When will there be a fix for the NVIDIA gpu driver so I can use the latest gpu drivers?

The NVIDIA driver to fix the toolset issue (brought up a while ago) is not a current driver for my gpu. When I install the newest drivers, the toolset breaks again.. Is there a fix in the works to allow the newest NVIDIA drivers to work with the toolset?
My card: GeForce GTX 660
I don't like having to swap drivers out every time I play a game or use the toolset. Please fix !!
My card: GeForce GTX 660
I don't like having to swap drivers out every time I play a game or use the toolset. Please fix !!
Thanks for the help, and sorry for the headache
That allowed the Toolset to run and not crash. It also allowed me to load modules, which I could not do before.
The only problem still is that my NPCs give me .2da errors (just running the base NWN:EE, no add-ons, no special TLK) but yet lots of categories are missing or empty in the Toolset and when you test the module the NPCs do not appear as normal due to the .2da error. I already uninstalled the game from Steam and re-installed it and I get the exact same issue.