Any mods that fix Spell Interruption On Zero (Elemental) Damage in BG2EE?
Member Posts: 242
The good old casting failure while being hit with an element you or the enemy is immune to.
I know TOBEX has a component that does this, but it's for pre EE only.
I also know the latest BGEE and IWDEE patches ( have fixes that do it, however it seems BG2EE is behind on the patching cycle and does not contain this fix.
Preferably something that won't mess up my current SCS install. I basically only have SCS and Ascension installed.
I know TOBEX has a component that does this, but it's for pre EE only.
I also know the latest BGEE and IWDEE patches ( have fixes that do it, however it seems BG2EE is behind on the patching cycle and does not contain this fix.
Preferably something that won't mess up my current SCS install. I basically only have SCS and Ascension installed.
Thanks, does it come in form of a specific component I can install? I tried looking for it in gameplay tweaks but didn't see anything like that.
Asking because I'd rather not have to install the whole game fresh along with a new SCS install as I already have the latest non beta version.
Is this possible? It would be great if it is.
I made it before the patch, but unfortunetely it's still fairly viable.
No. Only spells, but it does cover pretty much all of them.
Sorry, I missed this post. If by "conflict" you mean how the spell name is missing from combat log, yes.
Now this is easilly changed. But..
If I change it you get another "issue". Kind of reverse of what happens now - the message would be displayed for each character hit (unrelated to 0-damage disruption, this is specific to AoE being blocked by Deflection spells).
Example; say Edwin casts Skull Trap at 10 gibberlings. You'd get combat log saying:
Edwin - Skull trap - Gibberling
Edwin - Skull trap - Gibberling
Edwin - Skull trap - Gibberling
Edwin - Skull trap - Gibberling
For each one affected.
I personally prefer the latter, but I'm not sure how others would feel about it.
Edit spell revisions/components/nwn_spell_deflection.tpa, scroll down to this part of code
ACTION_IF found && r2 && (FILE_EXISTS_IN_GAME ~%i2%.spl~) BEGIN
COPY_EXISTING ~%i2%.spl~ ~override/%i2%%letter%.spl~ // cloning original into the secondary spell
WRITE_ASCII 0x8 ~~ (8) // clearing out the name
GET_OFFSET_ARRAY headers 0x64 4 0x68 2 0 0 0x28
PHP_EACH headers AS i => r BEGIN
WRITE_SHORT (r+0x0c) 1 // target = creature
WRITE_SHORT (r+0x26) 1 // projectile = none
and write // in front of WRITE_ASCII, so it looks like
// WRITE_ASCII 0x8 ~~ (8) // clearing out the name