Road to 2.6 | Planned Patch Items | Windows, macOS, Linux

2.6 Patch Highlights
Multi-game Fixes
Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition | Fixes
Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition | Fixes
Icewind Dale | Fixes
Icewind Dale | Spell Audio/Visual Fixes
IE Modder/Translation/Internal Fixes
Multi-game Spell Fix Details
Recurring Spell Effects Sometimes Blocked Incorrectly. Certain spells and items with effects that refresh each round, such as a bard song, work internally by first dispelling themselves before re-applying their effects. Among other things, this prevents effects from stacking incorrectly. In rare circumstances, this dispel-first effect could sometimes inadvertently block the correct effects.
Detect Illusion Range Fix
The casting range on Detect Illusion was set incorrectly, meaning the caster would sometimes walk to a point to cast even though the casting point was within the listed range.
Level Drain Feedback Fixes [BGEE, BG2EE]
When being level drained, creature attacks would sometimes drain multiple levels and the combat feedback window would incorrectly report that only one level was drained.
Psionic Blast Missing Description
When shapechanged into a mind flayer, psionic blast had no description in the innate ability menu.
Conflicts Between Poison and Disease
Creatures with 100% immunity to poison damage would take zero damage yet still receive combat feedback and visibly recoil as if they were taking damage if they were hit with a poison-over-time effect or damage from disease (which uses poison-type damage). They should no longer receive feedback or visibly recoil.
Saving Throw Consistency
In a handful of cases, saving throws were set incorrectly For example, Magic Stone had a saving throw set on its sound effect, which would display a saving throw message in the feedback - and prevent the sound from playing if passed - despite the spell itself having no saving throw. This affected some items as well as spells.
Non-Detection Fixes
Non-Detection effects would still allow some effects which should be blocked, e.g. Invisibility Purge could still show cosmetic effects on a creature being protected by Non-Detection.
Portrait Icon Fixes
Several new portrait icons have been added, covering spells and abilities such as Flaming Fists, Frozen Fist, and Armor of Faith. Potions of Magic Protection will now use the Magic Resistance icon instead of the Shielded icon.
Shaman Spirits Doing Nothing
The spirit animals summoned by shamanic dancing could freeze and do nothing when they approached the edge of the shaman's visual range instead of correctly being unsummoned.
Power Level Fixes
Several items and spells had small corrections to their 'power' level, which affected how they interacted with spell protections such as Spell Turning or (Minor) Globe of Invulnerability.
Hit Dice Bounds Set Incorrectly
Several spells have effects which are supposed to only affect creatures based on their hit dice and there were small errors in some spells. For example, the effect that is supposed to make the caster stand still when casting Burning Hands only affected casters of level 6 and above instead of all casters.
False Dawn Graphics [BGEE, BG2EE]
False Dawn now has cosmetic graphical effects closer to its listed description.
HP Drain Fixes
HP draining spells such as Larloch's Minor Drain were not quite behaving as they should and fixed from PsTEE were imported. While the current HP gains should be cumulative, the maximum HP gain should not--e.g. casting it twice should move an NPC from 7/8 hit points to 11/11 and then to 12/12 HP, and not to 11/12 and then 15/16. In addition, these 'extra' hit points were not subject to dispel magic. Additionally, more HP than was available could be drained from a target, e.g. Vampiric Touch could drain 24 HP from a creature with only 8 HP.
Inconsistent Unconsciousness Administration
Sleep and unconsciousness effects were used a little too interchangeably, and the portrait icons were not always being cleared when a sleep effect was canceled prior to its natural expiry (e.g. a creature waking up when attacked). Spells and items using these effects have been reviewed to try and make their applications more consistent and clear up minor issues associated with them.
Various 'Full Body' Cosmetic Effects Not Applied Consistently
Some spells and items include a cosmetic glowing effect or pulse, but sometimes missed a few areas. Free Action, for example, makes the entire targeted creature glow except for its helmet.
Resurrection Spells Breaking Abilities When Used on Living Targets
When Resurrection or Raise Dead spells are used on living characters, they can clear innate abilities such as those granted from polymorphing or shapeshifting. Worse, it can also clear the contents of a spell sequencer but not the sequencer itself, making it impossible to re-cast a spell sequencer on the character. As such, these spells are now limited to use on characters that are actually dead.
