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Anomen, ugh, where to start?

BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
Okay, so I know this guy is just a character in a video game... BUT....

First off, the guy sounds like a complete geek/nerd/spaz. Honestly, I feel embarrassed if I'm playing this game in the living room with guests in the house.

And finally, one of the things he says is, "Point the sword and I shall strike."

Really? A Got-dang Cleric/Warrior telling someone to point a Sword??? Clerics don't use swords, and probably don't advocate their use. Do they?

Just griefing out loud I suppose.


  • William_ImmWilliam_Imm Member Posts: 72
    @Boaster - why not make a request to include the "Clerics with Swords" part of Ashes of Embers? That would be cool...
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    I wish I could show Anomen my Boomstick... a 12-gauge double barrel Remington, with a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622

    And finally, one of the things he says is, "Point the sword and I shall strike."
    I think that may be a reference to the mouse cursor. Like Xzar's "Stop touching me!"
    He could be talking to anyone :P
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    I'd be more interested in seeing alternate romance options for females rather than trying to fix Anomen.
    Fix? As in turn him into a Eunuch?
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    I'd be more interested in seeing alternate romance options for females rather than trying to fix Anomen.
    Fix? As in turn him into a Eunuch?
    It's not a solution, but it's a step in the right direction. ;)
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964

    And finally, one of the things he says is, "Point the sword and I shall strike."
    I think that may be a reference to the mouse cursor. Like Xzar's "Stop touching me!"
    Actually yeah, he's saying like just tell me what to do. You point, I punch er shall strike.

  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    I'd be more interested in seeing alternate romance options for females rather than trying to fix Anomen.
    Oh yeah Anomen doesn't even exist in BG1 guys anyway
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622
    No! Don't give them ideas! Keep the fruity cleric man-boy lover out of BG1!
  • WardWard Member Posts: 1,305

    And finally, one of the things he says is, "Point the sword and I shall strike."
    What on earth are you complaining about? I give Imoen a bow and she says "My blade will cut you down to size!". Amomen isn't the coolest recruit but I don't see any point in complaining about him. I HATE Jaheria but I'm not going to whine. God damnit I hate her though.
  • BoasterBoaster Member Posts: 622

    And finally, one of the things he says is, "Point the sword and I shall strike."
    I HATE Jaheria but I'm not going to whine. God damnit I hate her though.
    Too late :P
  • CardanaiCardanai Member Posts: 1
    He is definetely not my favorite NPC in the series, but neither is Jaheria. In the end I think a diversity of NPC:s is one of the things that make the games great.
  • cattlekillercattlekiller Member Posts: 55
    He never really bothered me much , I had him in my party a lot as well.If I had a NPC I didnt like much it was Imoen , she is shoved in your face with hardly no way of getting her out of it, each time you kill her off she is back in the next game!!!

    As far as the sword thing.
    I'm sure he wanted to be a paladin , which can use swords.
    This is one of those things I prefer 3rd edition over 2nd is weapon choices.
    But almost all other things I prefer 2nd.
  • StaglordStaglord Member Posts: 27
    To continue Cattlekillers idea it might also be the courser, since it is formed as a sword, when you run it over an enemy?
  • O_BruceO_Bruce Member Posts: 2,790
    First of all, Anomen's soundset. In English I admit, that he sounds especially bad - his voice is just annoying. But that is not always the case in other language version of the game. In some, he sounds very good, and his voice fits his personality. Very flawed, but an interesting one, considering his background and dreams.

    Second, romance. I've heard opinions that Anomen acts arrogant, is annoying, etc. Well, conider this because he just have to brag about his achievements to female he's interested in. Later, he's starting to look up to , showing her full devotion and respect (at least when he has passed the test and became knight). Anomen romance isn't as bad as majority of people claim, thought I wouldn't mind if there was wider choice for female character.

    "Point the sword, and I will strike!" thing - that's one of 2nd editon flaws. Why the hell priest of Helm cannot use swords? It's illogical to me.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704

    "Point the sword, and I will strike!" thing - that's one of 2nd editon flaws. Why the hell priest of Helm cannot use swords? It's illogical to me.

    Point the sword: Someone points the sword, not him, this in the 3° person present.
    and I will strike: now he reffers to himself, he will strike, but NOT WITH THE SWORD THAT POINTS, but with his own weapon.


    Some ppl reffers to the funny comments some characters do about the mouse arrow that make them do things:

    Edwin: "I can't undestand this arrow that force me to do your biddings" (something like this)
    Dinaheirs (don't touch me)

    There's a lot of them on BG i don't remember them all


    He's a priest of helm but actually work more with the paladins of radiant heart, he's still newbie there and work normally under the care of paladins THAT USE SWORDS.
  • ScooterScooter Member Posts: 182
    edited June 2012


    Point the sword: Someone points the sword, not him, this in the 3° person present.
    and I will strike: now he reffers to himself, he will strike, but NOT WITH THE SWORD THAT POINTS, but with his own weapon.

