the OC that drive me batty. I'd finally had enough, wiped all saves. You guys have the patience that I clearly lack LOL! I think I'll stick to reading your accounts while starting my own SOU/HOTU run. Be well.

    @Arvia, thanks for the tip on Snapper. I've added to my machine, and love the convenience of not having to do a conversion of file types via website uploads. Thank you for teaching me about an extremely useful tool.
    Post edited by EnialusMeliamne on
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    sarevok57 wrote: »
    2 basilisks? every time i go there, there is at least 8 or so in there regardless of what level i am

    I saw two just inside the door. I took a picture of them. There was no way I was sticking around to get a total count. I think that would be suicide. (I don't reload over and over and save scum until I slowly make all the saves against all the petrifications, remember. I think that's cheating.)

    you might not have a choice
    at the end of chapter 2 there are 4 groups of x4 medusas in the one map, now i guess you don't have to fight them? i don't remember despite the fact this was basically last week, so either you are going to have to use ranged weapons, or risk going into melee, or do the brave thing by running away

    even with my OP level 20 guy i had to reload 3 times, just because i rolled a 1 on my fort save despite the fact i had a +23 bonus against DC 13, thats just the way she goes
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    Continuing on in Chapter Two:

    The first mission is to destroy (or possibly deactivate) 10 shield golems. Only the divine damage on my Holy Avenger was getting through 10 DR, and I'm not sure what was needed if I hadn't had that. Dorna couldn't scratch them. I think it's supposed to be blunt weapons, but Dorna's flail couldn't go through the DR. I noticed it said "piercing/crushing" on the flail, so I suspect the game was computing it as all piercing damage, despite what the flail said. I never got a chance to try a pure crushing weapon, because I was able to (slowly) beat them with the divine damage on my sword, and gold for healer's kits is in short supply.

    The frustrating thing was that beating all 10 of them was exorbitantly expensive in healer's kit costs, and the guy only has +10 kits at a very unfavorable price of over 500 gold each.

    The only really threatening battle was this place where I had to fight two at once:

    There was one "friendly" golem who told us his master's body had a ring that would pacify the golems. However, he said he loved his master, and he forbade us to disturb his master's resting place. I just didn't feel right to attack the poor thing and desecrate his master's remains, so I left that room alone undisturbed.

    After destroying all ten golems, we made level 10. I got a new second level spell slot. I haven't posted my gear in a while. I'm using a mirror shield that was the same AC but lighter than my paladin tower shield, a Ring of Protection +2, an Amulet of Natural Armor +3, and Bracers of Armor +2. AC is up to 32. We also found some crystals that would cast Light, Searing Light, Blindness, and True Sight, if I ever remember to use them. I'm also holding on to a necklace of Fireballs, in case I need some long distance fire power for something.

    After being given permission by our "slavemaster", we started exploring the ruins, and went to the eastern fragment "Great Library" first. Here, after defeating many demons, we were pulled into some kind of magic
    storybook. I thought this was going to be my first reload, but with Torm's help and some quick thinking and acting, we pulled through somehow. I don't think respawn is even possible in this chapter. How are we going to do this? First thing that happened - I'm surrounded and stunned. I thought it was over, right then.

    Debuffed but still standing. OMG, there's a devil back there.

    Stunned again. Is this the bitter end? Look at Dorna's hit points! I can do nothing.

    Nope, it wore off just in time. I kept frantically healing myself and Dorna, too. Somehow, we're both still standing, but I'm beginning to worry about my healing supplies lasting. I threw Dorna one of my 4 precious Potions of Heal. She managed to drink it without being finished off, by some miracle.

    Sigh. Dazed. I'm concentrating on all the priestesses first, and there's a "matron mother" in there throwing Flame Strikes and a lot of nasty debuffing and negative energy spells. The devil is dangerous, but I think all those spells flying around are the greater danger. How these priestesses could possibly be "neutral", such that my Protection from Evil isn't working against their mind spells, I do not know. I forgot to check and see if I had any Potions of Clarity on me.

    The matron mother goes down, thank Torm!

    Now it's just us and the big guy. Without his pet priestesses, he's not that tough.

    We captured the matron mother's green light saber. Boy, would I ever have been excited to have that if I weren't playing a paladin with the Holy Avenger! I thought it would have to be sold (what a waste!), but I checked Dorna, and she could use it! I'm not sure when she picked up martial weapons proficiency, or if maybe longsword is a rogue weapon and I didn't know that, but heck yes! Dorna's gear setup now makes her look like she's just joined the Green Lantern Corps. "No evil shall escape our sight!"

    So, the maiden we were supposed to rescue was already sacrificed to summon the devil, but we found a magic pen and another magic book. We'll be having to rewrite this story, and I think we'll be having to replay this battle again. Sigh. I'll let y'all know how it goes the second time, later. "Once more, from the top..."

    Reloads: 0 (Wouldn't it be cool if I could actually finish this as a no-reload, unless @sarevok57 's medusas get me. I don't hold out much hope. Every combat left in the game at this point is absolutely crazy hard.)
    Level: 10
    Dorna Deaths: 1 (J'Nah)
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited July 2019
    Darn it! I shouldn't have jinxed it. Reload number one against the Wise Wind.

    When I rewrote the story about the sacrificial maiden and the evil priestesses, I didn't have to fight again. Apparently, I rewrote it such that her "Prince Charming", who was lame, blind, and helpless in the first version, was able to single-handedly kill all the priestesses and the devil to save his true love before we even got back there. Okay, good.

    This reminded me of the excellent show "Once Upon A Time", where the female hero Emma Swan's (the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming) son Henry became the Author who could write any fairy tale story into reality. For anyone who loves D&D style fantasy who hasn't seen the show, I highly recommend it for excellent binge watching.