Consistent Fireballs [BGEE, BG2EE]
Spells and items which use fireball-style explosions, such as the Fireball spell itself and Arrows of Detonation, have had their cosmetic effects touched up to behave with a little more visual consistency.
Simulacrums and Projected Images and Temporary Abilities
Simulacrums and projected images were incorrectly inheriting temporary abilities from the caster, such as leftover shapechange innate abilities. These are now cleared from the image/simulacrum when it is created.
Burning Hands Should be an AoE Spell [BGEE, BG2EE]
Per its description, Burning Hands is supposed to create a fan of flames that covers 120 degrees out to 5' away from the caster; however, it was only affecting one creature. It is now a proper area-of-effect spell.
Movement Speed Stacking
Previously, spells that affected movement speeds didn't stack very well, e.g. a creature that is Entangled will be able to move if Grease is added.
Double Damage Messages
In patch 2.5, spells with saves for half damage were revamped so that only one message for damage was displayed. However a handful of spells and items were missed and are addressed in 2.6.
Invisibility 10' Radius Targeting
Invisibility 10' Radius was incorrectly affecting enemies and had a smaller than 10' radius area of effect.
Cosmetic Cloud Coloring
Various spells which produce clouds—Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud, Death Fog, and Incendiary Cloud—produced clouds of colors that did not match their descriptions, and have been updated. A small bug where Incendiary Cloud used differing projectiles depending on the caster's level was also fixed.
Lightning Bolt Behavior
In the original games, if you had three creatures in a line (A, B, and C) and cast Lightning Bolt at creature B, it would pass harmlessly through A and then damage B and C. In the EEs, this was changed so that it would affect all three creatures--however, this also meant it could be dodged. After discussion, it was decided to revert this behavior to the same as the original games.
Departing NPCs in Story Mode [BGEE, BG2EE]
When NPCs depart with Story Mode enabled, they lose their invincibility. However, this could be missed if the NPCs were first turned hostile and then booted, resulting in an invincible enemy even if Story Mode is turned off.
Haste Scroll Fix
Haste is an area-of-effect spell, but the scroll was forcing the player to target a creature with it instead of an arbitrary point.
Polymorph Self and Shapechange Fixes
A number of minor inconsistencies with these spells have been fixed, such as the subspells having incorrect casting times or being disabled by silence.
Chaotic Commands
Chaotic Commands used the wrong projectile when cast at certain levels.
Console Errors
A small number of internal console errors were cleaned up and fixed.
Creature Immunities [BGEE, IWDEE]
A handful of spells were affecting creatures who were supposed to be immune due to typos.
- Changed to 64 bit executables; 32 bit operating systems are no longer supported
- Hundreds of bug fixes including many spell fixes
- Improved pathfinding
- Improved multiplayer stability
- Added Adventurers of Neverwinter content to all games
- Added French, Italian, German, Ukrainian and Polish text localizations to Siege of Dragonspear
- Added French text localization to Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition
- Added Brazilian Portuguese and Chinese (Simplified) text localizations to Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition
Multi-game Fixes
- The inn screen was not centered, resulting in a large gap at the bottom of the screen. [BGEE]
- Dialogue choices could be cut off for large dialogue blocks. [BGEE]
- You can now disable item comparison.
- Text input areas will now have the cursor active in them, allowing for typing input directly without having to click first.
- On character records, club proficiency will no longer appear below weapon style proficiencies.
- To-hit and damage bonuses from Aid were not being shown on the inventory screen.
- Fixed an issue with Advanced AI failing on character imports.
- Fixed a few display issues with Limited Wish. [BG2EE, IWDEE]
- Fixed an issue preventing Belt from moving to the next floor in the tutorial. [BGEE, BG2EE]
- Fixed an incorrect icon and damage for Brown Bear Polymorph. [BGEE, BG2EE]
Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition | Fixes
- Fixed an issue in some circumstances, where killing Brage would not result in his body being dropped preventing the collection of his bounty in Nashkel.
- Fixed a bug that was preventing the player from entering a home near the Red Sheaf in Beregost.
