The Heart of the Wood mod has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support. v7.0.0 is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible.
This mod adds a magic druidic wand that summons some powerful forest monsters and creatures (with some new ones from the monsters compendium) to aid your druid in combat, although the overall HD of the summoned creatures is limited to 13. This item can be acquired from Kyland Lind (Druid Grove). You must kill him first for it, of course.
Added heartwood.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed Setup-HeartWood.tp2 -> heartwood to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Restored `VERSION` flag.
Replaced `AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT` deprecated command with `README`.
Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "heart_of_the_wood" `LABEL`.
Fixed infer_charsets variable name in `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function.
Added native EET compatibility.
Appended tooltip.2da with heartwod.itm (and added a new strref).
heartwod.itm: fixed a typo in GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE string variable which prevented the right strref to be patched.
tdr10a.cre file is no longer overwritten, but patched now.
Hard-coded spells unidentified names and descriptions in .spl files to avoid writing them in installation process.
Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
Updated German, Italian and Russian tra files for compatibility with GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE WeiDU function requirements which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.
Updated French and English translations (Gwendolyne).
Restored German translation (Cronox).
Split, updated, renamed readme files to "heartwood-readme-%LANGUAGE%.txt" and moved them into new "readme" folder.
Reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types.
Lower cased files.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
The Slithering Menace mod has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.
v4.0.0 includes v3.5 by Deratiseur (BG2:EE compatibility) and is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible.
This mod is a very serious (or not...) attempt to make Throne of Bhaal more interesting. It adds a small "quest" containing sn... "an encounter of serpentine nature" on the pocket pl... "dimension", as well as a brand new (and stylish!) item.
Added snakes.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed Setup-SNAKES.tp2 -> snakes to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Added `VERSION` flag.
Added `README` command.
Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "the_slithering_menace" `LABEL`.
Fixed infer_charsets variable name in `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function.
Added native EET compatibility.
Fixed Snake-skin loafers (jl#shoes.itm): Added missing opcodes #267 Protection from Display Specific String (14000 "Slow" and 14668 "Slowed") and #169 Immunity Special Effect Icon (41 Slow).
Added `ADD_JOURNAL` new WeiDU command for EE games.
Revamped jl#snakes.d: Replaced old-school `IsValidForPartyDialogue("XXX")` conditions with more accurate `InParty("XXX") InMyArea("XXX") !StateCheck("XXX",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)` and all APPEND banter files with CHAIN.
Revamped script jl#snakes.baf: Replaced old-school trigger conditions `!StateCheck("XXX",STATE_SLEEPING)` with more accurate CamDawg's `!StateCheck("XXX",CD_STATE_NOTVALID)`.
Added German, Italian (thanks Salk!) and Spanish WeiDU prompts.
Updated translations (Gwendolyne and Austin).
Updated, renamed readme files to "snakes-readme-%LANGUAGE%.txt" and moved them into new "readme" folder.
Reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types.
Lower cased files.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
Added alchemy.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed Setup-Alchemy.tp2 -> alchemy to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Added `VERSION` flag.
Added `README` command.
Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "jan_alchemy" `LABEL`.
Fixed infer_charsets variable name in `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function.
Added native EET compatibility.
alchem1.baf: replaced `CreateItem` action with `GiveItemCreate` and added `DestroyGold` action. Fixed Potion of Mind Shield recipe (2 Potions of Clarity - was 1 - and 2 000 gp - was 1 000).
Spl files: removed hard-coded spell descriptions.
Jan's Book of Brewing spell (jalchem.spl): replaced wrong description spell with a more accurate one (was *Spell Immunity* spell description!).
EE only: Jan's Book of Brewing use is now restricted to Jan.
Potions updates:
itm files: hard-coded item unidentified names and descriptions to avoid writing them in installation process.
Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Confusion effects: op#267 (protection from string = 14782 Confused - 14791 Rigid Thinking), op#169 (Immunity Special Effect Icon = 2 Rigid Thinking, 47 Chaos), op#296 Protection from Specific Animation (SPCONFUS).
Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Fear effects: op#296 (Protection from Specific Animation = CDHORROR), op#240 (Remove Special Effect Icon = 36 Panic), op#106 (Morale break = 1), op#161 (Remove fear), op#23 (Reset moral), op#101 (Protection: from Opcode = 23 Reset), Added op#321 (Remove effects by resource) for EE games (a7!in13b, spwi205, spin105).
