Beamdog Support is moving to Service Desk

Hello, everyone!
For several years, we’ve been using Zendesk and Redmine to track reports and provide customer support for our D&D games:
After a thorough evaluation, we’ve made the decision to move our support and issue tracking into one place: Service Desk. This will help us keep track of all your feedback and reports.
Don’t worry: we'll copy over your existing issues from Zendesk & Redmine. Thanks for all your feedback & reports over the years. Looking forward to hearing from you at the new site:
Beamdog Service Desk
For several years, we’ve been using Zendesk and Redmine to track reports and provide customer support for our D&D games:
- Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition
- Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition
- Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
- Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition
- Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition
After a thorough evaluation, we’ve made the decision to move our support and issue tracking into one place: Service Desk. This will help us keep track of all your feedback and reports.
Don’t worry: we'll copy over your existing issues from Zendesk & Redmine. Thanks for all your feedback & reports over the years. Looking forward to hearing from you at the new site:
Beamdog Service Desk
This discussion has been closed.
What we meant there is that we copied all the existing reports (to the internal base), nothing was lost.
There is a visibility issue, though. On the old system, all tickets were visible, and could be filtered by author. On the new system, I can only see the new tickets I've raised there. So, I can't see my old open tickets, for example 41030 "Line of Sight compatibility error", or respond to developer questions about them, nor can I see other people's tickets to check for duplicates.
Of course, it may well be that the old tickets are on your internal tracker, as you say.
Umm... it's pretty much the opposite of that. They've been working on stuff for NWN:EE continuously since the beginning giving it improvements. The reason it doesn't appear as "enhanced" as you might hope is most of the work has been done on the creation side rather than the visual side. NWN's main purpose is the creating or playing what others have created, not for the campaigns to be visually stunning. As for not caring, I doubt that too. I just think they've bitten off more than they can chew, so to us players it feels like things aren't taken care of when in fact they are, just not at an ideal pace for us. Not that I don't have my things I criticize. I'm just saying this hasn't been a "quick buck" for Beamdog by any means.
I smell a TROLL...quick get the torches!