- Fixed an effect message for Ethereal Retribution.
- Fixed an issue where the splitting slimes in the Black Pits could kill the party despite Story Mode being enabled.
- Fixed a crash when using Polymorph Self to become a brown bear if the record screen was opened.
- Fixed an issue for when the party attempted to replay the Black Pits battle with Llyrk (tier 1 battle 3), his Crumbling Skeletons would die immediately.
- Adoy's Enclave is now accessible from the Gullykin to its north, on the world map.
- If you re-enter the area where Dorn gets ambushed, the map and fog of war will now reset, as they do in other random encounter areas.
- In Chapter 7 Husam will no longer appears and disappear repeatedly in the Elfsong Tavern.
- Fixed missing combat music in many waylay areas.
- Fixed several containers would display the "Someone has noticed you! You hear the guards being summoned" message, if you were caught thieving, but no guards were ever actually summoned.
- Fixed an issue where Tiax's 'Advanced AI' script would not actually cause him to search for traps when the option was selected.
- Fixed an issue where you received a blank string instead of the correct "This item cannot be removed." if you clicked on Baeloth's non-removable ring in his inventory.
- Fixed an issue in the cutscene where the player and Gorion get ambushed, that the player's familiar would not flee with the player.
- Removed a superfluous response dialogue option that would cause Gandolar’s dialogue to repeat.
- Fixed an issue when out of sight of Mutamin, one of his basilisks could be attacked and killed without it ever turning hostile and fighting back.
- Fixed an issue with the dopplegangers at the Seven Suns losing their (token) loot when they transformed out of their human disguise.
- Fixed missing weather on the Iron Throne roof.
- Fixed an issue where the player could stand close enough to activate the gnolls attacking Drizzt without activating Drizzt to fight back.
- Fixed an issue where if the player mods the game to allow the protagonist to die, the game would still end if Player1 is turned into a ghast via Aec'Letec's death gaze.
- Fixed an issue during Rasaad's quest where the party will encounter Gamaz but not 'officially' kill Gamaz, so he would never be added to the party stats (such as the 'most powerful vanquished').
- Fixed an issue where nearby goblins would sometimes attack and kill the bear in Adoy's Enclave.
- Fixed an issue when Kagain finally sees the destroyed caravan, and the player interrupts his dialog, that the journal entry would never close.
- Fixed an issue where Dorn was too easily killed when you meet him in his initial ambush.
- Removed redundant combat feedback when successfully using Blinding Powder.
- Prevented Neera from starting her post-fight dialogue despite enemies still being present.
- If Edwin is killed before you even meet Dynaheir, she'll still comment on his death when you first meet her.
- Stopped multiple copies of the unique Shield of the Falling Stars from being pickpocketed/looted/awarded from Varci and multiple dwarven rune stones from being pickpocketed from Ike.
- Reworked Tenya's rewards when returning her bowl.
- Reworked Scar’s rewards for the completion of the investigation into the Seven Suns.
- Stopped Sarevok from becoming invincible if affected with confusion.
- Replaced the special arrows in Chapter 6 that Arkanis and Deder were carrying, with normal arrows.
- The elemental bullets introduced in BGEE - Bullets of Fire, Ice, and Electricity - now use unique icons to distinguish them from other bullets.
- Increased the price of elemental darts introduced by BGEE - Darts of Fire, Ice, and Electricity - due to their higher damage potential than +1 darts.
- Fixed an issue in the basement of Durlag's Tower where the game could prematurely send you to the chessboard once the initial fission slime was killed.
- Melicamp's journal entries were being filed as separate quests and have now been combined under one header.
- Basillus’ skeletons will now attack if Basilus attacks from any of the hostile dialogue options.
- Ramazith now returns inside if he finds himself coaxed outside his home during the completion of his quest.
- Aldeth will no longer object that you haven't cleared out all of the dopplegangers at the Merchant's League, even though you have.
- Bruel's Retort now has strings for its unidentified name and description.
- The female monk in Rasaad's quest is no longer using a male avatar and some male sounds.
- Death Ward now blocks the special version of Power Word: Kill used by the Death Knight.
- Fixed the missing footstep sounds in Adoy's Enclave and Dark Moon Temple.