Added DS value (67 BUFF_PRO_EFFECTS and 106 RESIST_FEAR) for EE games (op#328).
Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Charm effects: op#296 Protection from Specific Animation (SPNWCHRM), op#267 (protection from string = 8364 Dominated - 14780 Dire charmed - 1476 14672 Charmed).
Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Hold effects: op#296 (Protection from Specific Animation = SPFLAYER, SPMINDAT), op#101 (Protection: from Opcode = 109 Paralyze, 185 Hold Creature III), op#169 (Prevent portrait icon: 13 Held), op#267 (protection from string = 14102 17404 8823 1473 915 384 340 Held).
Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Stun effects: op#169 (Immunity Special Effect Icon = 55 Stun), op#267 (protection from string = 1280 Stunned - 14013 Stun).
Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Sleep effects: op#169 (Immunity Special Effect Icon = 14 Sleep 130 Unconscious), op#267 (protection from string = 14001 Sleep - 20438 Unconscious).
Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Feeblemindedness effects: op#169 (Immunity Special Effect Icon = 48 Feebleminded).
Updated tra files for compatibility with GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE WeiDU function requirements, which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.
Added German WeiDU prompts.
Updated translations (Gwendolyne and Austin).
Updated and renamed readme files to "alchemy-readme.txt" and moved it into new "readme" folder.
Removed useless "*backup" folder.
Reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types.
Lower cased files.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
Added dragonsummon.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed Setup-DragonSummon.tp2 -> dragonsummon.tp2 to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "red_dragon_summoning_spell" `LABEL`.
Added missing `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function to convert string entries for EE games.
Removed `READLN` action and included into main component the option adding the scroll in Ribald's secret stock of items, to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity"
Added native BG2:EE and EET compatibility.
Added new spell and scroll icons (Gwendolyne).
Fixed wrong spell level (9 - was 7).
Wrote an accurate spell description.
Added French translation (thanks Gwendolyne).
Added Russian translation (thanks Fess and Austin).
Added Spanish translation (thanks Lisandro).
Updated and renamed readme files to "dragonsummon-readme-english.txt" and moved it into new "readme" folder.
Removed useless "backup" folder.
Reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types.
Lower cased files.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Updated WeiDU installer to v246.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
Added swordap.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed setup-swordap.tp2 -> swordap to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Added `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function to convert string entries for EE games
Added `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "improved_haerdalis_swords" `LABEL`.
Added native BG2:EE and EET compatibility.
Swords updates:
Added 1PP compatibility to harmonize colors item with EE games and classical 1PP modded games.
Fixed item descriptions: Set THAC0 bonus to 4 (was 3).
Added specific EE games item identified names.
Fixed item Speed Factor value : 0 (was 1)
Updated descriptions for compatibility with GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE WeiDU function requirements, which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.
EE compatibility: added op#319 (Item Usability) to restrict item usability to Tieflings.
Fixed wrong duration effects values.
Entropy +4 (news05.itm): added EE compatibility for opponents immune to poison (op#324).
Chaos Blade +4 (news06.itm): added F2 Flaming sword (blue) animation (and colors) for EE and classical 1PP modded games.
Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
Added French translation (thanks Gwendolyne).
Added Polish translation (thanks Cahir).
Split "swordap.tra" files into separate thematic files for more comfortable readability.
Wrote a new "improved-haerdalis-swords-readme-english.html" readme file, then moved it into new "readme" folder.
Removed useless "*backup" folder.
Reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
Rupert the Dye merchant has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.
This mod adds a new merchant who sells various dyes and new outfits. Dyes work like potions. These can be used by anyone, and will permanently change the user's colours as specified by the particular dye: there are separate options for major and minor colours, leather (belts/boots/straps), armour, decorative items (like belt buckles/amulets) and hair.
Version 3.0.0 is BG2, ToB, BG Tutu, BGT, BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE and EET compatible, and includes new French and Russian translations, as well as a restored German translation.
Added rupert.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed setup-rupert.tp2 -> rupert to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Added `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function to convert string entries for EE games
Added `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "rupert_the_dye_merchant" `LABEL`.
Added native BG:EE, BG2:EE and EET compatibility.
Commented code as much as possible.
Rewrote store patching process.
Simplified Rupert spawning and script `EXTEND_TOP` process with cross-platforms tutu variables.
