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The Influence of Game Mechanics on Class Choice

SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
Just curious how other gamers tackle this dilemma I've often found myself faced with over the years :)
  1. The Influence of Game Mechanics on Class Choice26 votes
    1. I have a favourite class or type of character and I play that even when I am not fully satisfied with how that class plays in a particular game.
    2. I have a bias towards certain types of classes but my pick is heavily influenced by how that class or play style feels in that particular game.
    3. I have no preference at all when it comes to class but prefer to play the kind of character that mechanically feels the most satisfying.


  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    edited April 2020
    I have a strong bias towards rogue-mage-archer play styles but which class is my favourite depends heavily on the game.

    I dislike spell slot based magic, so I generally don't play casters in games like Baldur's Gate.
    I love mana based magic, so I prefer playing mages in games like Dragon Age Origins and World of Warcraft.
    I dislike magic where you have to aim so I never play magic in The Elder Scrolls games.
    I hate clicking to attack in Diablo 1 and 2, so I play mage because it requires the smallest amount of clicks.
    I love playing ranged in isometric RPG's, there's just something so satisfying in looking at the battlefield from a bird's eye view and mowing down your enemies from as far away as possible.

    Post edited by Syndaree on
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    I almost always play spellcasters, with a distinct preference for Mages (offensive/blaster types over supportive/buffer types). The class would have to be VERY unfun or underpowered for me to play something else as my first choice.
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    Yeah, I love mages too but some games (looking at you Daggerfall) the way magic worked and the aiming was such garbage I just couldn't play it :)
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I like bards, rangers, paladins, and hybrid classes. usually combing the ones I just mentioned in some form. But how the class plays mechanically is also a big influence. I wasn't a fan of how Chanters played in PoE, for example, so I went ranger instead.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702
    For single player games, if melee combat in the game is awesome I choose melee. If ranged combat in the game is awesome, I choose ranged. If both are awesome, then I'm a happy camper and tinker with both. Certain versions of Ranger that combine both or other hybrid melee/ranged classes make me really happy. I am not likely to play magic or support solo (and by solo, I also mean in a party where I only control one character, NPC or partying with real players playing their PCs).

    I like magic when I have an entire party. I like good mage classes. If I'm playing a JRPG, I probably have the most fun with summoner or classes like black mage from Final Fantasy. I like mages in D&D games so long as they aren't too squishy. I often just put armor on them unless I'm casting support spells until elven mail is available (when the rules required robes or elven chain for casting). But if a fight requires dispelling or strategically AoEs are necessary, I'll let them go in without armor (Sadly, this often leads to reloading since I usually don't know ahead what the next battle is. It's not a habit I'm proud of, but I also don't like 2nd edition casters played differently). The one thing I like about 3rd edition over 2nd is casting failure instead of disallowing casting if in armor. But I don't like the lack of class/build balance in 3rd edition (especially 3.5).

    Ideal RPGs for me are ones where all classes are good and what matters is how you play them and/or form your party.

  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I usually lean towards a stealthy thief or ranger/thief type but also enjoy playing paladins. If there was a way to play a paladin/thief I'd be all over that. It's a weird combo I admit but I hate to leave any chest unopened or trap not disarmed...
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    You can do it in The Elder Scrolls games and Neverwinter Nights for example :)
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    edited April 2020
    Mage, even when it shouldnt be viable.

    Hell, my first time playing the Witcher 2, I found a guide that specialized in focusing only on using the runes for combat. And did that until I eventually had to stop playing it.

    If I can't be a mage or some kind of sorcerer then It's not for me.
    Post edited by DragonKing on
  • SyndareeSyndaree Member Posts: 56
    Yeah I totally get that :) I am like that with making my own characters in games. If I can't make my own characters, it's not for me (I still haven't and probably never will play Planescape Torment because of that, even if it's perhaps the most amazing RPG ever made)
  • BallpointManBallpointMan Member Posts: 1,659
    Bards. My favorite character archetype or class concept is the Bard. Unfortunately - Bards are rarely both mechanically distinct as well as powerful, so I frequently dont get to play as them.