- Eldoth's Poison Arrows are no longer doing 50% more damage than they should.
- Some hidden creatures in the city of Baldur's Gate in Chapter 7 will no longer display a nonsensical string when they disappear.
- When approaching Kryll, Dorn will no longer jump to a new position before initiating dialogue.
- A handful of traps in Durlag's Tower and the Dark Moon temple are no longer flagged as already discovered.
- When flooding the mines at Cloakwood, you will now receive the 'Water, Water Everywhere' achievement if you open the plug via dialogue with the miner.
- Fixed the script in Tenya's area that prevented the 'Fishermans Foe' achievement from being awarded.
- The journal entries that are filed under 'Rising Tensions with Amn' will now close once chapter four is completed and you discover the true source of the conflict, instead of remaining unresolved.
- If the player fails to discover Gorion's letter in Candlekeep, the journal entry for Dorn's quest would not close. The journal (and quest) now close with the death of Simmeon, a more natural ending point.
- The 'Tandem in Extremis' journal entry had no closing condition, so it would always remain open. It will now close when you meet Winski at the end of the Thieves Maze.
- Several 'Tazok and the Bandits' journal entries are informational, and as such are separated from the quest-style entries moved to the Info section of the journal.
- Fixed an issue where Baeloth's back-to-back dialogues after the Margarine of Evil fight could interrupt the party's return from the arena, breaking the campaign.
- Dradeel should now remain dead if you kill him in his hut, and will no longer turn up later as you try to escape the island.
- The entrance to the Ducal Palace is now only available once the bars are open.
- Monsters summoned via wand will now behave the same as those summoned directly via wand.
- Drizzt will now properly acknowledge the player's help in the gnoll ambush.
- If you join the bandits with Kivan in your party, you will no longer get trapped in a loop if you choose to attack Tazok in the Bandit Camp.
- If you complete the Prism quest before talking to Oublek, he will no longer list Prism as an outstanding bounty.
- Several notes from Rasaad's side quest are now flagged as critical so they will no longer disappear from ground piles and prevent the completion of the quest.
Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition | Fixes
- If Jaheira is removed from the party when she is cursed by Baron Ployer, she now uses the right rejoining dialogue if you finished the quest without killing Ployer.
- Sharran Guard Ovidiu and, later in Throne of Bhall, Yxtrazzal can no longer be killed during their cutscenes (e.g. with thief traps), leaving the game softlocked.
- Fixed a display bug where after casting Black Blade of Disaster, the record screen would not update your THAC0 until you made an attack.
- Prevented double text strings from sometimes displaying when clicking on the exit from the Sahuagin City to the Underdark.
- Prevented the crushing trap in the Spellhold Maze from killing characters in Story Mode.
- Fixed the granting of multiple unique items from the winch in Firkraag’s Lair and multiple Shrouds of the Unproven from Rabi’ah.
- Links have been added so that the player can travel directly between the Wild Forest and Watcher’s Keep.
- When being ambushed in Throne of Bhall, the party will no longer be moved into the area incompletely, causing the cutscene to hang.
- Removed duplicate gear from the arena floor when initiating the Black Pits II finale.
- You are no longer blocked from receiving a discharged copy of the Rift Device if you have Spell Shield active.
- Forced Mairyn to hang around and deliver needed dialogue instead of teleporting away and causing the ranger stronghold quests to stall.
- If loading from the Sulanesselarr auto-save, the chapter number will no longer get bumped to Chapter 8.
- Prevented a superfluous icon to appear in some game modes in Ust Natha Bar.
- Removed an info trigger in the de’Arnise Keep basement.
- A visible barrier has been added to the Black Pits II where you approach the forbidden doughnut area.
- The character will no longer walk too far around the rock to access the small hidden cache container at the entrance to the Windpsear Hills.
- Moved the camera to fix some Black Pits II cutscenes that had some action happening offscreen.
- If you kill Dorn in the Temple district, he will no longer respawn after you gained more experience.
- Implosion will no longer bypass hold protections inappropriately.
- The entrance to the Radiant Heart is no longer on impassable terrain.
- Before being identified, Kuo-Toan and Paralytic Bolt now use the proper descriptions.