Converted inventory BAMs to EE: This feature attempts to modify traditional inventory BAMs so that both the large and small icons are utilized by the EE games. The inventory BAM must have two sequences, the first containing the "large" inventory icon frame and the second containing the "small" inventory icon frame to be processed. Inventory icon BAMs in the bam folder that meet these requirements are patched and saved back to the override folder.
Included BWP Fixpack patch: fixed wrong header icons.
Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
The Neera Expansion mod for BG:EE (from K'aeloree) has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.
This mod adds a series of dialogues to the lovely elven wild mage Neera, in an effort to help flesh her out and give the game a little more content for those who've played through it a half-million times. For the romantically inclined, it also adds a number of flirts that you can initiate if you force-talk her.
Two tweak components make Neera and Rasaad same-sex romanceable
Version 1.2.0 comes with a Russian translation from Austin and support for future translations.
Added neera.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added components `DESIGNATED` numbers and "neera_expansion", "neera_expansion_talks_900", "neera_expansion_talks_1800", "neera_expansion_talks_3600", "neera_expansion_talks_5400", "neera_expansion_talks_7200", "neera_romanceable_by_women" and "rasaad_romanceable_by_men" `LABELS`.
Replaced old-school `DECOMPILE_DLG_TO_D` plus `COMPILE_D_TO_DLG` and destructive `REPLACE_SAY` processes with more accurate `DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH` command and WeiDU homemade "gw_dlg_functions.tpa" library which dynamically modifies response transitions without overwriting dialog.tlk. Moreover, the two "Game romance tweaks" components work now in foreign languages!
Replaced old-school `DECOMPILE_BCS_TO_BAF` plus `COMPILE_BAF_TO_BCS` process with more accurate `DECOMPILE_AND_PATCH` command.
Added Russian translation (Thanks Austin).
Traified mod.
Fixed typos in English .tra files.
Updated and renamed readme file to "neera-expansion-readme-english.html", then moved it into new "readme" folder.
Reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Updated WeiDU installer to v246.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
The Bolsa mod for BG2 (from Alexa and Mhoram) has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.
This mod adds Bolsa, a new merchant who sells several containers and bags for objects that will not appear in your inventory, ammunition belts and a very useful Staff of the Magi, besides common objects.
Version 6.0.0 includes v5 (by deratiseur), is BG2, ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, and provides 1PP compatibility.
Added bolsa.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Fixed a typo in `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function (replaced infer_charset with infer_charsets).
Added `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "bolsa" `LABEL`.
Added native BG2:EE and EET compatibility.
Fixed wrong and inaccurate ACTION.IDS patching.
Fixed a bug creating Bolsa in Adventurer's Mart (AR0702) instead of the Five Flagons Inn 2nd Floor (AR0511).
Staff of Magus (mhconti.itm):
Added 1PP compatibility with EE games and classical 1PP modded games: Added Glowing staff animation (and colors) and harmonized colors item.
Fixed wrong Speed Factor (1 - was 4) and weight (4 - was 3).
Modified opcode #20 (Invisibility) resistance: set to 3 Dispel/Bypass resistance.
Added missing opcodes for a full Immunity to Charm effects: op#296 Protection from Specific Animation (SPNWCHRM), op#267 (protection from string = 8364 Dominated - 14780 Dire charmed - 1476 14672 Charmed). Fixed opcode #142 (Display Special Effect Icon) = replaced wrong parameter2 28 (Protection from Magic) with 52 (Mind Shield).
Restored missing Protection from evil equipped effects and added DS values (117 PROTECTION_FROM_EVIL).
Fireball-Lightning Bolt ability: added Break Sanctuary flag for EE games.
Spell trap ability: replaced with STAF11.spl.
Appended tooltip.2da: added a new column if needed, and a new strref.
Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
Updated Italian and Spanish tra files for compatibility with GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE WeiDU function requirements, which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.
Updated French and English translations (Gwendolyne)
Updated and renamed readme files to "bolsa-readme-%LANGUAGE%.txt", then moved them into new "readme" folder.
Reorganized mod architecture tree: created or renamed folders to sort files according to their types.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
The Ruad Ro'fhessa Item Upgrade mod (from Moonfroot) has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.
This mod adds Ruad, a new smith in Waukeen's Promenade, who improves items as well as forges some quite new ones.
Version 29.0.0 includes v28 (by deratiseur), is BG2, ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, comes with 1PP and ToBEx compatibility, and many items fixes.
