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New version of Sword Coast Stratagems (v33) now available



  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @barker262 Making codes like that is a skill I picked up over the years of helping people with troubleshooting issues, more or less.
  • WasabiiiwuWasabiiiwu Member Posts: 4
    @Tresset , i've also tried the hotfix and Aec'Letec is still invincible. Even tried ctrl-y cheat, he doesn't die. Any thoughts?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @Wasabiiiwu Do you, perchance, use the EET mod? I have recently learned that EET creates a conflict with my hotfix for this issue. Try renaming the file in my hotfix from TANARI.BCS to TANARI_.BCS and see if that works, but only do this if you use EET.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 758
    Tresset wrote: »
    @Wasabiiiwu Do you, perchance, use the EET mod? I have recently learned that EET creates a conflict with my hotfix for this issue. Try renaming the file in my hotfix from TANARI.BCS to TANARI_.BCS and see if that works, but only do this if you use EET.
    I was indeed playing an EET game, I will try your advice on my next run.
  • WasabiiiwuWasabiiiwu Member Posts: 4
    @Tresset thanks for the response. I do use EET mod and i've tried renaming to TANARI_.BCS but unfortunately aec'letec still won't die, even with ctrl-y cheat. Also tried replacing both TANARI_.BCS & TANARI.BCS with your hotfix and still not working. Any ideas?
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    @Wasabiiiwu I don't know then... EET must have renamed Aec's script to something else, and it is impossible for me to know what that is without getting EET myself, which I don't have the time or inclination to do... I may still be able to help if you could send me a save file in which Aec has spawned already, otherwise I would unfortunately have to suggest this simply be a lesson in installing multiple mods and the dangers of mod conflicts. You could try asking whoever runs EET for help maybe...

    BTW, I do hope you are backing up your files before overwriting them... If I get the name wrong, you will need to restore the old file for other things to work out right, I would think...
  • WasabiiiwuWasabiiiwu Member Posts: 4
    @Tresset I think I just got your hotfix to work. I tried loading an earlier save BEFORE Aec was spawned and it now appears he dies. Previously I've been testing a save that Aec was already spawned. I also replaced tanari2.bcs, TANARI_.BCS, TANARI_.BCS with your file (after making a backup of all 3). I haven't tested which of the 3 files I actually need to replace, but obviously one of them is working. Will try again later tonight. Love your work!
  • DanacmDanacm Member Posts: 951
    In soa, scs enemies use hla-s ? If yes can i forbid them ?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,981
    HLA use in SCS is difficulty-dependent. As of the current mod version:

    Fighters and thieves:
    - Improved difficulty or lower: no HLA use.
    - Tactical difficulty: some particularly dangerous enemies use them.
    - Hardcore difficulty or higher: all eligible creatures use them.

    - Improved difficulty or lower: no HLA use.
    - Tactical or Hardcore difficulty: some ToB enemies use them.
    - Insane difficulty: some enemies use them, in both SoA and ToB.
    - Insane+ difficulty (only available through fine-tuning): some enemies use them in SoA, all eligible ToB enemies use them.
    - Legacy of Bhaal difficulty: all eligible enemies use them.

    - Improved difficulty or lower: no HLA use.
    - Tactical or Hardcore difficulty: some ToB enemies use them.
    - Insane difficulty: some enemies use them, in both SoA and ToB.
    - Insane+ difficulty (only available through fine-tuning): some enemies use them in SoA, all eligible ToB enemies use them.
    - Legacy of Bhaal difficulty: all eligible enemies use them.

    The "some enemies" toggle is controlled with non-droppable items; dw#mkhla, dw#hlamg, dw#hlapr. And, of course, enemies have to actually have the HLAs in order to use them. For example, the level 16 cleric Stalman from the guarded compound has the dw#hlapr item, but doesn't actually have any HLAs because a pure cleric would need to be at least 22 to get them.

    If you want to forbid HLA use, difficulty fine-tuning is the way to go. Priest and mage HLA difficulties can each be tweaked without changing anything else.
  • TressetTresset Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
    edited June 2021
    I found a bug with the "(Cast Previously)" version of the IWD spell Entropy Shield. It is erroneously set to the secondary type of "SPECIFICPROTECTIONS" when it should be set to "SPELLPROTECTIONS". This is different from the main version of the spell and prevents its removal by any means (specific protections are removed by Breach and this spell grants immunity to Breach). I have uploaded a hofix here.
    Post edited by Tresset on
  • hybridialhybridial Member Posts: 291
    When I've installed the Improved shapeshifting component and start a new game on Shadows of Amn, the Werewolf token isn't given to the character in the inventory. Any clue why that might be?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,981
    That would be the script at the beginning of the SoA campaign interfering. You got the token, and then the game took it away. Lose all droppable equipment, including things like shapeshift tokens.