- Bolts +4 now give the proper +4 bonus instead of +3.
- The ‘Absolute Power’ achievement would sometimes not fire since it was keyed on Nalia’s rejoining dialogue. Nalia could sometimes use her generic rejoining dialogue instead of the one specifically for the completion of this quest.
Icewind Dale | Fixes
- Miscast Magic will now affect divine spellcasting.
- Invisibility Purge and Detect Invisibility will now interact with magic resistance and spell protections correctly.
- The Thief Evasion ability will now cover area-of-effect spells and abilities properly, such as Delayed Blast Fireball, Meteor Swarm, and Spike Stones.
- When first entering the Great Forge, the message about the freezing cold will now display as general informative text and not as if it’s coming from a party member.
- Enchanted Weapon now behaves as it does in other EE games.
- Death Ward now covers all instant-death spells and its visuals have also been updated to be more in IWD’s style.
- Favor of Ilmater no longer plays its graphics on the caster when cast on an ineligible target.
- Fixed a small error where making your save against Beltyn’s Burning Blood would stop the spell effects at the wrong time.
- Contagion no longer bypasses magic resistance.
- Additional portrait icons have been added and applied to spells as appropriate.
- Mind Blank now uses a custom portrait icon (as it did in IWD) and had its casting and expiry times fixed.
- Fixed an issue where poison was affecting a few creatures who should have been immune to its effects, and the message displayed as feedback for immune creatures has been standardized.
- Animal Rage is now restricted to allies and received a few cosmetic fixes.
- Removed multiple lines of redundant feedback when Antimagic Shell was cast and now properly checks dispellability of deafness and blindness.
- Removed a small delay between Mordenkainen’s Force Missiles striking their target and then inflicting their secondary concussive damage.
- Magic Missiles spell will now play their sounds and visuals when damaging a target in spite of magic resistance. The spell is now using the proper IWD visuals. Magic Missiles via wand were working as intended.
- Power World, Sleep will only play combat feedback and visuals if the target is affected by the sleep effect itself.
- Flame Arrow will not play visuals and other effects when blocked by magic resistance.
- Knock will no longer play its audio and visual cues when targeted on a creature.
- Horror was playing the wrong feedback message when cast on unnatural creatures such as golems.
- Fixed the icon on one of the chests in the bottom level of Dragon’s Eye which was using a body icon instead of a chest.
- Fixed the incorrect cursor used on the info regions in the Tiers of the Dead, and the garden and second floor of the Order of the Kraken mansion.
- Familiars no longer block progression of the game if they are sent up the eastern stairs in Anauroch Castle.
- After years of prayer and introspection, the Priests of Tempus are now receiving their innate Holy Power ability.
- You can now target Spiritual Wrath by selecting a location when casting. It also uses a new unique projectile.
- Wand of the Heavens can now target a location instead of forcing the user to target a creature.
- Wand of Ice now uses a single-target projectile.
- Free Action no longer blocks Ghoul Touch.
- Fixed some visual and effect issues with Wild Surges.
- The multiplayer chat box no longer blocks the transition area to the third level in the Temple of the Forgotten God.
- One of the giants in Ilmadia’s area should turn hostile when provoked via dialogue.
- Fixed some flickering when entering Arundel’s home during the cutscene.
- The final achievement will be properly awarded upon defeating Belhifet.
- The Eye of the Sword can no longer be dissipated by the damage from berserker rage.
- Primary targets of Vitriolic Sphere will no longer take splash damage as the splash damage is already calculated into the damage.
- Lich Touch now properly paralyzes its targets.
Icewind Dale | Spell Audio/Visual Fixes
- Many of the spells imported from BGEE/BG2EE into IWDEE have been reviewed and, in many cases, had their graphics and sounds adjusted to better match the native IWDEE spells. A handful of native IWD spells had also been using BG/BG2-style visuals.
- Stinking Cloud, Fireball, Cloudkill, Sunfire, Death Fog, Soul Eater, and Acid Storm have had their spell effects better blended.
- Sol’s Searing Orb and Otiluke’s Freezing Sphere effects are now more distinct.
- Every imported BG/BG2 ability and spell have been reviewed and, where appropriate, updated to use IWD-style graphics.