Added ruad.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed Setup-Ruad.tp2 -> ruad.tp2 to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Fixed a typo in `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function (replaced infer_charset with infer_charsets).
Added `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games (replaced old `ACTION_IF NOT FILE_EXISTS "Data/25Dialog.bif"` process).
Added components `DESIGNATED` numbers and "ruad_soa" and "ruad_tob" `LABELS`.
Added "always.tpa" library.
Externalized tp2 code into "ruad_soa.tpa" and "ruad_tob.tpa" libraries for more comfortable readability and maintenance.
Added native EET, 1PP and ToBEx compatibility.
Commented code as much as possible.
Fixed too many items to be described here (read this for details).
Converted inventory BAMs to EE: This feature attempts to modify traditional inventory BAMs so that both the large and small icons are utilized by the EE games. The inventory BAM must have two sequences, the first containing the "large" inventory icon frame and the second containing the "small" inventory icon frame to be processed. Inventory icon BAMs in the bam folder that meet these requirements are patched and saved back to the override folder.
Inventory item icons: fixed wrong transparency index (pure green [0.255.0] replaces old turquoise - a pretty annoying BAMWorkshop leftover.
Dialog and script files: added Chapters compatibility with EET (variables "%bg2_chapter_n%" are evaluated to set continuity chapter numbers).
Included BWP Fixpack Luca Piol's typo fix for ruad.d: replaced wrong misc6s item (Chunk of Illithium Alloy) with misc6w (Wooden Stake) to create Wooden Stake (u#blun03.itm).
Provided a Ruad portrait for EE game.
Second component (#10): removed `AT_INTERACTIVE_EXIT` command and added a required main component process, otherwise mod will crash the game if first component is not installed.
Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
Renamed "titles" and "setup" .tra files to more accurate "setup" and "items" .tra files.
Updated items.tra files for compatibility with GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE WeiDU function requirements, which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games. And fixed restriction flags whenever relevant.
Updated and renamed readme file to "ruad-readme-english.txt", then moved it into new "readme" folder.
Renamed "american" language folder to "english".
Removed unused files.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
The Stuff of the Magi mod (from Victor Straffe) has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.
This mod adds a new set of Mage items scattered through the game.
Version 6.0.0 includes v5 (by deratiseur), is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, comes with 1PP and ToBEx compatibility, new Italian and Russian translations and many items fixes.
Added stuffofthemagi.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed Setup-StuffofTheMagi.tp2 -> stuffofthemagi.tp2 to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Fixed a typo in `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function (replaced infer_charset with infer_charsets).
Added `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added components `DESIGNATED` numbers and "sotm_new_items_in_cre_equipment", "sotm_new_items_in_cre_inventory", "sotm_original_items_in_cre_equipment" and "sotm_original_items_in_cre_inventory" `LABELS`.
Replaced `READLN` actions with `SUBCOMPONENTS` to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Externalized tp2 code into "sotm_items.tpa" library for more comfortable readability and maintenance.
Added "always.tpa" library.
Added native EET, 1PP and ToBEx compatibility.
Commented code as much as possible.
Fixed wrong ACTION.IDS patching.
Fixed an installation issue preventing the player wearing whole Stuff of the Magi set to gain an extra bonus if Option ("Use original, overpowered items") was selected.
Does not compile anymore wzrdlich.baf twice.
wzrdlich.cre: moved RNDTREnn items from quick item slots to inventory.
Provided a portrait to Erevain Beraskána.
Hard-coded items inventory and headers icons in .itm files to avoid writing them in installation process.
Added 1PP compatibility to harmonize colors item with EE games and classical 1PP modded games.
Added Break Sanctuary flag whenever relevant for EE games.
Appended tooltip.2da whenever relevant (wzrdboot, wzrdhelm and wzrdstaf).
Fixed too many items to be described here (read this for details).
Updated strings.tra files for compatibility with GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE WeiDU function requirements, which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.
Split setup.tra file into separate thematic files for more comfortable readability.
Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
Added Italian translation (by ilot).
Added Russian translation (by the BiG World Textpack Russian project).
Updated and renamed readme files to "sotm-readme-%LANGUAGE%.txt", then moved them into new "readme" folder.
Reorganized mod architecture tree: created "lib" and "readme" folders, renamed "script" and "language" folders to "baf" and "lang" folders.
Removed useless or unused files: wzrdlic2.baf, wzrdlichold.cre and wzrdbag.itm.
