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[mod] Tale of Our Lady Dreamless



  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    If I understood you well, you're speaking of the one with stranger scribing on the wall... it's a little secret.
    Just put a shrimp you may have found in the frozen cave complex and behold the wonders.
  • Viking8008Viking8008 Member Posts: 16
    If I understood you well, you're speaking of the one with stranger scribing on the wall... it's a little secret.
    Just put a shrimp you may have found in the frozen cave complex and behold the wonders.

    frozen cave complex = location with frost salamandraz?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Urm, what? No, the area below the pond. The one to which you need to open the passage after you investigate the stone homes / caves.
  • Viking8008Viking8008 Member Posts: 16
    Urm, what? No, the area below the pond. The one to which you need to open the passage after you investigate the stone homes / caves.

    Yay, ty found it! Nice one! I love all your mods but to me there 2 ---
    1) They are very short. Like 20 mins and that's it.
    2) They are all at the begining of the game. Mb exept some Book with 3 pages and Miss Love. Also some Scout said he is busy right now. So waiting chapter 2.
    Do you have any more plans on more content mods? I personally would like to see a mod something about siege or arena-like (but siege is better, Heroes in defence ofc, not attack) with waves after waves and some elite boss fight with his most loyal servants.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Well, these were to distract from the main plot, add side areas. Plus, I would say small adventures like that work with IWD a bit better than huge things. For example, I don't like TotLM, it's way too big for my taste, and a bit overwhelming. I suppose Snowytoes Hamlet is the biggest of my IWD quests, along with the Rediscovery of Kuldahar. I wouldn't say they are exactly small, even if they aren't huge.

    Anyway, they are what they are. As for other IWD quests -- I'm not planning anything new for now. There are other mods I would like to focus on and release.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    Thank you again for all your IWD mods, I keep coming back to them and they revitalised a game I have enjoyed for many years
  • inethineth Member Posts: 749
    I published a walkthrough on the wiki, that anyone can edit:

    Tale of Our Lady Dreamless walkthrough
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,890
    Thank you! :)
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