- Flame Blade no longer uses the BG graphic of a sword emerging from the ground.
- Chromatic Orb, Barkskin, Defensive Harmony, Protection from Evil 10’ Radius, and Magic Resistance now uses IWD-style sounds.
- Vocalize and Mordenkainen’s Sword lacked their generic school sound.
- Strength was using different sounds than the original IWD.
- Blood Rage, Detect Evil, Physical Mirror, Darts of Bone, Moonblade, Iron Body; Trollish Fortitude; Emotion, Hope; Emotion, Courage and Cat’s Grace were lacking their generic school spell visuals and/or sounds.
- BG2-style confusion animation has been removed from Rigid Thinking, Confusion, and Chaos style spells.
- Shield of the Archons, Ghoul Touch, Fire Seeds, Negative Plane Protection, Lesser Restoration, and Greater Restoration now use IWD-style visuals and sounds.
- Chaos Shield and Improved Chaos Shield now use graphics distinct from Miscast Magic.
- Cure and Cause Medium Wounds have their unique visuals restored; they had been re-using the visuals from Cure/Cause Moderate Wounds.
- Fireball projectiles now use IWD-style visuals.
- The visual that shows on creatures caught in an Entangle were faint and easy to miss. In addition, the accompanying sounds have been quieter and less intrusive.
- Original IWD applied a small glow to the targets of spells, which IWDEE lacked.
- Targets of the Cause X Wounds family of spells did not glow red as they did in the original IWD.
IE Modder/Translation/Internal Fixes
- Creatures which have immunities to certain effects, e.g. elves and charm spells, no longer have redundant protections within spells.
- Any 'instant' effects (e.g. immunities via opcode 321) have had their durations zeroed.
- A handful of spells and items which are not supposed to apply to certain creatures would use a trick where they would make the immune creatures temporarily immune to the spell when it was cast. In a handful of cases, these immunities were made permanent and have been adjusted back to instant effects.
- Some languages use gender-specific words for terms such as “Assassin” or “Prisoner”. As such, male and female creatures using these as names are given unique strings to facilitate translation.
- 39206 Male and female Assassins
- 37818 Male and female Civil Servants
- 37919 Male and female Prisoners
- 37820 Male and female Cooks
- 38194 Male and female Shadow Thieves
- Additional entries have been added to SPLPROT.2da.
Multi-game Spell Fix Details
Recurring Spell Effects Sometimes Blocked Incorrectly. Certain spells and items with effects that refresh each round, such as a bard song, work internally by first dispelling themselves before re-applying their effects. Among other things, this prevents effects from stacking incorrectly. In rare circumstances, this dispel-first effect could sometimes inadvertently block the correct effects.
Detect Illusion Range Fix
The casting range on Detect Illusion was set incorrectly, meaning the caster would sometimes walk to a point to cast even though the casting point was within the listed range.
Level Drain Feedback Fixes [BGEE, BG2EE]
When being level drained, creature attacks would sometimes drain multiple levels and the combat feedback window would incorrectly report that only one level was drained.
Psionic Blast Missing Description
When shapechanged into a mind flayer, psionic blast had no description in the innate ability menu.
Conflicts Between Poison and Disease
Creatures with 100% immunity to poison damage would take zero damage yet still receive combat feedback and visibly recoil as if they were taking damage if they were hit with a poison-over-time effect or damage from disease (which uses poison-type damage). They should no longer receive feedback or visibly recoil.
Saving Throw Consistency
In a handful of cases, saving throws were set incorrectly For example, Magic Stone had a saving throw set on its sound effect, which would display a saving throw message in the feedback - and prevent the sound from playing if passed - despite the spell itself having no saving throw. This affected some items as well as spells.
Non-Detection Fixes
Non-Detection effects would still allow some effects which should be blocked, e.g. Invisibility Purge could still show cosmetic effects on a creature being protected by Non-Detection.
Portrait Icon Fixes
Several new portrait icons have been added, covering spells and abilities such as Flaming Fists, Frozen Fist, and Armor of Faith. Potions of Magic Protection will now use the Magic Resistance icon instead of the Shielded icon.