    When that happens, I tend to latch onto other parts of the archetype and go for it: Fighter/Rogue, or Fighter/Mage, for example.

    I also have classes/concepts that I actively dislike: Foremost among them the Paladin.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    First person or over the shoulder camera games that use open world mechanics (such as Skyim) I tend to use range weapons as FPS trained me to do. HOWEVER, in FPS, I always attempt a melee run ever since Doom2.

    Multiplayer games (which I rarely, rarely play anymore) I play as support. Player vs Environment this is generally a buffer/healer. Player/Team vs Player/Team, this is usually a hexxer/debuffer, shift disturber.

    Role playing or multiclass games I either attempt to role play, or create the most unique or off the wall character the game allows. For example, Dagon Age: Origins, after learning the mechanics, my first full play through was with a 2 handed roguish casteless dwarf. Nothing beat sneaking up to an elite enemy and slowly heaving a maul for a one hit kill. NWN my favourite character was a barbarian, weapon master gnome using a rapier two-handedly. Just the concept of trying to stab someone with a long pointy sword you had to hold with two hands amused me. But also with NWN I made bard/rdd/aa with Dev Crit. One shotting things with a bow was always amusing especially in MP games where other players aren't expecting it.

    Party base games I do the same as above, but will attempt to avoid things that NPCs have (such as weapon proficiencies) as I always find there isn't enough proper gear to split. It's why I rarely play spellcasters, because, there is always a spellcaster NPC to fill that role properly.
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    I generally like to use powerful magic on fantasy games and powerful weaponry on SCI-FI games
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    I'm a simple, pragmatic person who likes to be in the middle of things. I almost always play either a paladin (or comparable type) or the equivalent of another type of melee fighter with a strong sense of honor. I don't enjoy playing physically weak characters who have to bomb their enemies from a distance or stab them in the back, and I dislike games that force the player to be treacherous and sneaky. So, if a game can only be beaten by stealth, treason, poisoning the well or sucking the blood out of your enemies, I wouldn't buy it anyway.
    I also don't enjoy playing mages, although I know how the smart mages think about us dumb melee fighters ?. I like to be physically strong and straightforward. BUT I also like it if the game offers diplomatic solutions rather than just slaughtering everyone. That's why I prefer paladins, or the closest thing a game allows one to be.
  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    I play spellcasters of various sorts unless they're so mechanically awful they can barely function.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    Mage only. I'll just mod the game if the mechanics are unsatisfying.

    But, mage only. MAGE ONLY!
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    DragonKing wrote: »
    Arvia wrote: »
    I'm a simple, pragmatic person who likes to be in the middle of things. I almost always play either a paladin (or comparable type) or the equivalent of another type of melee fighter with a strong sense of honor.
    Aw yes, the meat shie... I many cannon fod... I mean shield yea shield is what I meant.

    At least my armor and sword don't vanish after a few rounds and can only be used like 5 times a day and then I need to rest for 8 hours to be able to summon them again :wink:
  • shabadooshabadoo Member Posts: 324
    And once the two of you two have everyone's attention, I grab the loot and run. That was the plan, right? Really, I thought you were right behind me.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    edited April 2020
    Arvia wrote: »
    DragonKing wrote: »
    Arvia wrote: »
    I'm a simple, pragmatic person who likes to be in the middle of things. I almost always play either a paladin (or comparable type) or the equivalent of another type of melee fighter with a strong sense of honor.
    Aw yes, the meat shie... I many cannon fod... I mean shield yea shield is what I meant.

    At least my armor and sword don't vanish after a few rounds and can only be used like 5 times a day and then I need to rest for 8 hours to be able to summon them again :wink:

    That's just the subpar "mechanics" of D&D games where spellcasting is based on the impractical and irrational system of spell slots. This is why I prefer games where spellcasting is based on the mana system (Skyrim, Grim Dawn, Terraria, and lots others) or at least on a cool down system (like in Tyranny and Deadfire).