    Yup thats how I’ve always thought of it as well.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    are people really hating anomen for this silliness? despite the fact he is by far uncontested the best cleric in the game? he actually has some base strength the most HP, and the only cleric to have some attacks per round? viconia and aerie cant even compete in terms of sheer power when mr iron golem comes by and is like hey, i like to do 90 damage a hit, who wants to be smacked all silly like? so when aerie and viconia explode from iron golem mayhem anomen says, hey i can take a hit and actually smack you back and be effective, maybe that is his down side? being the best cleric in the game and his con; being a wad bag, but i think he's allright once he becomes sir anomen, oh and did i mention ATTACKS PER ROUND, unlike every other cleric myes?
  • CykelpostenCykelposten Member Posts: 4
    I always find it hard to resist having him in the group for tight situations even though I don't actually like the character development.

    I would have liked to see an option where he goes REALLY bad after he fails his test.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    @Cykelposten that would have been kinda neat actually, would make it much easier to have and evil team with another fighter type in there
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    I always thought there should be more alignment change character development actually. In particular I thik you should be able to change Viconia before TOB. Adding a way to make a character "fall" as well as reform them would make evil games much more interesting. In particular the Neutral characters should be influenced by the personality of the PC. Just one request though: Edwin can never be redeemed :D
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    I would not like redemptions and corruptions loose in the game for all NPCs, some of them are viable to redemption or corruption, others not. I truly believe that Anomen shoud had a 3° patch to follow, a evil one, after he fail the test and become Chaotic Neutral. Why you ask? As i already put some posts ago and more:

    1° - Anomen already has darkness and evil inside him, he fight a daily struggle to control that evil.

    Analisys: Ok let's make a better analisys here, He is EVIL BY NATURE (much like the main char and his heritage). is neutral when the main char meets him not because he's a balanced character, with harmony inside but just the opposite, he is instable, and by have EVIL BY NATURE and GOOD BY OBJECTIVE (his inner struggle) he at the moment is neutral, but that's a transition state only.

    Foundations: During Anomen romance he confess his evil side to the main char, he even feel attracted to main char cos she suffer the same drama as him (a evil inside and innter conflicts). During Rylcok episode (in the harper events on the docks) he show his merciless side, and during the Tirdir (buried alive in the graveyard) episode he show that his immediate concerns are glory and not justice or do the good.

    NPCs: Korgan recognize the hypocrisy of Anomens life soon when both are on the party. Jaheira despises him and Keldorn show some concerns about some of his acts.
    If he fails on the test and aerie is on the party, eventually he'll kill her just for hear something he didn't like (if she's minsc witch in that moment, bye bye Anomen XD).
    Exist other bants but i don't remember them all.

    2° No evil male NPC for romance on the game, always when i make a female NPC and want a romance i have to watch the f****** reputation or use a mod NPC to romance.

    3° Would give balance in the original history of the game, by add a new evil option in BG2 without add another NPC and neither changing the original script, but adding options there.

    Question now: Helm is a neutral deity, i may be wrong here but when Anomen pass on the test he become lawful good, therefore he shoud lose Helms power, no?

    Sorry for the long text ppl, and @sarevok57 good to know i'm not alone as a Anomen fan (i really like to roleplay problematic ppl and the human bag of complexs and defects on his character that screw the life off everyone near, almost a Vampire: masquerade roleplay).
  • CommunardCommunard Member Posts: 556
    edited June 2012
    Question now: Helm is a neutral deity, i may be wrong here but when Anomen pass on the test he become lawful good, therefore he shoud lose Helms power, no?
    In D&D you only have to be within one "step" of your deity's alignment, and since Helm is Lawful Neutral then Lawful Good people can still be his clerics.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    On the other hand, his shift to Chaotic Neutral should cause immediate loss of Cleric Powers.
    I've never had him fall (the game I'm playing atm is actually the first game I'm taking him), but does he abandon Helm's faith when he does? Haven't heard about it.

    On the original topic; He's a flawed person, but I'm surprised by how much I'm enjoying his storyline. Unlike most quests, he doesn't have to kill some evil creature. Instead he needs to overcome his own flaws, which is a lot more relatable and realistic than most quests in the games.
  • kamuizinkamuizin Member Posts: 3,704
    edited June 2012
    @Communard i asked that cos on character creation only neutral clerics of helm can be made (as all lathander's clerics must be good and all talos clerics must be evil). And i never heard a Chaotic good or neutral cleric of talos on the entire game, but i am too ignorant on the deities lore to make any affirmative here.

    Exactlymy point @Drugar. Anomen is reality inside a world of fantasy.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    D&D Nerding Ahoy;
    Lathander is NG, so his clerics can only be LG, NG or CG
    Helm is LN, so his clerics can only be LG, LN and LE
    Talos is CE, so his clerics can only be NE, CE and CN

    No cleric can be True Neutral unless his deity is also True Neutral (Silvanus, for example).

    PnP Rules wise, this leaves all alignments open for clerics, except True Neutral. Anomen should, technically, shift from worship of Helm to Talos when he falls (within the BG2 worship spectrum), which wouldn't even be that unlikely (considering his bitter resentment and possibly urge to destroooooy after failing his knighthood).
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