I just bought the game on GOG and when in combat casting much LAG...its lame. I have windows 8.1 and updated my drivers. Turned down the visuals...still Platinum NWN is waaay better. Is there a patch for this? I love the cleaner graphics...but this lag issue is very bad in combat. Newbie here...sorry if this is posted already much on this forum hard to see a similar post on LAG issues here.
even on my i9 9900k and ROG strix 2080 ti this game would lag on my PC with some workshop items ( especially the "better looking" sky box type items )
The links themselves have nothing to do with Steam, it was just easier for me at the moment to find threads from that forum about the lag issue.
Yes, turning off "everything that makes it new and shiny" can help with performance. This is why the team decided to spend so much time and resources on the new renderer. Because the 2000ish period renderer just doesn't work, and makes NWN:EE lag on certain machines, or even crash.
This sounds more like network connection issues between the player (might be ISP related) and the server or the server itself having performance issues and not something I've ever noticed on NWN:EE specifically except when my ISP craps out on me. The mini-map updating, transitioning between maps, the inventory displaying what your character owns, delay on resting, the rubberbanding (teleporting back and having to rewalk) are all server connectivity or server performance issues (hammering a servers database can do such even when connectivity isn't an issue).
I wanted to note that this is unlikely to be resolved by a mere render update, what we're hoping the render update will assist with is FPS lag, the stutteryness of turning the camera, the crashes to desktop and the like.
I'd highly recommend if you're experiencing the above on more then one NWN:EE server, contacting Beamdog on their Redmine and trying to get someone to assist you with looking into the issue. If you're only experiencing it on the one server and it's happening for a multitude of the servers player population it might be worth having the admins talk to support to see what they can do to look into the issue.