    Okay, the Wise Wind. I tried it first with the desert setting. (You have a choice of four environmental settings.) Since its main attacks are lightning-based, I thought maybe being in the desert would weaken it. It did not. I'm not sure how much or if your choice of environments influences how this goes.

    It is completely invulnerable for a time while it teleports around invisibly and casts Time Stop, Stoneskin, and a myriad of god knows what buffs that make it invulnerable for a long, long time. I tried True Sight, and that didn't do anything. Nothing I had would get through. Not the Holy Avenger, not Searing Light from the gem, and none of the spells from the wizard ally, either.

    The thing finally caught me in a tornadic downdraft of some sort that caused stun and lightning, and it was able to cast it over and over, at least four times. I stood no chance because of the stun effect.

    Okay, round two. This time I tried the "stormy treasure island" setting. I looked it all up online, because I really didn't want to bang my head against the wall and stack reloads, and the most helpful piece of advice I could find said you could retreat from this encounter through a lightning door, which I thought was a barrier to retreat, but no, it's an actual retreat.

    I drank a Potion of Clarity, and that seemed to protect me when it started casting its Tornadic Downdraft kill sequences. Every cast of whatever horrible spell that was took me down to Badly Injured. I used two of my three remaining Potions of Heal. The Potion of Clarity was going to wear off. Dorna was already dead. I said, "Okay, I'm out of here."

    I went back through the portal to the library to rest, removing Dorna's corpse from my party. I was worried I'd never get her back, but I was able to heal her, and talk to her to bring her back at the end.

    This was really weird. It kept casting Stoneskins over and over, and I couldn't hurt it still. But the wizard ally was somehow hurting it. The wizard went down to Near Death, and I tried to heal him a couple of times, but I couldn't keep up with the damage, not even close. I was going to run out of supplies again. I tried some acid arrows that I had, and that didn't help.

    This part is weird - the wizard ran out of spells, and started fighting with his staff. He just stayed at Near Death. It looks like he may be protected from ever dying, but I don't know. I tried several times and still couldn't do any damage. I had already kind of given up, so I didn't notice until the end that it did have a countdown on its DR up, so that must have been another Stoneskin. But the wizard beat the thing to death with nothing but his staff, or maybe his elemental summons did it.

    I have no idea why that worked, but I'm not complaining. I'm just relieved it's over.

    So, I made Level 11, after.

    In Hell where we first found the wizard ally being tormented by succubi, one of them dropped this, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

    Dorna died two more times. Once was to our wizard ally's Evard's Black Tentacles in Hell. I tried to order her back out of that, but she wouldn't respond. Since the wizard was blue and we were trying to help him, I don't think his EBT should have been hostile, but they were. Sigh.

    Then she died almost immediately the second time we fought the Wise Wind.

    Level: 11
    Reloads: 1 (the Wise Wind)
    Dorna Deaths: 3 (J'Nah, Karsus' Tentacles, the Wise Wind)

    EDIT: When I went back in the game just now, it had erased my blue Nymph Cloak +5, as well as a Winter Cloak I had in my inventory, for some strange reason. I have no idea what happened there. I think there's a save game bug that sometimes reverts your gear back to a previous save state. Rats.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    @BelgarathMTH, you're the originator of this thread, so I ask for your permission on something if you would be so inclined (All others, please feel free to chime in too). I'm going to return to NWN2, which is, in my opinion, a better experience. I've completed the OC of NWN2 several times, and MOTB a handful of times. I'm not here for those though, since this thread started out with that, and I'm afraid I'd get stagnant with those anyway. No, what I'm asking for is permission to post NWN2 modules interjections through this thread. I intend to return to one of the greatest role-play experiences I've played in a game, and it's one I've mentioned before. I'm referring to The Maimed God's Saga. All this talk of Tyr in this thread has me hankering for it again, and I'm going to start the toon in another module leading up to that, but first...this permission request.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited July 2019
    Just one last thing you needed to do.

    @Cerabelus , The orb wanted some kind of protective spell cast on it to activate it. I tried Endure Elements and Protection from Evil, and neither one of those seemed to work, so I just figured I didn't have access to whatever spell as a paladin and left it alone.
    3 targeted buffs on the Orb creates a Spellstaff:
    Spell Sequencer (with the 3 spells you cast on it) 1 use per day.

    Just equip than activate one per day and all 3 spells trigger.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    Arvia wrote: »
    @Cerabelus , I knew about the Barkskin, but I wouldn't steal Mischa's sword. Besides, I don't like two-handed weapons.

    It would be nice if Mischa was an available companion than she could give you permission, although if memory serves she's doesn't lock the chest in her room so maybe she knew I needed it lol.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    EDIT: When I went back in the game just now, it had erased my blue Nymph Cloak +5, as well as a Winter Cloak I had in my inventory, for some strange reason. I have no idea what happened there. I think there's a save game bug that sometimes reverts your gear back to a previous save state. Rats.

    Is there something different with your copy of NWN? That's a second bug you've experienced but I never have.

    If I was playing a Pally or Sorcerer and lost that cloak... I'd be more than a little upset.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    Darn it! I shouldn't have jinxed it. Reload number one against the Wise Wind.

    When I rewrote the story about the sacrificial maiden and the evil priestesses, I didn't have to fight again. Apparently, I rewrote it such that her "Prince Charming", who was lame, blind, and helpless in the first version, was able to single-handedly kill all the priestesses and the devil to save his true love before we even got back there. Okay, good.

    This reminded me of the excellent show "Once Upon A Time", where the female hero Emma Swan's (the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming) son Henry became the Author who could write any fairy tale story into reality. For anyone who loves D&D style fantasy who hasn't seen the show, I highly recommend it for excellent binge watching.

