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Avowed [Obsidian's open-world Skyrimesque RPG set in Eora]

kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308

The game looks amazing. I only wish it will also have a third-person option much like Skyrim. I am so looking forward to this game.


  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Xbox Series X
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    First Outer World and now this. Guess the time where Obsidian offered native support for both Mac and Linux has come to an end for good after all. *sigh*

    Might still check it out if Avowed comes to steam in the future. First-Person is so much more engaging than the classic isometric view. But looking at things, it wouldn't surprise me if it remains an exclusive title for the Microsoft Store...
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Xbox Series X
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    Windows 10 PCs
    First Outer World and now this. Guess the time where Obsidian offered native support for both Mac and Linux has come to an end for good after all. *sigh*

    Might still check it out if Avowed comes to steam in the future. First-Person is so much more engaging than the classic isometric view. But looking at things, it wouldn't surprise me if it remains an exclusive title for the Microsoft Store...
    The MS games division boss recently said in an interview he does not like having MS games be exclusive anything. He said TOW going to EGS for a year was not MS's choice (that game was pre-MS) and all their games now will go to all outlets and not be exclusive. He also said he wants xbox games to be available for other console systems, but based on reciprocity. So MS is negotiating reciprocity deals for both PS and Switch. But yeah, Mac and Linux are more bleak.
  • deltagodeltago Member Posts: 7,811
    kanisatha wrote: »
    Xbox Series X
    Xbox One
    Xbox Game Pass
    Windows 10 PCs
    First Outer World and now this. Guess the time where Obsidian offered native support for both Mac and Linux has come to an end for good after all. *sigh*

    Might still check it out if Avowed comes to steam in the future. First-Person is so much more engaging than the classic isometric view. But looking at things, it wouldn't surprise me if it remains an exclusive title for the Microsoft Store...
    The MS games division boss recently said in an interview he does not like having MS games be exclusive anything. He said TOW going to EGS for a year was not MS's choice (that game was pre-MS) and all their games now will go to all outlets and not be exclusive. He also said he wants xbox games to be available for other console systems, but based on reciprocity. So MS is negotiating reciprocity deals for both PS and Switch. But yeah, Mac and Linux are more bleak.

    That’s stupid. They lost the last round of the console war because they lacked the exclusivity that the PS4 had.

    A statement like this doesn’t give me confidence for the next console.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    deltago wrote: »
    kanisatha wrote: »
    Xbox Series X
    Xbox One
    Xbox Game Pass
    Windows 10 PCs
    First Outer World and now this. Guess the time where Obsidian offered native support for both Mac and Linux has come to an end for good after all. *sigh*

    Might still check it out if Avowed comes to steam in the future. First-Person is so much more engaging than the classic isometric view. But looking at things, it wouldn't surprise me if it remains an exclusive title for the Microsoft Store...
    The MS games division boss recently said in an interview he does not like having MS games be exclusive anything. He said TOW going to EGS for a year was not MS's choice (that game was pre-MS) and all their games now will go to all outlets and not be exclusive. He also said he wants xbox games to be available for other console systems, but based on reciprocity. So MS is negotiating reciprocity deals for both PS and Switch. But yeah, Mac and Linux are more bleak.

    That’s stupid. They lost the last round of the console war because they lacked the exclusivity that the PS4 had.

    A statement like this doesn’t give me confidence for the next console.

    Sorry I guess I wasn't very clear. Yes these games will start out being xbox (and PC) exclusive because they're trying to build up xbox as something attractive to a wider range of gamers than their current fans. But they also want to be able to eventually make their games available for PS and Switch, like they have done with TOW.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    edited July 2020
    deltago wrote: »
    kanisatha wrote: »
    Xbox Series X
    Xbox One
    Xbox Game Pass
    Windows 10 PCs
    First Outer World and now this. Guess the time where Obsidian offered native support for both Mac and Linux has come to an end for good after all. *sigh*

    Might still check it out if Avowed comes to steam in the future. First-Person is so much more engaging than the classic isometric view. But looking at things, it wouldn't surprise me if it remains an exclusive title for the Microsoft Store...
    The MS games division boss recently said in an interview he does not like having MS games be exclusive anything. He said TOW going to EGS for a year was not MS's choice (that game was pre-MS) and all their games now will go to all outlets and not be exclusive. He also said he wants xbox games to be available for other console systems, but based on reciprocity. So MS is negotiating reciprocity deals for both PS and Switch. But yeah, Mac and Linux are more bleak.