    But still then, Project Image is all we need for virtually infinite spell slots, and thus UNLIMITED POWER!

    Also, decent "swords and shields" need enchantments, and for that again, you need mages! Or else, you won't be able to do significant damage to anything! Potions? Alchemy! Mages! :sunglasses:

    So CHECKMATE frontline minions! Uhh, that is... punching bags... uh, no... I mean... voluntary decoys... oh, whatever, mêlée classes, I guess. :naughty:
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    edited April 2020
    Arvia wrote: »
    DragonKing wrote: »
    Arvia wrote: »
    I'm a simple, pragmatic person who likes to be in the middle of things. I almost always play either a paladin (or comparable type) or the equivalent of another type of melee fighter with a strong sense of honor.
    Aw yes, the meat shie... I many cannon fod... I mean shield yea shield is what I meant.

    At least my armor and sword don't vanish after a few rounds and can only be used like 5 times a day and then I need to rest for 8 hours to be able to summon them again :wink:

    That's just the subpar "mechanics" of D&D games where spellcasting is based on the impractical and irrational system of spell slots. This is why I prefer games where spellcasting is based on the mana system (Skyrim, Grim Dawn, Terraria, and lots others) or at least on a cool down system (like in Tyranny and Deadfire).

    But still then, Project Image is all we need for virtually infinite spell slots, and thus UNLIMITED POWER!

    Also, decent "swords and shields" need enchantments, and for that again, you need mages! Or else, you won't be able to do significant damage to anything! Potions? Alchemy! Mages! :sunglasses:

    So CHECKMATE frontline minions! Uhh, that is... punching bags... uh, no... I mean... voluntary decoys... oh, whatever, mêlée classes, I guess. :naughty:

    Don't let @SorcererV1ct0r hear this lmao
    Arvia wrote: »
    DragonKing wrote: »
    Arvia wrote: »
    I'm a simple, pragmatic person who likes to be in the middle of things. I almost always play either a paladin (or comparable type) or the equivalent of another type of melee fighter with a strong sense of honor.
    Aw yes, the meat shie... I many cannon fod... I mean shield yea shield is what I meant.

    At least my armor and sword don't vanish after a few rounds and can only be used like 5 times a day and then I need to rest for 8 hours to be able to summon them again :wink:

    @Arvia no, but they can break, dim, rust, be dropped, become lost, be made useless/ineffective, or just be blown to smithereens along with the wielder by the mage.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    DragonKing wrote: »
    ...or just be blown to smithereens along with the wielder by the mage.

    @DragonKing That's why I like using my Black Blade of Disaster. ;)
  • SorcererV1ct0rSorcererV1ct0r Member Posts: 2,176
    DragonKing wrote: »

    Don't let @SorcererV1ct0r hear this lmao

    Cooldowns break my suspension of disbelief. I play games for escapism. If i an playing War Thunder in a Me 262, i wanna feel like i an piloting that plane. At the same way, if i an playing pathfinder kingmaker as a sorcerer of undead bloodline, i wanna feel like i an a sorcerer with undead powers in another world.

    Games with wow itemization and cooldowns felt more like work than a interesting another world to explore. But he can have any opinion, is just his taste.

    But wanna make me not play your game? Force me to be a swordsman. I can enjoy melee fights on mout & blade because i can fight mounted and use polearms but one reason that i don't like JRPG's(except the ones that allow you to create your own char like Dark Souls and Dragon's Dogma) is

  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    I made a cheeky reference to you @SorcererV1ct0r because I know you don't prefer the whole spell slot system. I didn't ask for a whole rant on why you hate a completely different genre of rpg.
  • GenderNihilismGirdleGenderNihilismGirdle Member Posts: 1,353
    I tend to play something the first time that'll do the best at social/conversation challenges these days if that kind of gameplay is involved, but it's varied over the years what my initial preference is. That's just what it's at now. I also replay stuff a lot so a wide variety of options winds up being a lot of replay value for me.
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