    Okay, the Wise Wind. I tried it first with the desert setting. (You have a choice of four environmental settings.) Since its main attacks are lightning-based, I thought maybe being in the desert would weaken it. It did not. I'm not sure how much or if your choice of environments influences how this goes.

    It is completely invulnerable for a time while it teleports around invisibly and casts Time Stop, Stoneskin, and a myriad of god knows what buffs that make it invulnerable for a long, long time. I tried True Sight, and that didn't do anything. Nothing I had would get through. Not the Holy Avenger, not Searing Light from the gem, and none of the spells from the wizard ally, either.

    The thing finally caught me in a tornadic downdraft of some sort that caused stun and lightning, and it was able to cast it over and over, at least four times. I stood no chance because of the stun effect.

    Okay, round two. This time I tried the "stormy treasure island" setting. I looked it all up online, because I really didn't want to bang my head against the wall and stack reloads, and the most helpful piece of advice I could find said you could retreat from this encounter through a lightning door, which I thought was a barrier to retreat, but no, it's an actual retreat.

    I drank a Potion of Clarity, and that seemed to protect me when it started casting its Tornadic Downdraft kill sequences. Every cast of whatever horrible spell that was took me down to Badly Injured. I used two of my three remaining Potions of Heal. The Potion of Clarity was going to wear off. Dorna was already dead. I said, "Okay, I'm out of here."

    I went back through the portal to the library to rest, removing Dorna's corpse from my party. I was worried I'd never get her back, but I was able to heal her, and talk to her to bring her back at the end.

    This was really weird. It kept casting Stoneskins over and over, and I couldn't hurt it still. But the wizard ally was somehow hurting it. The wizard went down to Near Death, and I tried to heal him a couple of times, but I couldn't keep up with the damage, not even close. I was going to run out of supplies again. I tried some acid arrows that I had, and that didn't help.

    This part is weird - the wizard ran out of spells, and started fighting with his staff. He just stayed at Near Death. It looks like he may be protected from ever dying, but I don't know. I tried several times and still couldn't do any damage. I had already kind of given up, so I didn't notice until the end that it did have a countdown on its DR up, so that must have been another Stoneskin. But the wizard beat the thing to death with nothing but his staff, or maybe his elemental summons did it.

    I have no idea why that worked, but I'm not complaining. I'm just relieved it's over.

    So, I made Level 11, after.

    In Hell where we first found the wizard ally being tormented by succubi, one of them dropped this, so I've got that going for me, which is nice.

    Dorna died two more times. Once was to our wizard ally's Evard's Black Tentacles in Hell. I tried to order her back out of that, but she wouldn't respond. Since the wizard was blue and we were trying to help him, I don't think his EBT should have been hostile, but they were. Sigh.

    Then she died almost immediately the second time we fought the Wise Wind.

    Level: 11
    Reloads: 1 (the Wise Wind)
    Dorna Deaths: 3 (J'Nah, Karsus' Tentacles, the Wise Wind)

    EDIT: When I went back in the game just now, it had erased my blue Nymph Cloak +5, as well as a Winter Cloak I had in my inventory, for some strange reason. I have no idea what happened there. I think there's a save game bug that sometimes reverts your gear back to a previous save state. Rats.

    yeah, the fight with the wise wind is absolutely ridiculous

    funny part is, even with the paladin i had at the time ( i was around level 11 perhaps...? ) it wasn't damaging me all that bad, but it was brutally difficult to deal damage to it at all, and then i found out after looking up a walk through that you can get two of those guys through the story thing to help you out

    so i brought them along, and the fight was still stupid impossible, the holy avenger was hitting that thing with the ferocity of a loving babe's warm smile, so then i took out that light sabre ( since i found it as well ) and started whacking the wind with that, and it seemed like i was actually dealing damage, but then the wind cast protection from elements on itself so back to 0 damage, but then luckily the wizard harry casted minor dispelling which dispelled the protection from elementals and i was finally able to wear it down

    that fight out of all of SoU is the #1 most brutal/kind of dumb fight in the entire campaign, if you win that fight the game is pretty much over after that i feel because nothing compares to it
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited July 2019
    @EnialusMeliamne , I definitely intended the thread to be for both NWN 1 and NWN 2 runs of any kind. While I was hoping to attract other minimal or no reload minded players of NWN, I put in that "or just post your run for fun" bit hoping to also attract anyone who just enjoys sharing runs, even if they don't do minimal or no reload. So, absolutely, post any NWN 1 or 2 run you like, with any content you like, with any rules you like.

    I keep restraining myself from asking "How many reloads have you taken, dude?", in this thread, because I don't want to discourage posting of any kind. I have kind of a hangup where, when I see somebody post something like "My build with five splashed together classes in it, and maxed physical stats and dumped mental stats dominated the game, and I had five million gold, and a thousand Potions of Heal, and a hundred Bags of Holding, ha, ha", I really want to say "Ahem, exactly how much of that did you steal, and how many innocents did you kill, and "How many times did you reload, EXACTLY, please?", but I'm really, really, really trying to refrain from doing that, because I do NOT want to discourage any posting at all in this thread. :)

    @Cerabelus , eh, "Que sera sera, "Easy come, easy go", "The Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh away", and all that. I guess it just wasn't the will of Torm that I have that cloak in this SoU run. :lol:

    Okay, back to my run:

    The Dead Wind. I've had a lot of trouble with this scenario before, but this time, for some reason, I had the necessary flash of insight. The thing is invulnerable while it's glowing green. It summons a bunch of zombies that are nothing to you, and one "Greater Wind Zombie" that can kick your butt. The green glow of invulnerability disappears at timed intervals, and you can damage it, and when it resummons its green glow of invulnerability, it kills all its previous zombies, including the Greater Wind Zombie of Death, and then resummons them.