Included Linux and macOS versions in the same package (thanks AL|EN's Infinity Auto Packager tool!).
Added archive libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info.
Updated WeiDU installer to v246.
Uploaded mod to official Spellhold Studios GitHub mirror account.
Arath NPC has been updated to v5 and is now available from the SHS GitHub Mirror, as well.
Arath is a complex, self-assured, humorous and somewhat hedonistic druid who, on the surface, cares for little else beyond himself and his love for nature. He loves the human form, both male and female, and isn't afraid to be direct about what he wants -- though he's not always successful in getting it, much to his chagrin. He has a passionate hate for aberrations, the undead and anything else that falls beyond the natural scheme of things, and he has some rather complex and occasionally contradictory beliefs.
The mod is compatible with BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET.
Version 5 comes with a Russian translation by Ghyn, a fixed cre file, stackable healing potions, and XP adjustments.
Changes v5:
Russian version by Ghyn added.
Corrected Arath's cre file (removed Bhaalspawn Innates and "export allowed" and "been in party" flags; changed stats to specifications in readme).
Replaced healing potions in his inventory with normal ones that can be stacked with the others.
Arath will receive XP to level to the PC's level upon first joining (up to 3,000,000 XP)
Nephele NPC updates to v2.6 and is now also available from GitHub!
Adding a touch of humour and hopefully a hint of originality and interest, Nephele is an NPC for BGII: SoA and ToB--a halfling cleric of Yondalla, mother of seven and a compulsive adventurer.
A woman of many stories, she has lived a long and sometimes dangerous life, been married, had children (and grandchildren), and dealt with her demons. Nephele has no earth-shaking quest, no troubling issues and requires no therapy. That's not to say that she won't pipe up with her opinion at every juncture, and do her best to make you into the best young man or woman you can be!
Version 2.6 comes with some bugfixes. Since v2.4 the mod is also directly compatible with all BG2 games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET!
Nephele will not comment on situations if she was not in party (meeting Bodhi, meeting Aran, Bodhi escaped first time, escaping Underdark.)
Nephele will receive XP up to the PC's level upon first joining (up to 3,000,000 XP)
Changed download link in nephele.ini to GitHub repo
added folder libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info
Fixed repeating Nephele-Nalia banter
EET compatibility added
Epilogues should show correctly
Banter triggers changed to GLOBAL.
tp2: SUPPORT tag added with link to forum at SHS
HANDLE_CHARSETS added and inconv.exe
corrected trigger for interjections: See("Nephele") added, interjection into Solar should not happen if Nephele cannot talk.
Optimized triggers for dialogues (added CombatCounter(0) and !See([ENEMY]) to activation blocks etc.)
added InParty() trigger for NPC who starts the banter (probably not necessary but better save than sorry)
(all fixes from BWPFixpack integrated)
wrong sound references removed from lk#neph.cre
Fixed EE kit issues
nephele.ini with mod info metadata added
Update to WeiDU v246
Dace NPC is now also available from the official SHS GitHub Mirror!
"I can see pretty easily what other people consider "good" an' "evil," and tell the difference, but I just don't understand why people get so concerned about doin' one or the other. Strikes me that the wisest thing to do is whatever the wisest thing is for whatever situation you're in, not whatever you've decided is some overarchin' truth. So I do "good" if I can profit and "evil" if I can profit and I won't get caught, and the hells can take the hindermost for all that I care which is which."
Dace Linton is a Chaotic Neutral human female bounty hunter, about 33 years old. She will come over and speak to your PC if you leave or enter through the lower archway of Waukeen's Promenade, where you can find her standing on the steps.
Dace is a slight, wiry woman with short brown hair and clothing of a decidedly nondescript colour and practical cut. She speaks in an unremarkable contralto voice, clipping some words strangely and finishing others with a slight lilt. She has a somewhat crooked grin, as though some emotion other than amusement always manages to twist her smile slightly at the last minute. Dace seems very fond of the notion of practicality but doesn't always practice what she preaches, and occasionally shows a streak of whimsicality that borders on ridiculousness. Ninety percent of the time she is operating on Full-Sarcastic, Half-Obnoxious mode, but she is also capable of brief moments of unique insight and kindness.
The mod is copatible with all BGII games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET!
Fade is a shadow thief, under the employ of Aran Linvail. With her crimson hair, crimson eyes and lashing tail, she is definitely not your regular elf-on-the-street; she is a fey'ri, a part succubus with a temper to match. At first, her reasons for joining the party are unclear - is she a spy? Or something else...
