Chicken Gem Removed?'s_a_WHAT_in_their_chicken?
Why is it not possible to get the gem from one of the chickens?
Why is it not possible to get the gem from one of the chickens?
but in the EEs they fixed it so now you have to do it "properly" by either buying them ( good ) or killing them ( bad )
i suppose they use some helm like this:
(i don't own the copiright of the image, taken from wikipedia)
really confortable if you happen to have a beak
Personally I'm always against changes that remove options from the player and the game, because if you continue to do that, extrapolating that tendency, in the end it'll just make BG a less memorable game... one of the things that makes it so great IMO, is all the hidden stuff and things that you can do to achieve the same results in the end.
my assumption as to why they changed it in the EEs is because that wasn't the way the original devs intended that to go, so every time beamdog finds something that they think was not the intended idea for something, they will change it
Well, it makes sense with the way the story is told at least!
If it was like Jeb describes and the gem went down the chicken's gullet, it makes no sense to be able to pickpocket it (I don't want to think too much about that
EDIT: Still... less options is less options
I agree with this strongly - removing the option to pickpocket the gem from the chicken seems like the sort of thing a petty rules lawyer would insist on in tabletop. "unrealstic!!!!" they cry, ignoring the tiny possibility that orcs may also not be entirely fact-based.
There are so many better ways this could have been done: Maybe give it a 300 skill check to reflect the fact that pickpocketing from the stomach of a chicken is a godly level feat. But just cutting the content seems... not in keeping with the spirit of the game
I know, but that doesn't mean it makes sense. Unless the beljuril is the size of a small pebble it doesn't make sense that a chicken would eat it. For pure RP purposes, logic should dictate over story. I'm more of a power-gamer myself so it really doesn't matter to me personally. I was just giving an RP reason it might make sense to be able to pickpocket it like back in the pre-EE days.
If you talk to one of the other villagers (and bribe them), he reveals that he saw the farmer forcing one of his chickens to swallow something, so that's how it got into the chicken in the first place. And yes, logically you would assume that such a setup would make it impossible to pick-pocket said chicken, but epic-level rolls (in 3rd Ed, anyway) allow you to pull off some INSANE feats (like, an epic level Swim check lets you swim vertically up waterfalls!), soooo... it's probably one of those situations.
Charname: "Yoshimo, how did you even get that gem out of the chicken?"
Yoshimo: "My friend, you wouldn't believe me even if I told you."
Reminds me of how if you click the cows in BG long enough, they go "Ouch. I mean, mooooo!" XD
There's also a black bear that says: "Hey, BooBoo. That's a nice pickinick basket". Sadly I can't remember which one it is so you may have to click on a lot of bears before you discover which one is Yogi.