    So, all you have to do is to run around the map avoiding the very slow Greater Wind Zombie while the Dead Wind is green, then attack the Dead Wind with everything you've got whenever its green force shield goes down. Once you understand that, this potentially horrifically frustrating encounter becomes "easy peasy, nice and breezy."

    Okay, now for the last "Wind" MacGuffin. These enemies just love their Evard's Black Tentacles. Before I realized and remembered what they were doing, I had lost Dorna for a second time because of the inability to get her out that hated spell, so I started just holding her back on "Stand Your Ground". Her infuriatingly stupid AI was just going to make her commit suicide over and over by refusing to get out of those Black Tentacles. @TrentOster , could we PLEASE have companion control in NWN, sir?

    Okay, bye Dorna. I'll Raise you, but you're going to have to stay back from now on. Robin says to Batman, "I won't stay back, you can't stop me!" Batman says to Robin, deadpan with no emotion, "I can stop you."

    Okay, guys, I'm not standing in your Tentacles to fight you.

    Seriously, I'm not doing it. You're going to have to just give up on getting me to stand in those things.

    I'm reminded of an old saying among World of Warcraft players. "Don't stand in the bad stuff."

    Look at all those Tentacles. LOL. Come on, guys, give it up. It's not happening.

    Oh, look. Black splotches at my feet. Again? ROFL.


    Okay, so now you want to try some red "bad stuff"? Nah, I don't think I'll stand in that, either.

    So, Shadow Xykon here once gave me serious trouble when I tried to fight him without Blind Fight. With Blind Fight, he was a pushover, or at least he was when he couldn't get me to fight him while standing in all the Tentacles. He has some seriously dangerous Bigby's Hand spells, but those were of no concern to me this time, perhaps because of my paladin Discipline skill and very high saves. The time I remember getting owned by him, I was playing some kind of caster without Blind Fight.

    So, finishing that got me to Level 12. I took Power Attack, and for my new fourth level spell, since I don't need Holy Avenger, I took Circle of Protection from Evil, hoping maybe I could use it to protect Dorna from evil mind-affecting spells as well as myself.

    I took this picture of the Robe of Vecna, NWN version, for any BG fans. It's not even close to as strong an item in NWN.

    Somewhere along the way, I found these. Yes, please. One more AC, and the ability to cast Stoneskin in a melee emergency.

    Level: 12
    Reloads: 1 (the Wise Wind)
    Dorna Deaths: 4 (J'Nah, Evard's Black Tentacles x2, the Wise Wind)
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    Yeah those Robes are umm less than good but the Boots are nice though it would be nice to recharge it as it will run out.

    When I play Wizards I use Conjuration and yeah Evard's Black Tentacles spell works well when it does but later becomes useless and don't use it against small creatures as Kobold and Goblin sized creatures are immune.

    All this talk of NWN has made me feel like playing again, if I do I'm not sure if I should skip the OC and if I play I'll need to continue to NWN 2.

    Wizard again? Cleric? Monk/Druid?
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Cerabelus , I find that having fun with any run of a D&D game starts with imagining a character that I identify with. "It's me and my companion(s) against a hostile, evil world, but we are given great powers by the gods to deal with it all."

    "With great power comes great responsibility."

    If I'm invested in my roleplay character idea, I get invested in the game, whatever the mechanical challenges. If I'm not invested in my character, and/or the companion(s), or if I feel like the game mechanics are working against my character idea, I lose interest very quickly.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Cerabelus , Evard's Black Tentacles is a highly effective spell against companions and summons who are not cared about. I would never cast such an evil, monstrous spell. I'm sure, if you love to play evil wizards and sorcerers, you will have great success casting that spell whenever you fight dumb creatures who don't know to get out of it, or against your fellow evil creatures who couldn't care less that you're killing their companions with the Tentacles.

    But you're not evil, and you wouldn't actually fight with those monstrous Tentacles, would you?

    (readies Smite Evil)

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    @EnialusMeliamne , I definitely intended the thread to be for both NWN 1 and NWN 2 runs of any kind. While I was hoping to attract other minimal or no reload minded players of NWN, I put in that "or just post your run for fun" bit hoping to also attract anyone who just enjoys sharing runs, even if they don't do minimal or no reload. So, absolutely, post any NWN 1 or 2 run you like, with any content you like, with any rules you like.

    I keep restraining myself from asking "How many reloads have you taken, dude?", in this thread, because I don't want to discourage posting of any kind. I have kind of a hangup where, when I see somebody post something like "My build with five splashed together classes in it, and maxed physical stats and dumped mental stats dominated the game, and I had five million gold, and a thousand Potions of Heal, and a hundred Bags of Holding, ha, ha", I really want to say "Ahem, exactly how much of that did you steal, and how many innocents did you kill, and "How many times did you reload, EXACTLY, please?", but I'm really, really, really trying to refrain from doing that, because I do NOT want to discourage any posting at all in this thread. :)

    nah, it was only 60+ potions of heal with 3.6 million gold at the end of HotU hahahaha ;)

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    >:) oh i absolutely used Evard's Black Tentacles but is it evil to use dark magic solely against evil? it's best not to dwell on it too much.

    "Readies Finger of Death"
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    :equips Belt of Guiding Light, casts Protection from Evil: "Otano, diguma!"
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited July 2019
    Well i started with the OC and decided on Wizard again but i really wanted some extra skills and try something a little different than normal

    i wanted to start as a Rogue to get the x4 bonus skill points on character creation and the Rogue gets 8 points per lvl and 16+3 modifier gave Rei'Leena 44 skill points at lvl 1 :)

    Got that first Wizard lvl and had to suffer that XP penalty until she got Wiz 2 at the end of the Prelude.

    now things seemed to be going more smoothly and decided to ignore the main quest for now and join the Many Starred Cloaks magic guild and they told Rei'Leena to visit 4 locations around the city and retrieve 4 elements Air, Water, Fire and Earth from certain labs and gave her a key to enter.
    1 lab per district and each lab has a sundial out front.

    in the Peninsula District was the first lab and got reckless, this earth mephit got her the first try :'(

    to the Begger's Nest for the 2nd lab and while herding some zombies for scorching i inadvertently drew them to a helpless victim, woops.

    she survived despite copping several hits, sorry about bringing a herd your way.