Shaman Spirits Doing Nothing
The spirit animals summoned by shamanic dancing could freeze and do nothing when they approached the edge of the shaman's visual range instead of correctly being unsummoned.
Power Level Fixes
Several items and spells had small corrections to their 'power' level, which affected how they interacted with spell protections such as Spell Turning or (Minor) Globe of Invulnerability.
Hit Dice Bounds Set Incorrectly
Several spells have effects which are supposed to only affect creatures based on their hit dice and there were small errors in some spells. For example, the effect that is supposed to make the caster stand still when casting Burning Hands only affected casters of level 6 and above instead of all casters.
False Dawn Graphics [BGEE, BG2EE]
False Dawn now has cosmetic graphical effects closer to its listed description.
HP Drain Fixes
HP draining spells such as Larloch's Minor Drain were not quite behaving as they should and fixed from PsTEE were imported. While the current HP gains should be cumulative, the maximum HP gain should not--e.g. casting it twice should move an NPC from 7/8 hit points to 11/11 and then to 12/12 HP, and not to 11/12 and then 15/16. In addition, these 'extra' hit points were not subject to dispel magic. Additionally, more HP than was available could be drained from a target, e.g. Vampiric Touch could drain 24 HP from a creature with only 8 HP.
Inconsistent Unconsciousness Administration
Sleep and unconsciousness effects were used a little too interchangeably, and the portrait icons were not always being cleared when a sleep effect was canceled prior to its natural expiry (e.g. a creature waking up when attacked). Spells and items using these effects have been reviewed to try and make their applications more consistent and clear up minor issues associated with them.
Various 'Full Body' Cosmetic Effects Not Applied Consistently
Some spells and items include a cosmetic glowing effect or pulse, but sometimes missed a few areas. Free Action, for example, makes the entire targeted creature glow except for its helmet.
Resurrection Spells Breaking Abilities When Used on Living Targets
When Resurrection or Raise Dead spells are used on living characters, they can clear innate abilities such as those granted from polymorphing or shapeshifting. Worse, it can also clear the contents of a spell sequencer but not the sequencer itself, making it impossible to re-cast a spell sequencer on the character. As such, these spells are now limited to use on characters that are actually dead.
Consistent Fireballs [BGEE, BG2EE]
Spells and items which use fireball-style explosions, such as the Fireball spell itself and Arrows of Detonation, have had their cosmetic effects touched up to behave with a little more visual consistency.
Simulacrums and Projected Images and Temporary Abilities
Simulacrums and projected images were incorrectly inheriting temporary abilities from the caster, such as leftover shapechange innate abilities. These are now cleared from the image/simulacrum when it is created.
Burning Hands Should be an AoE Spell [BGEE, BG2EE]
Per its description, Burning Hands is supposed to create a fan of flames that covers 120 degrees out to 5' away from the caster; however, it was only affecting one creature. It is now a proper area-of-effect spell.
Movement Speed Stacking
Previously, spells that affected movement speeds didn't stack very well, e.g. a creature that is Entangled will be able to move if Grease is added.
Double Damage Messages
In patch 2.5, spells with saves for half damage were revamped so that only one message for damage was displayed. However a handful of spells and items were missed and are addressed in 2.6.
Invisibility 10' Radius Targeting
Invisibility 10' Radius was incorrectly affecting enemies and had a smaller than 10' radius area of effect.
Cosmetic Cloud Coloring
Various spells which produce clouds—Cloudkill, Stinking Cloud, Death Fog, and Incendiary Cloud—produced clouds of colors that did not match their descriptions, and have been updated. A small bug where Incendiary Cloud used differing projectiles depending on the caster's level was also fixed.
Lightning Bolt Behavior
In the original games, if you had three creatures in a line (A, B, and C) and cast Lightning Bolt at creature B, it would pass harmlessly through A and then damage B and C. In the EEs, this was changed so that it would affect all three creatures--however, this also meant it could be dodged. After discussion, it was decided to revert this behavior to the same as the original games.
Departing NPCs in Story Mode [BGEE, BG2EE]
When NPCs depart with Story Mode enabled, they lose their invincibility. However, this could be missed if the NPCs were first turned hostile and then booted, resulting in an invincible enemy even if Story Mode is turned off.