    If the Shapeshifter isn't your protagonist, you can kick them from the party and have them rejoin to get the token back. If they aren't, you'll have to use something like the cheat console or a save editor to get it.

    The item codes for the werewolf tokens:
    Lesser Werewolf (level 1-6): dw#shwe1
    Werewolf (level 7-12): dw#shwe2
    Greater Werewolf (level 13+): dw#shwe3
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    edited June 2021
    jmerry wrote: »
    HLA use in SCS is difficulty-dependent. As of the current mod version:

    Fighters and thieves:
    - Improved difficulty or lower: no HLA use.
    - Tactical difficulty: some particularly dangerous enemies use them.
    - Hardcore difficulty or higher: all eligible creatures use them.

    - Improved difficulty or lower: no HLA use.
    - Tactical or Hardcore difficulty: some ToB enemies use them.
    - Insane difficulty: some enemies use them, in both SoA and ToB.
    - Insane+ difficulty (only available through fine-tuning): some enemies use them in SoA, all eligible ToB enemies use them.
    - Legacy of Bhaal difficulty: all eligible enemies use them.

    - Improved difficulty or lower: no HLA use.
    - Tactical or Hardcore difficulty: some ToB enemies use them.
    - Insane difficulty: some enemies use them, in both SoA and ToB.
    - Insane+ difficulty (only available through fine-tuning): some enemies use them in SoA, all eligible ToB enemies use them.
    - Legacy of Bhaal difficulty: all eligible enemies use them.

    The "some enemies" toggle is controlled with non-droppable items; dw#mkhla, dw#hlamg, dw#hlapr. And, of course, enemies have to actually have the HLAs in order to use them. For example, the level 16 cleric Stalman from the guarded compound has the dw#hlapr item, but doesn't actually have any HLAs because a pure cleric would need to be at least 22 to get them.

    If you want to forbid HLA use, difficulty fine-tuning is the way to go. Priest and mage HLA difficulties can each be tweaked without changing anything else.

    Hey that's extremely useful to know, thanks for the details!

    I had no idea that even on Insane difficulty, not all enemies who theoretically could have HLAs will use them, and that fine tuning of difficulty settings is necessary for that.
    It doesn't concern me yet as I'm still in SoD, but I'm glad I found out before reaching BG2.

    Does someone know which opponents would be affected by that in SoA? I mean, which one would not be using HLAs on Insane, but use them when fine-tuned?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,981
    Arvia wrote: »
    Does someone know which opponents would be affected by that in SoA? I mean, which one would not be using HLAs on Insane, but use them when fine-tuned?
    None, unless you fine-tuned that portion all the way up to "Legacy of Bhaal".

    In the SoA (not Watcher's Keep) portion of the game, the "Insane Plus" fine-tuned level is the same as Insane. You'd have to set that portion of the difficulty to "Legacy of Bhaal" to see a difference; at that level, all spellcasting enemies with enough levels get spell HLAs. Every mage with 9th level spells could hit you with an Improved Alacrity or a planetar.
    In Watcher's Keep and ToB, that "Insane Plus" level is the same as LoB.

    There are really three levels of spell HLA use: none, some, or all. The criterion for "some" is having a particular marker item, and for "all" it's simply a matter of having enough levels. This is controlled in-game by the AI scripts; all enemies with enough levels get those spells memorized, but they can only use them if the current difficulty allows it.
    In SoA, some enemies use them at Insane/Insane Plus, and all enemies use them at Legacy of Bhaal.
    In ToB, some enemies use them at Hardcore/Insane, and all enemies use them at Insane Plus/Legacy of Bhaal.

  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,981
    I'm back to tinkering with the BG series, now that I've updated to 2.6. And I spotted something - yet another issue with the NPC customization component. Thankfully, this one has a simple fix.

    If you change an NPC party member's class to basically anything new, their AI won't know how to use the new class's abilities. For example, if you make Minsc a thief, he'll be able to automatically hide but not to automatically search for traps. This is because the combat AIs bd_____c for NPCs are all designed for their default classes, and don't take any other class options (including possible dual classes) into account.

    The fix? Just don't use those scripts anymore. Replace all entries in PARTYAI.2da with BDDEFAI, the generic combat script for all classes that player characters use.
    This applies to EE games only, of course.