The mod is compatible with all BGII games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET.
Version 5.6 comes with various bugfixes. In addition, the mod is now available from the official SHS GitHub Mirror!
- Fixed friendship path: no stutter bug and dialogues will play as intended
- Integrated fix from BWPFixpack:misspelled token
- Changed text transformation to using iconv and removed autotra folder
- All audio references lower cased so they will play on Linux
- Fade.ini added to support ALIEN's Project Infinity
The Darron mod (from Eslizon) has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.
This mod adds Darron, a new merchant who sells special goods created especially for thieves. You can find him in the cellar of the Shadow Thieves guild.
Version 2.0.0 is BG2, ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, comes with new French and Russian translations, 1PP and ToBEx compatibility, and many items fixes.
Added darron.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Renamed Setup-DARRON.tp2 -> darron.tp2 to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Added `README` command in tp2.
Added `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function to convert string entries for EE games.
Added `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "darron" `LABEL`.
Added native BG2:EE, EET, 1pp and ToBEx compatibility.
Provided a Darron portrait for EE games.
Converted inventory BAMs to EE: This feature attempts to modify traditional inventory BAMs so that both the large and small icons are utilized by the EE games. The inventory BAM must have two sequences, the first containing the "large" inventory icon frame and the second containing the "small" inventory icon frame to be processed. Inventory icon BAMs in the bam folder that meet these requirements are patched and saved back to the "override" folder.
Gave its name to Guarded Dimensional Chest (servidor.sto).
Added Darron store name.
Used baf file instead of bcs to extend ar0307.bcs script.
Hard-coded items general name and unidentified description strref in .itm files to avoid writing them in installation process.
Fixed classes and kits restriction flags and appended tooltip.2da whenever relevant.
Added 1pp compatibility to harmonize colors item with EE games and classical 1pp modded games.
Added "Break Sanctuary" flag whenever relevant for EE games.
Fixed too many items to be described here (read this for details).
Added foreign languages WeiDU prompts whenever possible.
Updated items.tra files for compatibility with `GW_UPDATE_ITM_DESCRIPTION_TO_EE` WeiDU function requirements, which automatically removes usability restrictions for EE games.
Added valerie.ini metadata file to support AL|EN's "Project Infinity".
Replaced `AUTHOR` keyword with `SUPPORT`.
Added missing `HANDLE_CHARSETS` function to convert string entries for EE games.
Added Modmerge check for SoD games.
Added missing `REQUIRE_PREDICATE` process to avoid installing the mod in inaccurate games.
Added component `DESIGNATED` number and "valerie_npc_for_bg" `LABEL`.
Externalized tp2 code into main_component.tpa library for more comfortable readability and maintenance.
Commented code as much as possible.
Replaced `GAME_IS` conditions with variables checks to speed up install time.
Added native EET compatibility.
SoD/EET/BGT compatibility: as she has no content for those games, Valerie will no longer remain in the party at SoD and BGT transitions.
fw4800.baf: Added "Continue()" to the script block that is patched via `EXTEND_TOP`.
dialogues: fixed a typo wrongly patching t2val.d (bt2val.d) and prematurely breaking off dialog (thanks Greenhorn for reporting it), and added eet variables when relevant (t2valj.d).
Updated cpmvars files.
Fixed kit.ids in classic games if BG2 Fixpack is not installed (preventing `WARNINGS` when compiling dialog files).
Cleaned up old ids entries patch replaced with more recent BG2 Fixpack one and removed animate.ids patching that was ruining Infinity Animations fixes if installed after IA.
Simplified area type flagging and Tutu area script assignment patching.
Thanks for allowing us to provide an alternate DL link. Even if SHS has not been down for a while, hosting those mods both at SHS and GitHub is better. Moreover, they now will be handled by mods manager tools such as Project Infinity.
Before uploading them, I will look for hypothetical BWP Fixpack patches and new translations that might be included in your packages.
The transfer should be done by this weekend.
Hubelpot the Vegetable Merchant NPC mod (from BobTokyo and SConrad) has been updated and is now available with macOS and Linux support.