    That’s stupid. They lost the last round of the console war because they lacked the exclusivity that the PS4 had.

    A statement like this doesn’t give me confidence for the next console.

    Frankly (and I doubt I'm alone in this) I've decided to invest in a Series X and a 4k TV for the first time based on the unprecedented backwards compatibility of almost a 1000 games they are offering, while Sony is basically limiting themselves to the PS4. Maybe I'm a niche audience for that, but it's a major feature Sony is just flat-out ignoring. Nevermind it is just way more powerful and I doubt you could build a similar PC for $500.

    Microsoft absolutely lost the last console war, but they solidly won the "2.0" battle of the One X and Pro, and since the next generation is more about performance than any graphical innovations, I would predict Microsoft will win this round. If for no other reason than it's been going back and forth since the PS2 vs. XBox days. Sony is putting out inferior hardware. I don't see the same level of exclusives this time around.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    I don't know, if it's like Outer Worlds, I'll definitely pass. The game felt like somebody trying to make a knock off of an Obsidian game. So much of that game was a facade to make it look bigger when it was just completely devoid. They only had 2 enemies that were basically reskinned and reused over and over, every planet was looked the same and some were as small as just an intersection of 2 streets. Combat felt like every fight was the same and a generic shooter from 15-20 years ago. The writing and characters were weak and nowhere near to the standard of most of Obsidian's games. I can't even blame microsoft for it, since the game was mostly done by the time they bought them. So if it's more of Mediocrity Worlds, there's no way I'm going to play it.
  • PsicoVicPsicoVic Member Posts: 868
    It's good that they put into good use all the lore and the world they created for PoE, but I´m not really interested in this format.
    As a footnote, it seems Josh Sawyer is not in this project.^tfw&quot;&gt;@jesawyer&lt;/a&gt; Hey, are you working on Avowed?</p>— Martin Dubuque (@MartinDubu) <a href="

    (@jesawyer) <a href="
  • anastielanastiel Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 246
    I need this game on steam.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    anastiel wrote: »
    I need this game on steam.

    I'm sure it will be available on Steam. Their other new game, Grounded, is going to Steam EA next week.

    As for the format, I too would prefer a party-based game using third-person or iso perspective. But apparently nowadays, any and all party-based and third-person/iso perspective RPG has to be TB and nothing else. And if that is the price that has to be paid, then no thanks. I'd rather have the no-party and first-person perspective but with a good combat system. And I love that it is a AAA game. I love the gorgeous graphics and the incredible detail on characters (see this video from around the 41 minute mark: ). And I love the lore of the Eora setting. This game looks to be set in the time of the rise and fall of Woedica, and that is very cool stuff (a timepoint much earlier than PoE1).
  • CvijetaCvijeta Member Posts: 417
    One game is action and party based Trials of Mana and it's even third person
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Cvijeta wrote: »
    One game is action and party based Trials of Mana and it's even third person
    Thanks for the recommendation!
    Unfortunately I just can't get into a game with anime/comic book style characters/graphics.
  • CvijetaCvijeta Member Posts: 417
    Come on that's the best graphis visuas
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    The more I look into it, the more am I reminded of Arx Fatalis rather than TES. Daggerfall is somewhat similar in the sense of having only First-Person view. But the whole cinematic trailer invokes Fatalis' game feeling in me.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited July 2020
    kanisatha wrote: »
    Cvijeta wrote: »
    One game is action and party based Trials of Mana and it's even third person
    Thanks for the recommendation!
    Unfortunately I just can't get into a game with anime/comic book style characters/graphics.

    I actually don't like the art style of the remake either, but I'm a huge fan of the SNES original and especially its sequel, Legend of Mana. That one has an art style all its own, that I think is wonderful to look at, and haven't seen repeated anywhere else.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Yeah even a somewhat cartoony artstyle is a turnoff for me, let alone outright anime style. That's why I've been unhappy with the artstyle of BG3, a result of the 5e aesthetic having moved to that more cartoon-like look (the goblins, for example, look awful to me). Pathfinder also has that problem. And of course the D:OS games are cartoony in a big way. I suppose this is all because it's what younger gamers today like, and that's fine. Tastes change with time, and a game studio - whether TT or video - is always going to favor the younger audience over the older one.