    (Not that I'm planning to use the component. I just briefly installed it to test.)
  • cobancoban Member Posts: 9

    I have a few questions about the new version of SCS.

    1. In SoD, the difficulty slider impacts the number of spawns, as demonstrated in this video
    Does this mean that if I use Insane difficulty in SCS, this will be taken into account and SoD will spawn the highest number of opponents?

    2. In BGEE and BG2EE, opponents will do double damage if playing on Insane difficulty. I assume that if playing SCS on Insane difficulty, this double damage is not applied? I understand that in order to apply double damage in SCS, I have to turn off this setting: No difficulty based damaged changes (strongly recommended).

  • SourSour Member Posts: 138
    edited August 2021
    In Baldur's Gate EE, SCS increases the number of enemies in some fights if you have the tactical battle components installed. These components will add extra enemies to certain fights in the game regardless of the difficulty you are playing at.

    SCS doesn't have any tactical components for SOD so SCS won't effect the number of enemies in SOD. LOB mode does effect the number of enemies in the SOD portion of the game so the only way to get max enemies in SOD is to play on LOB mode. Insane difficulty with SCS will spawn the second highest number of enemies in SOD.

    SCS disables difficulty based double damage regardless of the difficulty you are playing at. It didn't used to do this but the latest release does. If you wish to play on insane with scs and double damage like it was the previous 20 years then you will need to manually uncheck the option in the gameplay options.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    Sour wrote: »
    In Baldur's Gate EE, SCS increases the number of enemies in some fights if you have the tactical battle components installed. These components will add extra enemies to certain fights in the game regardless of the difficulty you are playing at.

    SCS doesn't have any tactical components for SOD so SCS won't effect the number of enemies in SOD. LOB mode does effect the number of enemies in the SOD portion of the game so the only way to get max enemies in SOD is to play on LOB mode. Insane difficulty with SCS will spawn the second highest number of enemies in SOD.

    SCS disables difficulty based double damage regardless of the difficulty you are playing at. It didn't used to do this but the latest release does. If you wish to play on insane with scs and double damage like it was the previous 20 years then you will need to manually uncheck the option in the gameplay options.

    Can anyone confirm this? I'm pretty sure it's the other way round, that SCS recommends checking "no difficulty-based damage increase" because the main purpose is to increase difficulty through AI, not amount of damage, and that not ticking this box means SCS+Insane is just a lot harder because it means the additional AI and pre-buffing enemies challenge plus the damage increase from Insane difficulty.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 138
    edited August 2021
    The "no difficulty based damage" that you can disable IS the insane difficulty damage increase. If you check the box it will disable it and you will essentially be playing core rules. The difficulty based damage is the only difference between core and insane difficulty.

    Once you install SCS you can then control how difficult SCS is with the slider. So pushing the slider up to insane after you installed SCS will be pushing the SCS difficulty to the max.

    The intention is as you said, to make the game harder without doing brute force difficulty that breaks the rules. However, for the last 20 years people who played on insane difficulty did it for the double damage and they installed SCS on top of that for maximum challenge. The difficulty of SCS was determined by the user when setting it up and couldn't' be changed on the fly from in game. The new version of SCS disables the insane difficulty based damage making it essentially core rules and allows you to curb the difficulty of SCS on the fly with the difficulty slider in game. People who wish to play insane difficulty with double damage and max SCS difficulty, simply need to uncheck the option in the gameplay options.

    When SCS describes hardcore and insane modes as having more enemies it is talking about the tactical battles that it adds to the game. Outside of tactical encounters SCS will not effect the number of enemies or give rule breaking damage bonuses on it's own and SOD doesn't have any tactical encounters added to it via SCS because it came out after SCS. The confusion is probably because unlike the rest of the games made by Bioware, Beamdog made it so that SOD does have the difficulty slider effect the number of enemies spawned in the SOD portion of the game which has nothing to do with SCS. They made it so that LOB spawns the most and insane spawns the second most ect.

    It is worth noting that SCS has text based options that can be accessed via the gameplay control panel that will allow you to select the level of enemy spawns regardless of what level you are or what difficulty setting the slider is on though this only effects level dependent spawns that occur in BG2.
    Post edited by Sour on
  • tl1942tl1942 Member Posts: 178
    Getting a very weird bug.

    For the first time ever, I'm unable to install SCS. 2.6.6+EET+a number of mods (weidu.log attached). I have no idea what's going on....several SCS components wouldn't install due to a "missing file" issue, while other SCS components installed fine.

