The Black Pit Crash
Member Posts: 3
My game (BG EE) crashes durring the fight against the necromancer very early game in the Black pits. I've tried over a dozen times to get passed that point but it always freezes. I have no mods, DLC or anything. Is there any way to fix this problem?
Post edited by Artz on
Also, don't repeat the fight, ever. Not only is it still very likely to crash, but the skeletons die instantly and trivialize the fight; they're dependent on a global variable that doesn't get reset.
No mention of this bug, or the Black Pits and Black Pits 2 campaigns, in the patch notes for 2.6 that have been posted. On rereading, there's an entry for the Llyrk fight, which mentions the skeletons dying on replay but not the crash.
This is not true. There are a few Black Pits bugs mentioned in the patch notes (which had to be shortened anyway not to exceed the characters limit for one post), including the one for the battle with Llyrk.
This particular bug is now fixed in 2.6.
It isn't fixed on Android. Just tried this fight for the third time unsuccessfully. Is there at least a workaround if there isn't a fix?
A workaround? As I stated in my first post, frequently pausing during the fight seems to improve the odds of getting through without a crash.
It's fixed in the 2.6 beta on Android.