Haste Scroll Fix
Haste is an area-of-effect spell, but the scroll was forcing the player to target a creature with it instead of an arbitrary point.
Polymorph Self and Shapechange Fixes
A number of minor inconsistencies with these spells have been fixed, such as the subspells having incorrect casting times or being disabled by silence.
Chaotic Commands
Chaotic Commands used the wrong projectile when cast at certain levels.
Console Errors
A small number of internal console errors were cleaned up and fixed.
Creature Immunities [BGEE, IWDEE]
A handful of spells were affecting creatures who were supposed to be immune due to typos.
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on
I don't want to be rude (really).
You show hundred of fix, and I am sorry if I give the impression that the only fix I care is one missing fix but... What about the bug where party members get stuck on each other ? (if you ask me, worst bug in particular on my mobile where I can't Ctrl-J)
BTW, BG2EE in French is a great news for me, I am looking forward to play with my son !
What is the Adventures of Neverwinter?
and i believe there is an error in one of these bug fixes, in IWD the temples actually did do something, i dont remember about the vanillas, but in IWD EE if your REP fell below 7 or 8, you could donate to get your REP back up to 8 ( but no higher ) so im not sure if it was actually necessary to get rid of the donations for temples
Also, please can you fix the difficulty spike when fighting Karoug. It's absurd that a fight should be that hard with no way to even the odds, especially as the only decent weapon that can take him out is in the chest you aren't likely to get to until he's already dead, and then it's useless. I would suggest either moving the sword to a lower level of the Wandering Eye, or having Dradeel give it to you to help get his spellbook back.
If it's an intentional change I'd expect it to be in the patch notes, but it'd be strange not to have at least the option of original game behavior, either way.
the flametongue sword in durlag's tower can also hit those "silver weapon" werewolves
Hey! The one bug where party members get stuck on each other is (our intention) fixed by Improved pathfinding.
It's a portrait pack.
If you're wondering about a certain bug/feature and this bug fix/feature is not present in the list above, that most likely means it's not part of the 2.6 patch. I know everyone has their most important bug in mind, but it's hardly possible to fix every issue, or the patch process would take even more than it takes.
That said, if there are new bugs introduced by 2.6, we'd get to them later during this beta. At this stage, please focus on the test objective, which is Download, Launch & Save games in the Baldur's Gate Beta on Steam.
(though any fixes is good to take in any case)
Thanks for the list guys.
The localization for Siege Of Drangonspear in french is also planned in this patch?
Thank you
We hope so but haven't verified yet.
PS: Do you plan to release a patch for PST:EE as well?
At this moment, we have nothing to announce regarding a PST:EE patch. If the the low quality sound fix is not mentioned in the notes, that most likely means it's not part of the 2.6 patch.
Has the content of BG: SOD been translated too?
My game is stuck here at the moment.
Also, It looks like the strange lines that were showing up in water are already fixed in the current beta and the fireball spell now looks different. It's bigger and a little more flashy from the older version in 2.5 and a big improvement over the original 2D fireball spell from back in the day. I haven't done much testing but I hope the lines that would show up on dragons and next to casting animations are fixed. Those were ugly.
i kill the gnomes all the time and never have any problems, are you running any mods with your game?
No, I use vanilla. Worst case I will have to redo the chapter from my last hard save and hope it doesn't happen again but I couldn't get Solufein to move his butt with console, but my console knowledge is limited.
Agreed. These must be fixed in this patch.
This NEEDS to be fixed!!!
did you talk to solufein when you had the gnome patrol helmet in your inventory?
if you do have the helmet in your inventory and you speak to solaufein and nothing happens then try copy and pasting these commands and see if it works properly;
hopefully after inputting those 3 commands everything should work out fine
if not;
if you have some Near Infinity knowledge, then if you can open UDSOLA01.DLG at state 109 your triggers should be;
and your actions should be;
if they are not, then you are going to have to edit state 109 to those values for everything to work correctly
Could you confirm the following two fixes are missing from your list?
This could mean fixing some bugs mentioned by other posters. It's very broad and general information.
This depends on how the testing goes. Right now we'd appreciate more people could test the current test objective and vote in the poll.