This mod adds the Vegetable Merchant Hubelpot Thistledown to the game. He is a joinable druid-NPC. You can find him in Enge's fruit and vegetable shop in Waukeen's Promenade. Hubelpot is by default a Totemic Druid, and his two optional kits have been re-enabled: the Village Druid for those who want something a bit different, and the Vegetable Farmer for those who want a powerful kit with high comic relief value. Hubelpot features around 30 banters (He interacts with every Bioware NPC except Sarevok) and one quest with an unusual reward.
Version 2.0.0 is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible and comes with so many fixes and improvements I am too lazy to report here.
This mod adds a magic druidic wand that summons some powerful forest monsters and creatures (with some new ones from the monsters compendium) to aid your druid in combat, although the overall HD of the summoned creatures is limited to 13. This item can be acquired from Kyland Lind (Druid Grove). You must kill him first for it, of course.
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v4.0.0 includes v3.5 by Deratiseur (BG2:EE compatibility) and is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible.
This mod is a very serious (or not...) attempt to make Throne of Bhaal more interesting. It adds a small "quest" containing sn... "an encounter of serpentine nature" on the pocket pl... "dimension", as well as a brand new (and stylish!) item.
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This mod adds Jan's Book of Brewing into the game, a magical tome that will allow Jan to create 8 potions following specific recipes.
Version 8.0.0 includes v7 (by Deratiseur), is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, and provides updated French, German and Russian translations.
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This mod adds a new 9th level spell scroll in Ribald's secret stock of items.
Version 2.0.0 is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, and provides new French, Russian and Spanish translations.
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This mod allows you to upgrade Haer'Dalis' swords in the Underdark.
Version 3.0.0 is BG2, ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, with new French and Polish translations, and provides 1PP compatibility.
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This mod adds a new merchant who sells various dyes and new outfits. Dyes work like potions. These can be used by anyone, and will permanently change the user's colours as specified by the particular dye: there are separate options for major and minor colours, leather (belts/boots/straps), armour, decorative items (like belt buckles/amulets) and hair.
Version 3.0.0 is BG2, ToB, BG Tutu, BGT, BG:EE, SoD, BG2:EE and EET compatible, and includes new French and Russian translations, as well as a restored German translation.
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This mod adds a series of dialogues to the lovely elven wild mage Neera, in an effort to help flesh her out and give the game a little more content for those who've played through it a half-million times. For the romantically inclined, it also adds a number of flirts that you can initiate if you force-talk her.
Two tweak components make Neera and Rasaad same-sex romanceable
Version 1.2.0 comes with a Russian translation from Austin and support for future translations.
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This mod adds Bolsa, a new merchant who sells several containers and bags for objects that will not appear in your inventory, ammunition belts and a very useful Staff of the Magi, besides common objects.
Version 6.0.0 includes v5 (by deratiseur), is BG2, ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, and provides 1PP compatibility.
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This mod adds Ruad, a new smith in Waukeen's Promenade, who improves items as well as forges some quite new ones.
Version 29.0.0 includes v28 (by deratiseur), is BG2, ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, comes with 1PP and ToBEx compatibility, and many items fixes.
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This mod adds a new set of Mage items scattered through the game.
Version 6.0.0 includes v5 (by deratiseur), is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, comes with 1PP and ToBEx compatibility, new Italian and Russian translations and many items fixes.
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Version 2.1.0 comes with Russian translation.
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Arath is a complex, self-assured, humorous and somewhat hedonistic druid who, on the surface, cares for little else beyond himself and his love for nature. He loves the human form, both male and female, and isn't afraid to be direct about what he wants -- though he's not always successful in getting it, much to his chagrin. He has a passionate hate for aberrations, the undead and anything else that falls beyond the natural scheme of things, and he has some rather complex and occasionally contradictory beliefs.
The mod is compatible with BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET.
Version 5 comes with a Russian translation by Ghyn, a fixed cre file, stackable healing potions, and XP adjustments.
Changes v5:
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Adding a touch of humour and hopefully a hint of originality and interest, Nephele is an NPC for BGII: SoA and ToB--a halfling cleric of Yondalla, mother of seven and a compulsive adventurer.
A woman of many stories, she has lived a long and sometimes dangerous life, been married, had children (and grandchildren), and dealt with her demons. Nephele has no earth-shaking quest, no troubling issues and requires no therapy. That's not to say that she won't pipe up with her opinion at every juncture, and do her best to make you into the best young man or woman you can be!
Version 2.6 comes with some bugfixes. Since v2.4 the mod is also directly compatible with all BG2 games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET!
