Conspiracy Theory?

What if the reason Beamdog hasn't been talking much about Neverwinter Nights:EE or the renderer updates is because they are secretly working on that brand new Nevewinter Nights 3 type game that we have all been hoping and praying for?
Edit: Accidentally put this in wrong area. Should've been NWN:EE General Discussion.
Edit: Accidentally put this in wrong area. Should've been NWN:EE General Discussion.
Post edited by NeverwinterWights on
You never know, it's certainly possible.
My opinion is that NWN:EE is NWN3 (at least for now!).
2021: NWN HD ($20)
2022: NWN HD Remix 1.5 ($30)
2023: NWN Remaster ($40)
2028: NWN Remake - Part 1 ($60)
2029: NWN Remake - Part 2 ($60)
2032: NWN Remake - Part 3 ($60)
2042: NWN Remake - Anniversary Edition - Red Version($150)
2042: NWN Remake - Anniversary Edition - Blue Version($150)
Did you just cast a LVL 10 Fireball and rolled 16 damage? Well now you can click the reroll button for $1 and for an additional $2 you can add your second roll to the first and for $5 you can get the full 60 damage from that fireball.
Did you just find some scrub non magical breastplate and you feel that it was suppose to be +1? Well for just $5 you can add +1 to any scrub items you find and for $15 you can even get +2.
And don't forget these features will only be available to Beamdog First subscription holders for the low low price of $100 a year...what are you waiting for? Sign up today for early access and get your very own canvas Bag of Holding.
It would be nice if that were the truth, but the realist in me says it's wishful thinking. The optimist in me, however, still hopes that it will happen one day. Doesn't even matter if it is or isn't Beamdog that does it.
The recipe is Real-Time with tabletop rules + great builder tools and multiplayer support.
Taking the BG3 example I'm also sure Larian will make a wonderful game but I can't see how it would be a successor to the original series which the creators seem to have said wrapped up as the trilogy of Baldur's Gate + Shadows of Amn + Throne of Bhaal. I don't see it being a likely successor to NWN either, as NWN was not created the way it was as a matter of happenstance and a byproduct of telling the story of The Wailing Death. I'm sure we'll know when something could be a spiritual successor to NWN when the developers start talking about things that sound like "D&D in a box" and the power to create your own endless adventures.
@Ancarion I know that's right. After almost 14 years of having my OCD triggered hard by the Attack Bonus Miscalculation Bug, I've decided to put NWN:EE on the shelf for a while. My job is very labor-intensive, stressing me both physically and emotionally, as I am tasked with unloading wooden pallets of freight from trucks in a timely manner to avoid any driver delivering the freight being on detention time. I don't get paid by the hour, I get paid per truck. My pay is based on my production, and until now, NWN (either Classic or EE) had been my go-to way of relaxing after a hard day's work. With seemingly no fast-approaching fix to this issue in sight, relaxation is the furthest thing from my mind. That's why I reactivated my subscription to WoW and purchased a 6-month block of game time on July 1. At least on that game, I don't have to worry about my warrior's combat ability getting handicapped by the game's own combat UI. Ain't that some shit? If the devs haven't fixed this bug by the time my subscription expires, I reckon I'll just buy another 6 months. Now more than ever, we all play games as a temporary escape from reality, not to be reminded how real life can suck in the one place that's supposed to be our sanctuary. Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.