    The major issue is that I'm not able to install the "initialize AI" component. I get the following error:

    ERROR Installing [Initialise AI components (required for all tactical and AI components)], rolling back to previous state
    Will uninstall 46 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 5900.
    Uninstalled 46 files for [STRATAGEMS/SETUP-STRATAGEMS.TP2] component 5900.
    ERROR: Failure("INNER_PATCH_SAVE \"%entry%\": read out of bounds")

    I have no idea what's going on. I just spent two days tediously installing mods on a fresh BG1+2 install (which I've done many times), and this is the first time this has ever happened to me.
  • ArviaArvia Member Posts: 2,101
    Sour wrote: »
    The "no difficulty based damage" that you can disable IS the insane difficulty damage increase. If you check the box it will disable it and you will essentially be playing core rules. The difficulty based damage is the only difference between core and insane difficulty.

    Once you install SCS you can then control how difficult SCS is with the slider. So pushing the slider up to insane after you installed SCS will be pushing the SCS difficulty to the max.

    The intention is as you said, to make the game harder without doing brute force difficulty that breaks the rules. However, for the last 20 years people who played on insane difficulty did it for the double damage and they installed SCS on top of that for maximum challenge. The difficulty of SCS was determined by the user when setting it up and couldn't' be changed on the fly from in game. The new version of SCS disables the insane difficulty based damage making it essentially core rules and allows you to curb the difficulty of SCS on the fly with the difficulty slider in game. People who wish to play insane difficulty with double damage and max SCS difficulty, simply need to uncheck the option in the gameplay options.

    When SCS describes hardcore and insane modes as having more enemies it is talking about the tactical battles that it adds to the game. Outside of tactical encounters SCS will not effect the number of enemies or give rule breaking damage bonuses on it's own and SOD doesn't have any tactical encounters added to it via SCS because it came out after SCS. The confusion is probably because unlike the rest of the games made by Bioware, Beamdog made it so that SOD does have the difficulty slider effect the number of enemies spawned in the SOD portion of the game which has nothing to do with SCS. They made it so that LOB spawns the most and insane spawns the second most ect.

    It is worth noting that SCS has text based options that can be accessed via the gameplay control panel that will allow you to select the level of enemy spawns regardless of what level you are or what difficulty setting the slider is on though this only effects level dependent spawns that occur in BG2.

    Sorry, I misunderstood you. I understood that you meant it changes those options, but it seems you just meant that it automatically checks the usual game options box with "no difficulty-based damage increase" and you have to uncheck it when you want the vanilla Insane damage along with SCS.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 138
    edited August 2021
    Version 2.66 broke SCS compatibility and a new version of SCS has not come out since. You can manually fix the problems if you are interested. Read the last 5 pages in this thread,

    It's a collection of manual fixes you need to apply in order to get it to install and work correctly with the latest version of the game. To my knowledge the Serevok coronation bug hasn't been fixed yet so you probably shouldn't install the option and Tresset's hot fix from this thread should also be added to the override folder.
  • tl1942tl1942 Member Posts: 178
    edited August 2021
    Sour wrote: »
    Version 2.66 broke SCS compatibility and a new version of SCS has not come out since. You can manually fix the problems if you are interested. Read the last 5 pages in this thread,

    It's a collection of manual fixes you need to apply in order to get it to install and work correctly with the latest version of the game. To my knowledge the Serevok coronation bug hasn't been fixed yet so you probably shouldn't install the option and Tresset's hot fix from this thread should also be added to the override folder.

    I should've clarified. I previously installed SCS 33.7a on 2.6.6 and it worked just fine; I already have all of these hot fixes. I'm the one who initially reported the coronation bug (again, I had SCS working fine on 2.6.6 except for that one issue).
  • SourSour Member Posts: 138
    I installed SCS 33.7 on 2.6.6 two days ago and it's working fine. I did run into a problem with the AI installing because of the missing mage file but after I manually fixed everything that I could I ran it again and everything worked great. Most likely you overlooked something in your install.
  • tl1942tl1942 Member Posts: 178

    I did two things.

    1) Did not install the following mods (which were installed in the previous attempt):

    The Grey Clan episode 1
    The Lure of the Sirine's Call
    Tower of Deception
    The White Queen

    2) I suspected that there might be an issue with language format from one of the mods (possibly a patch for IWD-in-EET that was incorrectly formatted in Russian). I downloaded a fresh version of iconv from Roxanne and put it in my BG2:EE folder.

    SCS and all other mods installed perfectly fine.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Wait, what? I installed SCS 2 days ago onto 2.6.6. I haven't gotten to the coronation, but I didn't have any components fail to install.
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