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Engagement Ring in Chateau Irenicus?

In the box with the Golden Pantaloons I found Soultaker which I know is connected to @LavaDelVortel and his Skie mod. But I also found am Engagement ring with a protection enchantment even my Wizard Slayer could use and an inscription reading "My heart is forever thine" thinking that sounded like Dynaheir I gave it to Minsc but nothing happened.
Later on Minsc got chunked (I did a stupid and dualled Imoen before getting Yoshimo) and when I picked up the ring it triggered a dialogue window but the only option I could choose was that I had never seen it before.
Is this ring important. No spoilers for the Skie mod please.


  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I vaguely remember seeing that ring too (although it might just have been from trawling through EE Keeper). I suspect that it has no link to the Skie mod though; more likely it's a hint to Irenicus's past life and his romance with a certain elven woman.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Oh I know that. I just didn't know which mod.
  • AngulimalaAngulimala Member Posts: 93
    Not from the Skie mod. I'm running a ton of mods, including Skie, and I didn't see a ring there. Let us know what you find out as your story progresses. Curious, are you in BG2EE or EET?
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    if your playing as a female character name it may be from either ajantis or gavin.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    edited August 2019
    Is it possibly connected to the Longer Road Mod?
    That's a fair assumption. I have both.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    longer road only effects tob. but yeah it has to be either ajaintis or gavin as they both involve getting an engagement ring in bg 1's romance.
  • leeuxleeux Member Posts: 115
    edited August 2019
    Suggestion: you could load your save in EEKeeper and look at the item file name (assuming you have the ring in one of your inv. slots in that save, just look at what EEKeeper says it's there, resource column in the inventory tab of your character) and then go to your install dir and run:
    weidu.exe --change-log <item file>.itm

    ...that should tell you which mod installed it.

    The possibility, as megamike15 says that it could come from BG1 mod, would be signaled by only EET resource import appearing in the result list of that command. If that the case, you could repeat the process in the BG1 installation that was the source for EET.
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