X's Modfile for Android BG2EE v2.5.6.16

in BGII:EE Mods
Hi @Xhobliam, as requested, linked is a modfile containing all of the contents (mods updated, less hacks) of the last modfile that we played with for BG2.
Found a better sharing site with no ads! Should have used it earlier but wasn't aware of the problem with Zippyshare...
Link: BG2EE.
WeiDU.log attached with this post.
If you want to look at what you want to change, we can make a fresh start on the mod. Hopefully all is well with the contents; I can't recall whether we had specific problems with any mod but we shall find out...
Found a better sharing site with no ads! Should have used it earlier but wasn't aware of the problem with Zippyshare...
Link: BG2EE.
WeiDU.log attached with this post.
If you want to look at what you want to change, we can make a fresh start on the mod. Hopefully all is well with the contents; I can't recall whether we had specific problems with any mod but we shall find out...
HA! Second issue, go ahead and try making a shadow adept. Its doin that thing where you have to select ur spells and when you do the menu keeps popping back up ?
Edit: Checked out the Vampire prob. The mod it is from is Eldritch Magic and you are right, there hasn't been any classes added as yet (have a look in the Change log spoiler in the first post).
Edit: been having some issues with the shadowmagic mod. The skill menu keeps poppin up if you import a saved character. Plus for some strange reason, all chars i make start at lvl 7 ?. I shall dig deeper
I think you will find the char level is all to do with the mod. I think there is a script that runs when the character starts the game. What do you mean by Skill menu?
Edit: i tried to make a cleric/mage but the shadowmagic version and it didnt work o.o....like at all. Once in game, it give normal spells instead. Ill upload a save so you can see.
I was also gonna request some item editing, avatar changes and maybe item creation if your up to it ?
Shall have a look at the Cleric/Mage and see what's happening.
No probs on the changes. I will do them in my off time, so they wont be there quickly unless there is a rainy day
Edit: I don't think you would be able to multiclass from the Priestess to a Mage for some reason. I EEkeepered the Priestess specialty out and added the Shadow Adept in. See if that is what you are looking for...
Staff: Heavens Glory
+4 thaco
Chance on hit, cast False Dawn, or Sunray If possible. Like 10%.
Charges: Shield of Archons x2
Draw upon holy might x3
Hmm too op? Lol ?
Can you make the staff look like the Staff of Rhynm? But like gold? Then add a glow if ya can ?, prefferably a white pulse glow. The red will throw the look off a bit. Her robes will be all white as well, shes gonna have the mage avatar. Remeber Arie's robes? The char you find in the circus. Her robes have like gold shoulder pads etc. I was thinkin to go with the same look as her robes with the gold shoulders pads etc. and the rest all white.
Ohyea, prolly gonna need UAI on those clerics cuz i wanna put Winged bracers on her ?
I tried importing a weapon from IWDEE, so have a look at that as well. It is only a 'plain' weapon that doesn't have any spells associated with it. Thought I would go for the easy option first just to get the feel of it.
I think that the animation for the wings was only created with the Elf in mind, but again, no harm in trying.
You know the drill...
The robes i was referring to were the the defaulted color robes. The robes you put are right, but i forgot that the colors have been adjusted for the modfile. If you restore them to default, i think you will see what i am goin for....i think lol.
Ill get jumpin on that description asap
Ill keep it simple.
Hmm curious, can the glow on the staff be gold also? Maybe that will look better. Plus i dnt think you can make the whole staff glow...can u? Lol ?
This is a starter for the robe. I had to reverse the colours as white with a little gold looked horrid, so I made it gold with a white trimmings. I also had to change the clothing colours on the character in the saved game, but this should be transferable to your current game (just open the character report and go to Customise/Colours, then you can see what I have done there).
I have left the description as the Traveller's Robe and will change to personalise it once you are happy (or as we add features
Also, the shadow magic mod is still actin up when i import a character, even after learning the spells. The spell book jus keeps poppin up. So ill just do a cleric/mage for now. To make it unique, can you change some of the spell animations? Like maybe make buffs look cooler or somethin or certain attacks look more holy ?? I know you got an arsenal of neat animations over there ??
I will have a look at Angel and see what you are after...
Looked around the room for the sweet animations and couldn't find any
If there are any accessories on the armor like jewels etc, color those gold too. I hope the shirt can be colored separate. Also, cant you make the normal cleric/mage have the mage avatar also?