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[Bug] Party member DO NOT comply to their orders the first time !

Aasimar069Aasimar069 Member Posts: 803
edited February 2013 in Fixed
I have seen that very annoying bug that needs to be fixed.

You have to order twice to your party NPC to move to the selected area or to attack the new ennemy you have clicked.

If you do not reselect them to move to the destination / do the action, they just stay where they were, or keep doing what they were doing.
Post edited by Jalily on


  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    I've noticed this behavior several times now when I was in combat, and I'm not sure whether it exists out-of-combat as well. This is what typically happens:

    1. In combat, I pause the game
    2. I click a party member to select him/her
    3. Very quickly, I move the cursor to a nearby spot and click on the ground to issue a movement command
    4. Instead of acknowledging the command, the character is selected once again
    5. I unpause the game and the character doesn't do what I had just told him to do

    This issue is minor enough, but after having it happen to me at least 4 times now in the middle of combat, it has become a major point of frustration for me. Please fix it.

    Thank you.
  • Malavon_DespanaMalavon_Despana Member Posts: 101
    Happens to me too
  • ThomasMinkThomasMink Member Posts: 25
    I've also experienced this a few times. I thought it was just me misclicking... somehow. Glad to know I wasn't hallucinating.
  • DafojkDafojk Member Posts: 111
    First time i click, partymember dosent move, second time they do.
  • DafojkDafojk Member Posts: 111
    BTW this bug is really really annoying - pls make a quick bugfix for this
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    Oh, my :( Even what was correct before is not working anymore? Baldur's Gate: Failed Edition...
    This bug is important for me, because I wish to play it with my wife, and I don't wanna argue with her in every battle why the characters don't do what we have agreed upon. (I couldn't download the game for her yesterday, I gave up at late night. I have to try it again today.)
  • Snowblindn3ssSnowblindn3ss Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2012
    I think that this issue might be in fact the one described here:
  • Snowblindn3ssSnowblindn3ss Member Posts: 16
    edited November 2012
    Got the same problem. Very frequent and annoying.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
    edited November 2012
    Merged the bugreports.
  • TanthalasTanthalas Member Posts: 6,738
  • mommimommi Member Posts: 9
    I can confirm the bug as well. If you wait 3-4 seconds after clicking the character, then the next command should work (bug perhaps related to the character selection voice?).
    For movement you can currently use a workaround - select character, then right click on destination. That works. Bug seems to be related only to left clicking...
  • AlkaluropsAlkalurops Member Posts: 269
    Happens here as well.
  • ChrisYuiChrisYui Member Posts: 94
    It seems to be an issue with the mouse click detection after you have selected a character. It looks like for about .5 seconds after you click on a character, you can click anywhere on the screen, and it will select that character again. If you wait for a second after the initial selection, the next click will function as normal.
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    This has been a known issue for a few days now. I'll keep the thread open so people can keep providing insight into this problem.
  • AdulAdul Member Posts: 2,002
    Sometimes the second, broken click will do something other than select your character. It usually repeats the last action you've done.

    For example, just yesterday, I sent Alora over to a chest to open it. She did so, and I saw the chest was empty, so I sent her back to where the rest of the party was. She however, instead of walking back to the party, opened the chest again.

    I would think that this bug has something to do with the mouse controls, and specifically how they were changed in order to make the game work with touchscreens. Hope that helps.
  • PyroPatPyroPat Member Posts: 35
    Im not exactly sure how to describe this as i am no programer or anything, but i will try as best as i can:

    When having the whole party selected and making them do a collective action (attack) and then decide to select one charracter to make a different action (move away) the game behaves as if i just re-select the charracter when i atempt said action (move)

    Expected behavior: Character should move to selectd location and not get re-selected again.

    I do not know if this is due to me having to run in windowed mode, but it has gotten my mage killed quite a few times as i expect the command to be valid :P

    Running on windows Vista 64 bit
  • PyroPatPyroPat Member Posts: 35
    Sorry, didnt see it :P
  • seasea Member Posts: 65
    I have noticed that often the game simply ignores commands I give party members, especially individual party members. It's that simple. Click party member, click enemy to attack or spot on ground to walk to, nothing happens.

    This is hard to reproduce completely because it is random, but I have heard other reports from other people I know of this same issue so it can't just be a problem with only my computer/configuration. I will say it happens "frequently enough to be annoying."
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    Yea I've had this issue as well. Really annoying.
  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036
    Just to let you know, Overhaul is aware of this bug. In the meantime, try selecting characters by drawing a box around them instead of left-clicking their animation.
  • mirkmirk Member Posts: 15
    If I select any of the characters with single mouse click and instantly order a move action by clicking on nearby location, characters do not move. If I wait for at least a second before issuing the command, character respond.
    This must be somehow related to double click mouse event, since selecting characters by dragging the mouse does not cause the issue.
  • InsideTheOceanInsideTheOcean Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2012
    Hello guys,
    I updated my game and I still have the problem where you have to click 2 times, sometimes, for the character to take a action, i.e. walking!
    Are you having the same problem still?
    Post edited by Balquo on
  • hook71hook71 Member, Developer Posts: 582
    That problem wasn't fixed in build 2008 unfortunately.
  • Covert_MadnessCovert_Madness Member Posts: 3
    edited December 2012
    Experienced Action: When the game is paused, after selecting a single character and clicking on the screen for that character to move the move command is ignored as if the command was never issued. It is required to click again to issue the command.

    Expected Action: While the game is paused, after a single character is selected a move command can be issued on the first mouse click.

    (edit to further clarify the conditions of the issue)
  • podpity_joepodpity_joe Member Posts: 21
    Yes it requires 2 clicks to issue a command. Should not be that way.
  • AdosAdos Member Posts: 3
    Current Behavior:

    Selecting a character avatar in game (NOT using the selection box or character portrait) and issuing a move order (ie. clicking on ground) VERY quickly (literally in the same second) after making the selection results in character staying in place and playing the selection sound rather than moving as ordered.

    Desired Behavior:

    The character should move as ordered regardless of the timing between character avatar selection and a move order.
  • InsideTheOceanInsideTheOcean Member Posts: 11
    edited December 2012
    A new patch and this simple yet VERY annoying bug still persists? C'mon...
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,644
    edited December 2012
    I've seen this too much not to *try* and report it. You click on a character you click the spot on the ground you want them to go to, and its like first command doesn't register. You have to do it again. Is anyone else seeing this? Drives me nuts when it happens. This also seems to go hand in hand with the - "I click someone and they say their selection text two times in a row" bug, often with clipping. Click on Xzar -- "Stop-Stop Touching Me!"
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