    2nd lab done and 2nd lvl magic unlocked, Flame Weapon spell :D

    i chose a Rogue voice set, charges into battle screaming "Blood Makes the Grass Grow" lol
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    Straight to the spoilers
    finished the other 2 labs and returned to the guild, she took the items i gathered and opened a portal.
    taken to a room with a enemy Minogon, a construct resembling a Minotaur.
    with four Wands to pick up of Air, Earth, Fire and Water you have to use them on the construct in the right sequence and if you fail it attacks and it's also invulnerable so i had to run out and the lady told me i had to pay her 200gp to try again.
    got Rei'Leena a nice cloak for joining the guild :)

    now i'm mostly looking for enemies to get XP cause she is a little weak right now.

    Right now she is using the buffs Mage Armor, Protection against Evil, x2 Magic Weapon, x2 Flame Weapon, Bull Strength and Cats Grace and it's really helping out.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @EnialusMeliamne , sorry to hear about the end of Sigurd's journey, but I totally understand how frustration about the AI can wear you down.
    I'm sure that NWN2 is great. I've already bought and installed it, too. But I plan to complete this run first, and then maybe get back to taking the other Arvia, the Undead Hunter, through SoD in my BG minimal reload run.

    No need to thank me for the information about the Snapper tool, I'm only passing on what I've picked up from @BelgarathMTH and JuliusBorisov.

    Just make sure to activate it every time that you start your computer and select the folder. Or did I miss an option for autostart and saving the folder settings?
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited July 2019
    Well the Peninsula and Docks districts are done, i spent time looking for extra enemies and now Rei'Leena is lvl 8 (1 Rogue 7 Wizard), I'll probably take another Rogue lvl soon as I've started coming across chests and traps i can't get rid of but my trusty Pixie Familiar has filled the roll for the time being.

    She's just gotten her first 2 4th lvl spells Stoneskin and Icestorm, i was tempted to go Evard's Black Tentacles but it's very dangerous if you get caught in it.


    while exploring for extra enemies in the Dock i found a Stag Beetle upstairs in a locked house and at lvl 7 it was a total beast dealing between 15 and 29 damage, Rei'Leena only had 35hp.

    Oh and Rei'Leena has started doing some good things, she's starting to feel the righteousness surging o:)
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2019
    I'm entering back into the fray here but will be using mods for NWN2. I'll be using a cleric of Tyr for this playthrough, and the order of progression for the modules will be as follows: The Zelbross Affair, The Greypeaks, The Maimed God’s Saga. Any further modules are to be determined at a later date and time.

    My cleric's name will be Hugh Calderwood. His back story and other character information is below.

    What’s in a Name:
    I’m terribly unoriginal. In this instance, the name of my toon is a amalgamation of names from two men from a little island off the coast Maine who while serving their nation, died after the fall of Philippines to the Japanese. The American Legion Post on said island is named after the four men who died in captivity during World War II. They all served in the Philippines prior to its capture by the Japanese, and were part of the Bataan Death March. They were kin. Their courage was and is an example and is not forgotten. An Epitaph: “He gave his life in service of his country.”

    Miscellany: I created Hugh in The Maimed God’s Saga module in order to give him the Tyrran items that he will carry across the modules he’ll be played through leading up to the Maimed God’s Saga. These items are as follows: a Holy Symbol of Tyr that grants unlimited Light castings per day and which provides a +1 to Natural Armor, a Tyrran chainmail that receives no magical bonus but looks really amazing.
    Hugh is coming back home, as an adventurer, after having completed his tutelage under Justiciar Holar. He finds himself in Zelbross while on the way home, where he will become wrapped up in a local problem that calls for adventurers to address.

    Race: Human
    Gender: Male
    Character Class: Cleric
    Domains: Good, War
    Alignment: Lawful Good (Emphasis on the Good)
    Attributes: Str – 14, Dex – 12, Con – 12, Int – 12, Wis – 15, Cha – 14
    History Feat: Devout
    Background Traits: Luck of Heroes
    General Feats: Toughness, Weapon Focus Longsword (via War Domain)
    Skill Allocations: Concentration – 4, Craft Alchemy – 1, Diplomacy – 4, Heal – 1, Lore – 4, Spellcraft – 2
    Equipment: Holy Symbol of Tyr, Chainmail of Tyr, Longsword, Heavy Shield, Light Crossbow w/primary and spare quivers, Warhammer
    Origins: Hugh originally hails from the small hamlet of Kendann*, which resides along the northeast edge of the Southwood near the Greypeak Mountains. He has been away from Kendann for some years, though, having been under the tutelage of Justiciar Holar Xendrin**, the sole, principle Tyrran cleric at the Tyrran shrine** just south of Daggerford (approximately 5 miles), along the Trade Way. Recently, he has returned to the Delimbiyr area, to further the Tyrran cause as a Sword of Tyr, an adventuring arm of Tyrran clerics***. He arrived in Zelbross on mid-afternoon of the 15th of Marpenoth in the year of 1373.

    Zelbross location:

    * Kendann, a non-canonical location or entry, aka, made-up by me:

    ** Both the Tyrran cleric and shrine south of Daggerford are created by the OP to give a location and Tyrran mentor for the toon in the somewhat local area, but not in Waterdeep. There are canonical reasons from within TMGS module why Hugh shouldn’t have a history in Waterdeep.

