Development Build 8193.6

I see this has been announced on Steam.
Any ETA for the Beamdog client?
Any ETA for the Beamdog client?
Also, probably could make blazing messages appear in mid-air at the DMs whim...
Lots of good stuff in this update. Thanks to all involved!
It's now live!
The issue I see is that spells.2da might get very large and I'm not sure if there is a limit to new columns you can add before it breaks something.
Setting associate acquisition is nice to have but I'm not sure it's useful without some filtering of choices through columns for companions/familiars by class, level, and feats.
Could you elaborate abit more on that customclass spell guide ?
Especially the spgn.2da leaves me wondering abit as to what to do. And love the idea of more spells to the blackguard btw !
We've been experiencing the server crash when a wizard tries to learn a scroll as well. Good to know it wasn't just us
Thanks, unfortunately it doesn't! Hopefully not too long til next dev patch
If you updated to the development patch I would advise you to roll back until they work out the bugs. It seems to be very experimental still and probably not something you want to expose players to.
Hi, I'm assuming you have unpacked all of your 2das, if not that you have a zip from the vault which contains all the NWN EE 2das.
Typically for a class or prestige class they use the following 2das in some combination:
cls_atk_1.2da / cls_atk_2.2da / cls_atk_3.2da (base attack progressions)
cls_pres_*.2da (presitge class requirements)
cls_spgn_*.2da (spell gain = rate of spells per day)
cls_spkn_*.2da (spell known = rate of spells learned, spontaneous casting only i.e. sorcerer/bard)
Where * is the abbreviation for the class. So you can copy cls_spgn_cler.2da to base it off the cleric, change the name and alter the values as you see fit. The column NumSpellLevels is the maximum level of spell 0-9 + 1, so 0 level spells is 1 and 9th level spells is 10.
For Blackguard the spgn 2da would look like this, which corresponds with the published table.
Excluding all of the repeat values of the 10th level for up to level 50 or 60 or so for padding epic levels and npc levels.
When you're done save the new spgn 2da file for your custom spellbook and type the name (excluding extension) into the SpellGainTable column for the class in classes.2da.
I dunno, so far just the scroll crashing i've noticed.
This alone is worth it IMO
I have medled with these things before even creating a customclass from scratch but since i didnt get the whole spellbook system that just works on individual customfeats per level. this is great to know !
Thank you for taking the time to explain it !