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New Premium Module: Tyrants of the Moonsea (Beamdog, GOG, Steam)



  • Awas73Awas73 Member Posts: 66
    Just wondering if there is any news yet about this module coming to the Beamdog client soon?
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    The status is still the same: It'll come, but no ETA. Sorry that it's like that.
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286
    The status is still the same: It'll come, but no ETA. Sorry that it's like that.
    In jest: The person who can put it online on the Beamdog store is now hard at work on the new game and does not have the time to put it on the Beamdog site? ?

    On a serious note: for something that seems rather straightforward from a customer's perspective, it sure takes up quite a lot of time.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited February 2020
    The status is still the same: It'll come, but no ETA. Sorry that it's like that.
    In jest: The person who can put it online on the Beamdog store is now hard at work on the new game and does not have the time to put it on the Beamdog site? ?

    On a serious note: for something that seems rather straightforward from a customer's perspective, it sure takes up quite a lot of time.

    Straightforward or not, it has made me decide to never buy a game for full price by Beamdog. I will never buy early. I will always buy on a big sale. And I will never buy from again. And I'm definitely not buying mobile or console games because they won't stay in sync with compatibility. You'd think founding buyers and people who buy the game on more than one platform would be a priority, but it's like Beamdog doesn't understand how many ways they show customers they just don't care.

    By the way, this isn't me being angsty or trying to demonize. I love Beamdog's work. I just mean this is a real decision I've come to based on the behavior of this company. I would absolutely love it if this behavior changed. It would change my mind. So many times I've been on Google Play thinking I'd love to get NWN or another game only to remember that I can't trust they'll be kept up to speed or even functioning (NWN on Android hasn't been able to connect to servers for months now).
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    edited February 2020
    Mark Twain: Never put off till tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.

    Re. getting this DLC on the BD client. I think I may have worked out what is going on here. While I knew that the Procrastinators Club of America accepted foreign members, I didn't realise they accepted corporate membership of a whole company. Still as National Procrastination Week might start sometime soon (it's pencilled in for sometime in the first 2 weeks of March...) just maybe BeamDog will stop using the Procrastinators Calendar for the release date of this on their own site.

    If that is not the case some people might just get the idea that BD has no intention of selling this themselves (even though they included fixes from it in the latest patch!).

    Post edited by TarotRedhand on
  • MatthieuMatthieu Member Posts: 386
    To use at work along with the business meeting bingo
  • LiamChgoLiamChgo Member Posts: 44
    I've simply given up any hope of ever getting "Tyrants of the Moonsea" on Beamdog Client. It is apparent that they will get around it sometime in the next couple of years. Apparently other services rank higher than their own client service.
    I will simply enjoy the free modules available through sites like Nexus and Neverwinter Vault. I've been having fun with those modules, and they are FREE, so Beamdog gets no money from it.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @LiamChgo Just a little reminder, please rate and comment on those you get from the vault. Even though most of the original authors have moved on since they created them, it helps those who wish to find a module to play and encourages those of us still around.

  • Awas73Awas73 Member Posts: 66
    I still have hope. Perhaps we are jumping to conclusions too quickly. Maybe the person who works with the client is busy helping create a NEW MODULE/EXPANSION for NWNEE. Yes wouldn't that be awesome. A new adventure created for the game we all love just like they made Siege of Dragonspear for Baldur's Gate, and just maybe the new adventure they might be working on and Tyrants are tied together somehow. Or maybe they are working on exclusive content for Tyrants for those who were loyal to them and plan to bundle it with there version of Tyrants. I haven't given up hope yet. We all thought this game was gone many years ago, and Beamdog brought it back bigger and better IMHO. Even if none of what I just said is true, (and trust me I have NO inside information so all of this is just speculation on my part) I still believe they will have it someday soon, we just need a little patience.
  • JFKJFK Member Posts: 214
    To be completely honest, I don't understand the adamant position of not just getting it on Steam or Gog. When it gets put up on Beamdog . . . well, there it'll be. I know some people dislike Steam. Some people don't like Gog, I guess. Some people don't like Beamdog client either, for that matter.
    Guess I'm just confused on refusing to get the premium module on another client than Beamdog. Once you buy it from Steam, you can certainly run NWN from NWMain.exe, and play Tyrants of the Moonsea without ever seeing Steam, right?

