How do character deaths effect the game?

Aside from being a minir inconvenience warrenting either a run to the temple or an immersiin breaking reload does in-game death have any impact on character progression, party banter, stat-rolls, etc?
If the killing blow takes you to -10 hitpoints or lower then you're dead forever, so you've gotta be careful with ogres and other heavy hitters.
It actually shouldn't. Unless your romance interest got Petrified or Imprisoned (and thus removed from the party).
And the part about Petrification and Imprisonment (and dismissing an NPC from the party) only affects vanilla romances, not EE NPCs.
"For the original romances, if you kick them out of the party your romance will end.
For the new romances, you can kick them out and re-recruit them to your heart's content without worrying about any change to your relationship status."
It doesn't break romance, I tested it with Viconia. I let her die prior to fighting Kangaxx so I could get the 55K xp all to myself and the romance continued after resurrecting her.
That, kids, is how you romance a drow