    *** It is unknown to this player what the actual lore of this Tyrran clerical organization consists of, but the name seems very fitting for a militant arm of the church, thus would fit an adventurer fairly well.

    Links used for reference:

    Links for the Modules I'll be using:

    Post edited by EnialusMeliamne on
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Cerabelus , That's some great progress on your new run. You're really brave to tackle that entire Many-Starred Cloak questline right at the beginning. The times I've played a mage, I always just collected the essences over time as I went about the main quest, rather than going straight to all four places.

    I've always liked that character portrait of the woman holding a cat. I've sometimes been tempted to play a female mage, and pretend that the cat in the portrait transforms itself into my panther familiar when I need it to fight.

    Kind of like:
    "Ha, ha, the little girl is going to sic her kitten on us, har, har."
    *slash, slash, bite*
    *Bad guy dies screaming while being slashed into ribbons and turned into cat food.*

    You know, something like that. :)
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    @BelgarathMTH , Gods and Nine Hells, after reading your latest report and seeing the Bracers of Armor, I'm realizing that our Valiant Plate doesn't have an AC modifier and I could have been wearing Bracers of Armor instead of the Lesser Gauntlets of Ogre Power all this time! ?

    Condolences on your reload. That wind looked really difficult. And thanks for the information about the green glowing.

    @Cerabelus, great progress, (you people are all advancing so fast!) and interesting to hear something about sidequests that I missed as a paladin.

    @EnialusMeliamne, I like how much thought you're putting into your character's background story. Good luck, and may Tyr guide your path.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @EnialusMeliamne , Wow, what a carefully thought out and researched character. I like how much effort and work you've put into the character creation. Those mods look really interesting, too. I look forward to reading more about the adventures of Hugh Calderwood.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    edited July 2019
    @BelgarathMTH and @Arvia, thanks for the kind words. I have a lot of fun with back story building for any characters that I play, which is why I often struggle with creating elves. A hundred years of backstory sounds like RA Salvatore or Elaine Cunningham writing to me, which I'll leave to the experts themselves.

    I intend to tell this tale through journal entries with accompanying screenshots. Tyrran clergy are tasked with logging judgments in the course of their day-to-day efforts, so I'll occasionally add those, as well, but through the writings of a personal journal, as opposed to a document of 'official capacity'. Without further adieu, I'll make my 'In Character' (Hereafter termed IC) entry beginning below.

    15th of Marpenoth 1373 entry
    Arrived in Zelbross today, where it would seem that goblins are on the tongue of all of the local villagers. A bounty was offered to those wishing to aid the town mercantile and villager populations. I shun the idea of a bounty just for the sake of killing, but something is clearly amiss, and I believe Tyr’s aid through justice, might or wisdom may be what is needed here. I headed to the tavern for further information. My first judgment in Tyr's name was levied in Zelbross, albeit in an unconventional manner as the arbiter of a discussion.

    *Written in the margins of this entry is what could reasonably be surmised as a later entry made at another time* Little did I know that I would put statement to action in several short hours from then.


    While the local population seemed enamored with addressing the goblin issue, a local farmer had a greater have his home returned to him. Kobolds had overrun his home, and in the process, killed his wife.


    He was willing to join the cause himself, but after sizing him up, I knew this would prove to be a foolhardy effort that would only endanger what he wished to have done. Tyr's justice would be swift in writing this wrong, and aid would be given with great haste. Fortunately, within the local inn were like-minded individuals led by the Tormtar Paladin, Dorian Ash. [/i]

    His companions are a dwarven warrior of Clangeddin Silverbeard, Dahk Goldrift and a human ranger of Meilikki, Tarlock Baird. Tyr be praised, warriors of honor and goodness.

    I am relieved that others of the chaotic bent (like the Half Orc and Halfling I met earlier) wouldn't be needed to aid this hamlet.
    Post edited by EnialusMeliamne on
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2019
    We were attacked by scorpion creatures called "Stingers" during a rest in the desert. They have kidnapped our guide and we won't be able to continue without him. The halflings, who have as much interest in his rescue as we do, expect me to get him back and won't move a finger to help us. They even ask incredible amounts of money for supplies. But the poor man doesn't deserve to be left there, and we need him to cross the desert. So, it's up to Dorna and me to rescue him.
    At least the fortune teller heals us for free.

    We followed the Stinger tracks to a hole, climbed down and found a network of tunnels. Dorna seems to have lost her ability to disarm traps, so I went ahead and asked her to remain at the entrance of the deeper tunnels until I called her. I walked around the traps that I could find and tanked the others.
    Acid damage, mostly, and some paralyzation, but without severe consequences.

    Those Stingers have the nasty habit of hiding in the sand and crawling out at most inopportune moments. Especially the archers shoot their arrows (nobody managed to poison me, thank Torm), and when you get close enough to hit them, they disappear in the ground, turn up a few steps away and start shooting again.

    Several of their tunnels led to a central room with an open door. I walked in, carefully, and it was a trap! The door slammed shut behind me, locked. Then another door opened, and a most dreadful creature entered.

    A Manticore! Torm help me! I was out of spells because of all the fights against the stingers, Magic Weapon had worn off, and I had no idea if my plain longsword would even be able to damage this monster without the enhancement!
    I ran back behind the corner, hoping that it wouldn't catch up with me in time (maybe it hadn't seen me yet in the fog of war?). I gulped down potions of Barkskin, Bull's Strength, Endurance and Eagle's Splendor in case I wouldn't get out, prayed to Torm and hacked at the locked door with my sword.