    What's the deal?
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited March 2020
    Awas73 wrote: »
    I still have hope. Perhaps we are jumping to conclusions too quickly. Maybe the person who works with the client is busy helping create a NEW MODULE/EXPANSION for NWNEE. Yes wouldn't that be awesome. A new adventure created for the game we all love just like they made Siege of Dragonspear for Baldur's Gate, and just maybe the new adventure they might be working on and Tyrants are tied together somehow. Or maybe they are working on exclusive content for Tyrants for those who were loyal to them and plan to bundle it with there version of Tyrants. I haven't given up hope yet. We all thought this game was gone many years ago, and Beamdog brought it back bigger and better IMHO. Even if none of what I just said is true, (and trust me I have NO inside information so all of this is just speculation on my part) I still believe they will have it someday soon, we just need a little patience.

    I hope they do for your sake, but frankly this is a matter of management and prioritizing. Yes, people have projects, and I'm glad they are working on them. But the people who trusted Beamdog and paid full price for NWN:EE before even seeing the project shouldn't be such a low priority. The founders (to use a common game marketing term) are the most affected by this lackadaisical behavior.
    Post edited by themazingness on
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited March 2020
    JFK wrote: »
    To be completely honest, I don't understand the adamant position of not just getting it on Steam or Gog. When it gets put up on Beamdog . . . well, there it'll be. I know some people dislike Steam. Some people don't like Gog, I guess. Some people don't like Beamdog client either, for that matter.
    Guess I'm just confused on refusing to get the premium module on another client than Beamdog. Once you buy it from Steam, you can certainly run NWN from NWMain.exe, and play Tyrants of the Moonsea without ever seeing Steam, right?

    What's the deal?

    Because people didn't pay full price to have to buy it again on another platform (GoG, this shouldn't be the case for Steam users due to the free keys). And they may not use GoG or Steam. Also, if they do use Steam and Beamdog client they would likely want it both places as it was marketed to them.

    Edit: Yes you can do the latter, but again, you shouldn't need to do that. You shouldn't need to spend that time downloading and wasting space on your computer just to get an expansion and then manually copy it all to the right place.
    Post edited by themazingness on
  • JFKJFK Member Posts: 214
    Yeah, I guess I still don't get it. You have to download it either way, so that time spent downloading is the same for Steam or Beamdog. Steam key is free with Beamdog, so no extra cost. Why would you need to manually move it?
    But, I don't believe my comments are helping. It seems as if the fact that it isn't yet on Beamdog is very frustrating to some people, and that's cool. I myself am so glad we got this premium module, and have enjoyed it immensely! Kudos to all involved in bringing this great addition to us.

    I use Beamdog client mostly, but I play Tyrants through Steam.


  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    edited March 2020
    JFK wrote: »
    Yeah, I guess I still don't get it. You have to download it either way, so that time spent downloading is the same for Steam or Beamdog. Steam key is free with Beamdog, so no extra cost. Why would you need to manually move it?
    But, I don't believe my comments are helping. It seems as if the fact that it isn't yet on Beamdog is very frustrating to some people, and that's cool. I myself am so glad we got this premium module, and have enjoyed it immensely! Kudos to all involved in bringing this great addition to us.

    I use Beamdog client mostly, but I play Tyrants through Steam.



