FAQ for Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition (Switch, Xbox, PS4)

in News
We have prepared a rundown of some Frequently Asked Questions about our upcoming release of Neverwinter Nights: Enhanced Edition for Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One.
We’re pleased that there is an enthusiastic community willing to welcome adventurers from these new platforms into their campaigns. We’re interested in exploring the possibility of making further persistent worlds available to console players. Please note, the Nintendo Switch and XBox One versions of Neverwinter Nights are only compatible with persistent worlds that support NWSync, and have a total download size of under 4GB.
This sounds awesome.
Since no keyboard support is offered, I guess debug mode is out of the question..??. but will you consider including a save game editor like Leto?
There is a software keyboard with predictive text available. I don't believe editors can be supported on console (officially).
Will other Premium modules that are available on console (such as Infinite Dungeons) be available later, and if so, will they be DLC or Free /w the $50 price point?
Will they be available via free downloadable content similar to the localisation packages? Or will console players have to wait until the whole modernisation of the assets has been completed and become part of an official game update?
Thinking way further ahead, this could help future console PW's to drastically reduce their own download size as well. If the full enhanced models package by Beamdog winds up to be similar in scoop to Project Q, that is.
The DoD is the EE version. Infinite Dungeons and other missing Premium Modules (TotM) haven't been announced for the console version. We don't have anything to share about at this time, beyond the fact they are not available.
A good question. We'll share about it when we're ready.
Hi Julius
How can our PW's be made available for console? We have one that doesn't use haks at all so there shouldn't be an issue with NWSync.
The console renderer has been cut down significantly from what the PC version renderer is supposed to be. That's one of the reasons why the PC update is still not ready.