32:9 support?

I recently got new ultra wide monitor with 32:9 5120x1440 resolution. It seems that the game doesn't go that wide and it seems stop at 21:9. Is there any way to get full screen on this monitor?

I tried changing resolution from Baldur.lua manually, but couldn't get the game to scale to 32:9.
about allowing to the engine to use a 32.9 resolution i can not help you, is beyond my knowledge.
but i ask myself what is the real advantage to do it, the games are not designed to be played like so and you would probably only see areas already explored in which you don't have anything more to do or fog of war.
probably at your place (and told by a person that is using a 4:3 monitor without his gaming being affected on those isometric games, while a larger one would make modern ones, 3d with first person or over the shoulder view, more enjoyable) i would play in windowed mode instead of full screen, setting the window to match the maximum resolution supported.
I remember @Troodon80 had 2x2 monitors on a 4k uhd line up which was doable but not comfortable. Maybe he has some tips for you if he is still around.
You could buy a second monitor and extend them vertically and get back into 16:9
Well it's nice to always use the whole real estate. And like you said, it should lessen scrolling, I'm sure there're areas where multiple things you need to do are in the same screen. But now I can't test that, beyond 21:9 wide that is. Windowed mode doesn't scale either, when it reaches 21:9 it starts to give black sides.
@Iroumen Seems that he hasn't been active almost two years now. Yeah this is basically two 16:9 side by side, and after using it couple months, I'm happy that they're finally doing these kind of monitors.
even if you have a ferrari or mclaren car is probably not so wise to use that car to go downtown to make some shopping, if you own also an other car.the same is for monitors and gaming, a 21:9 aspect ratio is more then enough to play those isometric games, imo to go wider does not give any advantage.
yes, there are maybe a couple of situations where you can split the party and the tasks the 2 sub groups have to do happen to be at the same vertical level of the map, because other way you have to scroll anyway, but it is not granted at all that you decide to split the party in those situations.
as i told you my 4:3 monitor is perfectly adequate for isometric games, while i would like to have a wider one to play other types of games or to watch movies.
i would like it also to do photo editing as i could keep the control windows away from the window where the image is displayed.
there are a lot of situations where a wide screen is useful, but playing isometric games is not one of those.
like driving in the town traffic you can not use your ferrari at its full potential you can not use for those games your new monitor at its full potential.
even managing to get the 32:9 aspect ratio it would be only annoying, as you would have to reach anyway the far sides to scroll horizontally, just as it happens now with the black sides. without any real advantage.
and you would also have a black side every time you are not in the center of the map, as the maps are created to play with 4:3 monitors, that was the ones used when those games was created.
i believe that you misunderstood my suggestion that was not to play windowed to try to get a 32:9 aspect ratio, but to do it to play at 21:9 or even less, avoiding the black areas and having a more convenient lateral scrolling.
i am sure that you will use at best the monster aspect ratio that you have, your real estate as you call it. but you will do in other situations, with those games it gives you no advantage at all and potentially it gives disadvantages, like more mouse work to do lateral scroll.
but you can put a feature request in the redmine if you like.
It's still the same aspect ratio but maybe game has hardcoded max width to 4k?
Yeah, check this thread: https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/comment/673377/#Comment_673377
@JuliusBorisov Yeah, the resolution there is actually higher than mine, but because it's in 16:9, it works. So there seems to be a threshold problem in the scaler.
There's also another bug in 32:9 beyond the mouse scrolling one. When I load the game, it loads at certain resolution. Then when I touch mouse wheel to zoom, it results in a lower top resolution, and the original cannot be reached again.
Highest when zoom is touched
Btw, here are some screens from the games I've already tried.
Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall Unity
Kingdom Come: Deliverance
Witcher 3
Grand Theft Auto V
Total War: Warhammer II
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
Baldur's Gate EE
as i told you your monitor is not designed for 2d isometric games, why do you compare apples with pears, even having a monster monitor, let's say 50 by 10 feets, the resolution of the isometric game would be the one of the maps, maps created for small 4/3 monitors that was the only ones available at the time.
see in your last picture how small is the round area with more light, even ignoring the black areas at the sides, that is the only area you actually use to play the game the 99.99% of the time.
the bg battles are designed for that, the rest of the area is black, covered by the fog of war, unless you have already explored so you don't have anything more to do there, unless you use a spell that reveals all the area only to enjoy how big is your monitor.
be glad that you can play modern games with it, but i really don't see how your experience playing those old 2d isometric can be enhanced by a so large monitor, even with the 2 black areas at the sides it is already overkilling, getting rid of them probably you would have the whole map covering only a part of the monitor, with some black area at the sides because the monitor resolution is actually wider then the map, or would have a very blurred image by zooming too much.
To the best of my knowledge @Troodon80 is not on the team any more. Despite him having the blue background.
ie not splitting the party only to fight in 2 small groups if it mean a weaker tactic compared to fight with the whole party first certain enemies and then move the whole party to face the 2nd group of enemies.
as i told i am quite convinced that the situations where it can happen and is useful are very rare if exisent at all, i am convinced of it as i used to play the games in the native not EE resolutions back in the days of the old tomato computers and now i play with 1289 x 1024 but my playing experience is changed, but not so drastically. i have to scroll a little less when i send my thieves to clear whole areas stabbing, but if i do so any ways my attention has to be focused on them, having also the party fighting in the same moment would only be an hassle. going from the games native resolution to the one i use now has improved my gaming, but i doubt that more then that is really needed, and even at 1289 x 1024 the toons are a little too small and i often have to zoom a little to enjoy better the game.
but as with my monitor i can not test how better resolution and larger aspect ratios work i am really interested to your rl experience results, more then your hypothetical guessing that it can be useful, and i am open to have my opinion proved wrong. also each player has his personal taste and playstyle and even if i like to spread the battles on a quite large area to tactically use the party mobility instead to packing them all together and charge frontally other players can like to spread even more then me the battle.