    It's definitely a great module. I agree it is worth it to get it elsewhere like I did when I gave up on Beamdog making it accessible from their website. Now I have NWN:EE on all three PC platforms which is a bit silly to me. For some context to my personal situation, if I like a company I like to support them. That's why I bought the Digital Deluxe in the early days. Plus I knew I'd have it through the client and Steam. I don't like using Steam if I can help it because I hate required clients. But I am not so anti-Steam I won't buy from there, I just prefer GoG's DRM free model. I liked Beamdog enough I decided having it in 2 places and supporting the company is a better investment than getting it DRM free. Now I regret that choice. I ended up having to buy it on GoG just so I could play Tyrants of the Moonsea which I find unacceptable (yes, I could have gotten it on Steam, but then I'd only have it on Steam, and it wouldn't be DRM free).
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    In one word Hallelujah, finally.

  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    All I can get is the "DLC Applied" button; "Play" no longer shows up.
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    A word to the wise. There seems to be a very minor bug in the information supplied to the BD client if you buy both this DLC and its soundtrack. It occurs after downloading, etc. the DLC itself. When you go to download the soundtrack you are erroneously informed that you will need an additional 1.9ish gigs of storage. Do not panic. Do not have kittens. The actual size is around 230 meg. It appears as though what is happening is that the sizes of the DLC and soundtrack are being added together. Hope that helps.

  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Trixter wrote: »
    All I can get is the "DLC Applied" button; "Play" no longer shows up.

    A screenshot please?
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @Trixter You have re-selected either Retail or Development from the dropdown menu, haven't you?

  • TrixterTrixter Member Posts: 237
    Uh no, I thought the Moonsea, like the Daggerford, was the only update I needed; thanks.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    A word to the wise. There seems to be a very minor bug in the information supplied to the BD client if you buy both this DLC and its soundtrack. It occurs after downloading, etc. the DLC itself. When you go to download the soundtrack you are erroneously informed that you will need an additional 1.9ish gigs of storage. Do not panic. Do not have kittens. The actual size is around 230 meg. It appears as though what is happening is that the sizes of the DLC and soundtrack are being added together. Hope that helps.


    Do you have a screenshot for that?
  • GingauGingau Member Posts: 13
    Looking forward to spending some time here -got extra of that since the RW virus shut down my job.

    So, purchased the mod, fired up Beamdog client, started NWN-enhanced, and can't find Tyrants.

    How do I access this module? Is it an in-game access point, cause it does not show up in the module tabs.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited March 2020
    Gingau wrote: »
    Looking forward to spending some time here -got extra of that since the RW virus shut down my job.

    So, purchased the mod, fired up Beamdog client, started NWN-enhanced, and can't find Tyrants.

    How do I access this module? Is it an in-game access point, cause it does not show up in the module tabs.

    Did you install it?

    It should show up in Premium NWN modules.
  • GingauGingau Member Posts: 13
    Gingau wrote: »
    Looking forward to spending some time here -got extra of that since the RW virus shut down my job.

    So, purchased the mod, fired up Beamdog client, started NWN-enhanced, and can't find Tyrants.

    How do I access this module? Is it an in-game access point, cause it does not show up in the module tabs.

    Did you install it?

    Email said nothing about download or installing, but that it should be in "My Games" section of Client.

    It should show up in Premium NWN modules.

    That's what I thought, but only have Kingmaker, ShadowGuard, and Witch's Wake there.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    edited March 2020
    Can you please upload a screenshot (s) of your Beamdog Client, NWN and TotM there (including the drop-down menu).
  • GingauGingau Member Posts: 13
    Can you please upload a screenshot (s) of your Beamdog Client, NWN and TotM there (including the drop-down menu).

    Aha! Never saw that little triangle drop-down menu next to "Retail"!
    Always went straight to the side game menu.

    Also, along with TotM, I found a few other DLC that I had not installed there.
    Glad I asked and appreciate the helpful info.

    Now onward to save the known world while avoiding nasty little viruses outside my door.

    Much thanks JuliusBorisov
  • Awas73Awas73 Member Posts: 66
    Thank you Beamdog. This came at a great time. Hopefully this restored some faith in you that others didn't seem to have.
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