    I ran as fast as I could. Behind the next corner, I waited to see if it would follow me. But it seemed to guard that room and had no interest to get out. Good! Knowing now that I wouldn't put others in danger, I went back to the camp to rest and pray for my spells. Then I went back to face the Manticore, leaving Dorna at the cave entrance.
    I protected myself with Endure Elements and Magic Weapon as soon as I entered the caves, because I wasn't sure if I would find it where I had last seen it.
    I didn't meet it in the tunnels, so I took potions of Barkskin, Endurance and Eagle's Splendor and entered the room with the bashed door (at least it couldn't trap me again!), hoping that my weapon would be able to damage the monster.

    It hurled spikes from its tail, and lots of them! I was able to damage it, but those spike attacks would make me run out of healing supplies and kill me before I could kill it. I decided to take the risk and cast my emergency Divine Favor standing there right in front of the Manticore, hoping that my concentration wouldn't be interrupted.

    It worked. But I needed 3 potions of Cure Critical Wounds and Lay on Hands to get through the fight.
    I found a Longsword+1, at last. It's great, but it would have been even greater before this fight.

    I seem to be missing a lot of traps. Fortunately, they don't deal alarming amounts of damage.

    I decided to secure the whole area first before calling Dorna to open the door. I underestimated this guy, although the glowing halberd might have warned me.

    (And @BelgarathMTH, before you kick me for letting my health bar get so low, I had already used two healing kits and Lay on Hands when I took that first screenshot)

    I found stairs leading to a lower level and decided to call in Dorna to open that last door.

    (Great. She's really bugged. Doesn't disarm traps, doesn't open locks.)

    I "killed" the door, and then that. Great.

    I needed supplies, with the outrageous prices the halflings take for anything. Besides, these chests might contain information. I put Dorna outside and decided to tank the traps. I hadn't found deadly traps in this area until now and hoped that those wouldn't be much different. But I was not suicidal. I took potions of Endurance (to boost my HP) and Eagle's Splendor ( to improve my saving throws), and after some hesitation also one of my two precious Potions of Speed.

    Okay, that wasn't too bad. The statue started shooting acid arrows at me, so I shot back (I had kept a Longbow+1 that I had found somewhere, and picked up some acid arrows from a dead stinger) until the statue was destroyed. I wasn't going to take more risks with traps, so I bashed all the chests with arrows, too. There was some money, two wands that I couldn't use, and those items:

    I'm going to keep the Amulet of Health. The other items were useless (the boots would have been great for Dorna, but I decided to leave her at the camp after this level, if she didn't have rogue skills anymore), but valuable.

    This was the Stinger Officer's halberd. It looked useful, but the description sounded too evil for me to use it. Not so evil that I wouldn't sell it, but I wouldn't use it myself.

    Back to camp, left Dorna, sold stuff, bought a Greater Magic Bag and more potions and healing kits, went back to enter the lower level.

    Another "statue shoots acid arrows" trap. This time, I ran directly to the two statues and destroyed them. They still took half of my HP. I healed, went through the hallway and was greeted by stingers and ghouls. I Turned the ghouls, killed a Stinger and noticed this:

    I had no idea if this High Priest was targeting me or strengthening his minions or somehow drawing power from them, but I was certainly not going to stand there and find out. I drew the stingers and ghouls back to the other room to finish them off in little groups, and then I prepared to face the High Priest.

    I know I'm spending much money on potions and using them often, but I only have access to first level spells and I'd rather be safe than sorry.
    I don't know if it was because of my good protection, or because he had wasted his spells already, but the High Priest only landed one spell on me, Negative Energy, and I saved against it and took very little damage. (And at least I'm beginning to understand this game enough to know that I had to destroy the altar to free Zidan).

    Katriana is impossible. If she had offered a reward willingly, I might have accepted it, but she phrased it in a way that made me feel ashamed (which was probably her intention), and the poor guide had really suffered a lot. At least this way Katriana had to pay, as she should, and the man got a proper compensation for his horrible experience.

    We have reached an oasis where we need to water the oxen, but I have to go and negotiate with the locals, because Katriana isn't welcome here (who would have thought that, with her charming nature) after having committed a cultural faux pas during her first visit here.

    Level: 7
    Reloads: 0
    Respawns: 2
    Dorna Respawns: 2 (but I will be going solo for the moment)
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited July 2019
    I *hate* those stupid puzzles! Only looking at the rune stones in the crypt (where you can get the Desert Fury in the oasis) makes you pick them up, so of course I collected them, thinking I would need them, and then I read the rune pillar. The stones were heavy, I put them in my two magic bags and left them on the ground to fight the statues. After the fight, I picked up the bags and the stones had disappeared! At first I thought this was supposed to happen, so I tried walking around on the tile squares that had appeared on the floor, walking the X shape that the flags indicated. It didn't work, I looked it up in a walkthrough and learned that I had to put the stones on the tiles to open the sarcophagus to get the weapon against undead.
    The runestones that had disappeared from my inventory!

    It can't be a problem of dropping the magic bag, because I had a flail inside that didn't vanish. It might have been wrong to pick them up, but only looking at them puts them into your inventory without warning, and you can't put them back into their place, you can only drop them. And they're so heavy that I couldn't even walk while carrying them, so I wasn't going to fight the statues with that weight!

    I don't know if it's a bug that they vanished, or just bad scripting that requires you to know before in which order you have to do the steps to solve the puzzle, or otherwise you're punished and don't get anything.

    Grrr! Well, I should go to sleep anyway.

