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Do we have a list of "exclusive" mods for BG1:EE and classical BG1?

ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
edited May 2019 in BG:EE Mods
Planning to do a playthrough on BG:T and was wondering if there is around a list of mods that were released only for

BG:T and BG:tutu (but add on top of that BG:Classic)

That one should be aware of.

Edit: I know one
> Jarl’s Adventure Pack only for BG:T
Post edited by Arthas on


  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited May 2019
    Don't know if there is a list of exclusives. But I made Rough World exclusively for BGEE. I'm also working on Eve of War, which is also BGEE exclusive.
  • CamDawgCamDawg Member, Developer Posts: 3,440
    In this case, a list of mods exclusive for BGT/Tutu would likely be more relevant.

    The oBG engine is even harder to mod than oBG2; mods for BG didn't really take off until the content was ported with BGT and Tutu.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited May 2019
    @CamDawg I had to rewrite my main post because that was what I was actually thinking ahaha

    But I got too greedy and mentioned EET :P
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited May 2019
    As opposed to having been ported to EE?

    Rose NPC
    Mulgore and Xavia NPC
    Secret of Bone Hill
    The Fields of the Dead
    BG1 NPC Project & DSotSC have different versions with some components for oBG/TuTu lacking in their EE counterparts

    Those are the only ones which come to mind - quite impressive how the list has been gradually narrowed down!
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    These mods have next to no content, I'm looking for good stuff that one may miss if playing only BGT or only EET.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    What sort of content did you have in mind? It seems odd to me to describe several of the mods @Isewein mentions as lacking in content, when they add so many additional quests and map areas (though as noted a lot of that can actually be played in the EE).

    I can't remember if the Grey Clan has been adapted for the EE yet.
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    edited June 2019
    @Grond0 the grey clan was indeed adapted.

    I will give you informations on why I said they have no content:

    Rose --> if you read this topic ( you'll see that the mod author tells you it has next to no content in BG2. Only bg1 seems to be complete...

    Secret of Bone hill --> mod being a complete mess

    The fields of the dead --> mostly rule tweaks and never left beta status

    BG1 NPC Project & DSotSC --> The second mod, in current iteration, is bad. The first one has enough content for EE too - I seem to remember that more components is not equal to more content, given that many things were added to BG:EE per se (But I may remember wrong)

    Mulgore and Xavia are incomplete too:

    I was looking for stuff that was not in beta status, never converted, working, feature complete, mostly. Jarl adventure pack is an example.
    Post edited by Arthas on
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    OK. If you're looking for mods which are complete, highly regarded and bug free - but still not converted for BGEE - I would expect that to be a short list :p. I hope you find some unexpected gems though.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    Yeah, I didn't mean to imply I was recommending any of the mods above. I merely listed those which to my knowledge haven't been adapted yet.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,098
    edited June 2019
    Lava's Rakasha Verr'sza might work for BGT/Tutu. That's because it includes some scripting components for compatability. (Also I used the same ones, so my mods might also work, but I've no idea as I have never tested for it.)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,896
    It's because it was to work on BGT once, but later I addes stuff that would never work on the old engine + some very important story-wise happenings take place in SoD if he's romanced, so BG2 portion of the mod would never make any sense so... yeah, it's EE only.
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  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Arthas wrote: »
    @Grond0 the grey clan was indeed adapted.

    Do you, perhaps, have a link to the EE version? My google-fu failed me in this regard.
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,810
    @amberCoffeeCat It's from k4thos, all official with Baronius' permission, and should replace the older version once there are enough player reports (hinthinthint):
  • amberCoffeeCatamberCoffeeCat Member Posts: 90
    Thanks, jastey.
    On a similar note - I asked in a dedicated thread, but maybe it will be more visible here:
    Is there any version of Bonehill that is EE compatible (and possible to download now that SHS is down)?
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited November 2024
    As it turns out, there's a couple more abandoned mods which must still be counted among this list:

    BlackWyrmLair's Herbs and Potions (graphically very well-designed; always enjoyed that one, particularly in BG1) and Black Rose: Market Prices (rather mundane short quest mod)

    Badgert's Tortured Soul Quest (a real gem - well-written, short and creative quest in Athkatla's graveyard)

    Brendan Bellina's Containers for BG1 - I prefer those for immersion over more general containers

    Portable Hole - admittedly rather silly, but no more so than any standard bag of holding, and a fun Yellow Submarine reference to boot
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