Nephele will not comment on situations if she was not in party (meeting Bodhi, meeting Aran, Bodhi escaped first time, escaping Underdark.)
Nephele will receive XP up to the PC's level upon first joining (up to 3,000,000 XP)
Changed download link in nephele.ini to GitHub repo
added folder libiconv-1.9.2-1-src.7z with iconv licence info
Fixed repeating Nephele-Nalia banter
EET compatibility added
Epilogues should show correctly
Banter triggers changed to GLOBAL.
tp2: SUPPORT tag added with link to forum at SHS
HANDLE_CHARSETS added and inconv.exe
corrected trigger for interjections: See("Nephele") added, interjection into Solar should not happen if Nephele cannot talk.
Optimized triggers for dialogues (added CombatCounter(0) and !See([ENEMY]) to activation blocks etc.)
added InParty() trigger for NPC who starts the banter (probably not necessary but better save than sorry)
(all fixes from BWPFixpack integrated)
wrong sound references removed from lk#neph.cre
Fixed EE kit issues
nephele.ini with mod info metadata added
Update to WeiDU v246
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"I can see pretty easily what other people consider "good" an' "evil," and tell the difference, but I just don't understand why people get so concerned about doin' one or the other. Strikes me that the wisest thing to do is whatever the wisest thing is for whatever situation you're in, not whatever you've decided is some overarchin' truth. So I do "good" if I can profit and "evil" if I can profit and I won't get caught, and the hells can take the hindermost for all that I care which is which."
Dace Linton is a Chaotic Neutral human female bounty hunter, about 33 years old. She will come over and speak to your PC if you leave or enter through the lower archway of Waukeen's Promenade, where you can find her standing on the steps.
Dace is a slight, wiry woman with short brown hair and clothing of a decidedly nondescript colour and practical cut. She speaks in an unremarkable contralto voice, clipping some words strangely and finishing others with a slight lilt. She has a somewhat crooked grin, as though some emotion other than amusement always manages to twist her smile slightly at the last minute. Dace seems very fond of the notion of practicality but doesn't always practice what she preaches, and occasionally shows a streak of whimsicality that borders on ridiculousness. Ninety percent of the time she is operating on Full-Sarcastic, Half-Obnoxious mode, but she is also capable of brief moments of unique insight and kindness.
The mod is copatible with all BGII games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET!
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Fade is a shadow thief, under the employ of Aran Linvail. With her crimson hair, crimson eyes and lashing tail, she is definitely not your regular elf-on-the-street; she is a fey'ri, a part succubus with a temper to match. At first, her reasons for joining the party are unclear - is she a spy? Or something else...
The mod is compatible with all BGII games: BGII, BGT, BGII:EE, and EET.
Version 5.6 comes with various bugfixes. In addition, the mod is now available from the official SHS GitHub Mirror!
- Fixed friendship path: no stutter bug and dialogues will play as intended
- Integrated fix from BWPFixpack:misspelled token
- Changed text transformation to using iconv and removed autotra folder
- All audio references lower cased so they will play on Linux
- Fade.ini added to support ALIEN's Project Infinity
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This mod adds Darron, a new merchant who sells special goods created especially for thieves. You can find him in the cellar of the Shadow Thieves guild.
Version 2.0.0 is BG2, ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible, comes with new French and Russian translations, 1PP and ToBEx compatibility, and many items fixes.
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Version 1.2 is Tutu, BGT, BG:EE and EET compatible, and comes with Russian translation.
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Before uploading them, I will look for hypothetical BWP Fixpack patches and new translations that might be included in your packages.
The transfer should be done by this weekend.
Austin of Gibberlings3 asked me to ask the SHS people to upload to the SHS GitHub mirror the updated Saradas Magic II mod:
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The package includes Version 29.2.0 (August 30, 2020)
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This mod adds the Vegetable Merchant Hubelpot Thistledown to the game. He is a joinable druid-NPC. You can find him in Enge's fruit and vegetable shop in Waukeen's Promenade. Hubelpot is by default a Totemic Druid, and his two optional kits have been re-enabled: the Village Druid for those who want something a bit different, and the Vegetable Farmer for those who want a powerful kit with high comic relief value. Hubelpot features around 30 banters (He interacts with every Bioware NPC except Sarevok) and one quest with an unusual reward.
Version 2.0.0 is ToB, BGT, BG2:EE and EET compatible and comes with so many fixes and improvements I am too lazy to report here.
For more details, please read this.
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