    I just hope I can fight Kel-Garas without that weapon, because reloading for such stupid reasons annoys me.
  • CerabelusCerabelus Member Posts: 385
    edited July 2019
    Arvia wrote: »
    I *hate* those stupid puzzles! Only looking at the rune stones in the crypt (where you can get the Desert Fury in the oasis) makes you pick them up, so of course I collected them, thinking I would need them, and then I read the rune pillar. The stones were heavy, I put them in my two magic bags and left them on the ground to fight the statues. After the fight, I picked up the bags and the stones had disappeared! At first I thought this was supposed to happen, so I tried walking around on the tile squares that had appeared on the floor, walking the X shape that the flags indicated. It didn't work, I looked it up in a walkthrough and learned that I had to put the stones on the tiles to open the sarcophagus to get the weapon against undead.
    The runestones that had disappeared from my inventory!

    It can't be a problem of dropping the magic bag, because I had a flail inside that didn't vanish. It might have been wrong to pick them up, but only looking at them puts them into your inventory without warning, and you can't put them back into their place, you can only drop them. And they're so heavy that I couldn't even walk while carrying them, so I wasn't going to fight the statues with that weight!

    I don't know if it's a bug that they vanished, or just bad scripting that requires you to know before in which order you have to do the steps to solve the puzzle, or otherwise you're punished and don't get anything.

    Grrr! Well, I should go to sleep anyway.

    I just hope I can fight Kel-Garas without that weapon, because reloading for such stupid reasons annoys me.

    Since you really hate puzzles this is the answer but only read this if you want the answer.
    put down some gear so you free up carry weight and pick up 1 of the stones, place the stones on the squares in the X shape but people can take those positions also.
    the sarcophagus will unlock and something nice will be inside.
  • EnialusMeliamneEnialusMeliamne Member Posts: 399
    Low-level adventures tetter on the fence of fun and tension, what with the power of lucky or unlucky rolls potentially turning the tide of battle. Fortunately, the group of adventurers weathered the storm, though not without a little luck and a lot of pluck. More than once, a trusty potion or a lucky cure minor or light wounds kept a warrior upright in the face of the enemy. Other times, those wounded were knocked out of the fight, only to have a last-ditch effort by a trusty companion turn the tide of battle in their favor.

    At the end of the module, my toon ended up with a surprisingly large amount of gold for a module that put him at level four, so he did what every cleric should do...bought up gobs of healing equipment, spells, and potions for the road ahead. One can't have enough tools in one's toolbox. He left the module with less than 1,000 gp, so he certainly contributed to the local economy which had recently come under attack (more on that in the IC journal entries below).

    I could have increased his armor rating, but with the theme of his chainmail being what it is, I'm sticking to what he came into this module with. I did end up purchasing a better longsword for him. It's a masterwork cold iron longsword. As such, it's not an ubermensch sword of smite-all-the-foes, so it won't trivialize the modules ahead and especially not TMGS, which is a very low magic module. The healing gear that is on him will be particularly useful, however, in TMGS, which contains a lot of spell checks and the like (I can't sing the modules praises enough for clerical and skill play).

    He's two levels lower than what TMGS recommends as a starting character level, which is why I have him tied to two Delimbiyr related modules before going into TMGS. That may put his level over the threshold for high-end character recommendation of TMGS, but honestly, I'm not overly worried about that. The other modules that I'm eyeballing for him are situated higher than what TMGS would normally move a level 6 starting toon towards, so the extra level boost may work itself out on the backend. Honestly, I'd run a level 15 starting cleric through TMGS and would still enjoy it. The clerical experience is very well done in it, thus a 5 xp kill wouldn't irk me at all, it's just that d@mn good. Anyway, on to the IC entries.

    16th of Marpenoth 1373DR entry
    My Tormtar partner, Dorian, has ceded command of the party to my leadership, justifying his decision by stating that Torm is Tyr's liege in the Triad, therefore so should he, a Tormtar Paladin be liege to a Sword of Tyr on Toril. I am deeply humbled by his course of action, particularly because of his leadership prowess and battlefield acumen in the hours shortly following his pronouncement. He is a natural leader, and I will make mention of that to his order via courier prior to my departure from Zelbross. I will accept his abdication but will consult with him on all major moves given our gods shared efforts in the House of the Triad, and on Toril.

    During the course of our initial inquiries on the morn following our prayers, Dorian and I, along with our companions found out that a halfling from one of the local caravans, a family member of the halfling we conversed with, was overdue on arriving in Zelbross.
    We offered to search for the halfling lad while pursuing other efforts we're already slated to perform, not least of which is righting the wrong that befell the local farmer.

    We also inquired with the local traders guild regarding the bandit bounty. Though we would not be killing the goblins for gold offered, we did think the goblins were worth investigating, particularly since we knew kobolds were also in the local environs.


    Shortly after stocking up our equipment, we set off, our scout in the lead. We were brazenly accosted by a trio of ruffians bent on stopping us from stealing their 'bounty' pelts. They had no idea that the party was comprised of warriors for good, and were not seeking pelts but something much more tangible...justice.

    Sadly, for them, they were waylaid within short order when they ignored our attempts to reason. We moved forth on our quest to free the farmers home, and that is where my first, but informal, judgment in Zelbross proved to be an interesting forsight on things to come.

    Tyr teaches us to, "Deliver vengeance to the guilty for those who cannot do it themselves." That is what we did for the farmer, whose wife lost her life to kobold arrows. We waylaid the kobolds in the farmers home and lands, who also laid in ambush to attack those crossing through the area (including us). They fired the first arrows upon us, but were too weak to overcome our battle prowess. When the captured kobold chieftain tried to explain why they ambushed the farmer and his family, it did open up some information for us to run down. The kobold chieftain had the temerity to ask if we'd run off the goblins from the kobold lair. After all they had done to the farmer, the killing of his wife, the brazen ambush attack on us, the filthy, unlawful creature had the brazen stones to ask if we'd provide him aid. In the end, it was Tyr's swift justice by my arm and sword that delivered the farmers vengeance upon the kobold.

    OOC: I've finished the module already, but will finish the recording of it on the morrow. Be well.
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