Hardest to find spell scrolls from BG1 in BG2?

Curious which scrolls might be tough to find for one reason or another.
My main character in BG1 is part mage but I'm holding off on learning a ton of spells for that sweet 100x scribing XP bonus in 2.
Cheesy but I might as well, I'm not suffering for lack of Knock or anything.
If I were to go to BG2 with nothing but Magic Missile, Melf's Acid Arrow, and Fireball...what useful spells might I have a hard time getting in BG2? Especially early on when they might be more useful.
My main character in BG1 is part mage but I'm holding off on learning a ton of spells for that sweet 100x scribing XP bonus in 2.

If I were to go to BG2 with nothing but Magic Missile, Melf's Acid Arrow, and Fireball...what useful spells might I have a hard time getting in BG2? Especially early on when they might be more useful.
Random scroll drops come from a fairly short list - everything outside that will come from fixed drops and shops. All spells of level 6 and below are available from vendors reachable during SoA, but not necessarily right away.
Scrolls up to level 5 which can't be found in shops until you do a quest of some sort:
- Spook. Available at the Red Wizard enclave in Neera's quest (3x), or can be found in chapter 5. This one's not available at all otherwise.
- Protection from Cold. Available in Trademeet (3x), the Red Wizard enclave (3x), Brynnlaw (1x), or Ust Natha (1x).
- Remove Magic. Available in the Red Wizard enclave (3x).
- Wraithform. Available in the sahuagin city (3x) and in Suldanesselar (3x).
- Contagion. Available in the Red Wizard enclave (2x).
- Spell Shield. Available in the Underdark, before you're disguised as a drow (1x).
Scrolls up to level 5 which have no more than 5 copies in SoA shops, not including those above:
- Deafness. Lady Yuth (2x), Red Wizard enclave (3x).
- Glitterdust. Lady Yuth (2x).
- Farsight. Lady Yuth (2x).
- Remove Curse. Galoomp (3x), Lady Yuth (2x).
- Wizard Eye. Galoomp (2x), Lady Yuth (2x).
- Conjure Lesser Air Elemental. Jayes (2x), Ust Natha (1x).
- Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental. Jayes (2x), Ust Natha (1x).
- Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental. City Gates merchant (1x), Trademeet (2x), Brynnlaw (1x).
- Minor Spell Turning. Jayes (1x), Ust Natha (1x).
- Oracle. City Gates merchant (1x), Trademeet (2x), Brynnlaw (1x).
- Phantom Blade. Jayes (2x).
- Protection from Acid. Jayes (1x), Red Wizard enclave (2x).
- Sunfire. Lady Yuth (2x), Underdark (1x).
While Lesser Fire Elemental and Oracle may look like you can't just buy them right away, one of the scrolls in Trademeet in each case comes from the fence Kich. He can sell you things even before you do the quests. Some of these rare scrolls are most easily found from Jayes; if you're not familiar, he shows up on the eastern edge of the Promenade map at night, outside the main structure.
There are exactly two places in SoA you can buy this; one of them (cutpurse) is flat out not there 50% of the time, and the other (Carlig) changes his inventory when you advance the plot. So it’s easy to miss.
In some play throughs this leads to weird situations where your mages can throw around wish/timestop/ADHW all over the place, but can barely muster a single improved haste between them.
Also, both Aerie and Neera have Improved Haste already in their spellbooks when you recruit them. Or, at least, that's true for the version of Neera I recorded. Her starting spellbook may depend on the level you recruit her at.
from what i recall in SoA, up to level 6 you will find at least 1 copy of every spell ( if you do every quest and go everywhere ) except for;
invisibility 10' radius
protection from cold
wraith form
ice storm
remove curse
greater malison
shadow door
power word silence
for the above spells, you can either find them at vendors or shops through out the land, beamdog also added 3 scrolls of wraith form to the sahuagin temple in chapter 4 ( if you don't use the portal to go to spellhold )
and usually up to about level 5 or so, you can probably find at least 2-3 copies if not more of any spell from vendors
for level 6 spells you will either find them as random drops;
stone to flesh
tenser's transformation
death spell
true seeing
spell deflection
globe of invulnerability
pierce magic
prot from magic energy
invisible stalker
summon nishruu
carrion summons
for other level 6 spells you will either find them in certain lootable containers or shops through out the land
for level 7 spells as random drops;
sphere of chaos
ruby ray of reversal
control undead
mordenkainen's sword
spell sequencer
projected image
mass invisibility
protection from elements
spell turning
khelben's warding whip
power word stun
the 3 summons
for the rest, you can either again find them in lootable containers or through out shops
for level 8 spells as random drops;
abi-dalzim's horrid wilting
incendiary cloud
spell trigger
pierce shield
improved mantle
protection from energy
summon fiend
symbol fear
the rest are either found in lootable containers or in high level shops except for bigby's clenched fist which can only be found in ToB
for level 9 there is only one spell that can be found as a random treasure and that is; spell trap
for the rest in SoA there are "x" amount of copies of each level 9 spell;
shapechange - found in ribald's special wares
timestop x4 i believe - suldanessellar, underdark ( vithal ), chapter 6 forest area, ribald's special wares
wail of the banshee x2 i believe - underdark ( vithal ) and i believe ribald's special wares has another
black blade of disaster - ribald's special wares
chain contingency - ribald's special wares
meteor swarm - suldanessellar
spell strike - ribald's special wares
absolute immunity - suldanessellar
freedom x5ish? - underdark merchants, ribald's special wares
imprisonment - removed from SoA when ToB is installed ( was previously in suldanessellar )
spell trap - i believe found in ribald's special wares
power word kill - ribald's special wares
gate - suldanessellar
wish x3 - ToB only ( arcana archives x1, one of the seal fight drops, you can gamble with the deck of many things cambion for another one )
bigby's crushing hand x2 - ToB only arcana archives x2
also, speaking about arcana archives, he holds x2 of every single mage spell except for;
wraith form, he holds x0
wish, he holds x1
The Arcana Archives, corrected: Two of everything, except 4x Vocalize (two stacks), 1x Identify, 1x Wish, and no Wraithform.
There's another shop with all the scrolls in ToB; the Book Merchant in Neera's quest. 3 of everything up to level 5 (except Wraithform), 2 of each level 6 and level 7 scroll, and one of each level 8 and level 9 scroll. The prices are slightly cheaper than the Arcana Archives, but the Book Merchant can't be stolen from.
but in the original bernard had an unlimited supply of a certain spell, so using a thief and selling and stealing wands or other valuable items to a fence you can have almost unlimited money, so buy unlimited spells to scribe and erase.
EE got rid of that unlimited supply of that scroll, now i don't remember what it actually was.
and here i come to know that so the trick, or exploit depending on personal opinion, is still open, only delayed a bit.
EDIT: if i want to farm more XP i prefer the limited wish method, you need a mage with PI and a limited wish scroll and the cursed scroll that lowers WIS, then the PI chose to be protected from vampires.
the vampires spawn to protect you, but following their nature they attack you. if you survive you get the xp for the kills, about 60K each time. and i feel that it is well earned xp, you bleed, sweat and work hard to get it so you deserve it...
This scroll is available from Carlig, true, but NOT when you're disguised as a drow. Tested it myself just now, also here.