    But for me, a very realistic look to the characters and the environment in a video game is critically important for my immersion. I am very much a visually oriented person, and so the *look* of a game on my display matters a lot to me. That's why I use a desktop for my gaming, complete with a large-sized 4K display. I can't bear gaming on a laptop, and the very idea of playing a game on a phone is ridiculous to me. I want that awesome graphical fidelity, to be able to see incredible detail, and to have the imagery be as "realistic" as possible. So this is why I love the look of games like TW3, DA:I, and Skyrim, even if in the case of the latter I don't care for the story or gameplay that much. Just simply being able to explore a beautifully detailed and rendered environment makes me happy enough to be willing to spend $60 on such a game. If you look in that video I attached to my previous post, that female character in full armor, just look at her hair. Hair is one of those things that is so completely unnatural and "fake" in most games. But this rendering looks like actual hair on an actual person. It's incredible. It's also why I was blown away by the reveal recently of the level of detail in the new Unreal 5 engine. I just love that kind of graphical fidelity. :)
  • CahirCahir Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 2,819
    I hope Obsidian will introduce Eora in less encyclopedic way than it was done in PoE1. I would like to learn about the world by talking with people, exploring the world, not by reading ingame encyclopedia. This is one of my major objections towards Pillars of Eternity 1 regarding introduction to the setting.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @kanisatha " I suppose this is all because it's what younger gamers today like, and that's fine. Tastes change with time, and a game studio - whether TT or video - is always going to favor the younger audience over the older one."

    Everyone has their own tastes, and that's fine. But please don't chalk up artsyles you like to "Those kids and their cartoons" (paraphrasing). Catoons are older than you and "realstic" and "gritty" graphics are actually much younger.
  • Rik_KirtaniyaRik_Kirtaniya Member Posts: 1,742
    kanisatha wrote: »
    I suppose this is all because it's what younger gamers today like, and that's fine.

    @kanisatha As a 20 year old gamer, I would like to disagree to this and also state that this is a grossly biased and stereotyped generalization to make.
    kanisatha wrote: »
    Tastes change with time, and a game studio - whether TT or video - is always going to favor the younger audience over the older one.

    Also, regarding game studios favouring and shifting towards what you call "non-realistic art styles", I would like to present you with this list of games that have been or are to be released in 2020.
    • The Last of Us Part II - May 29, 2020 (PS4 Exclusive)
    • Assassin's Creed Valhalla - November 17, 2020 (PS5, Xbox Series X, PS4, Xbox One, Google Stadia, Microsoft Windows)
    • Ghost of Tsushima - June 26, 2020 (PS4/PS5)
    • Microsoft Flight Simulator - (Xbox One & Windows 10) Available 2020
    • Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Quarantine - TBA 2020 (PC, PS4, XBOX ONE, PS5, XBOX SERIES X)
    • Watch Dogs Legion - TBA 2020 (PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Google Stadia & PC)
    • Cyberpunk 2077 - September 17, 2020 (PS5, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Google Stadia & PC)
    • Death Stranding - June 2, 2020 (PC)
    • Resident Evil 3 - March 19, 2020 (PS4, Xbox One & PC)
    • Hellblade 2 - TBA (Xbox Series X & PC)
    • Crimson Desert - TBA (PS4, Xbox One & PC)

    But since "a game studio - whether TT or video - is always going to favor the younger audience over the older one", and since most mainstream AAA game studios are making "hyper-realistic graphics" games these days as can be seen by the above list, well, add 2 and 2, and you get 4.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    ThacoBell wrote: »
    @kanisatha " I suppose this is all because it's what younger gamers today like, and that's fine. Tastes change with time, and a game studio - whether TT or video - is always going to favor the younger audience over the older one."

    Everyone has their own tastes, and that's fine. But please don't chalk up artsyles you like to "Those kids and their cartoons" (paraphrasing). Catoons are older than you and "realstic" and "gritty" graphics are actually much younger.

    yeah brown and grey and realistic did not become a thing until the 7th gen consoles which was 2005. before then we had different art styles from anime, to cartoony, to stuff like metal gear solid.
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    I wouldn't say that there was no realistic arts at all in games prior to the 7th console generation. Franchises such as Lands of Lore were already present in '93 after all.

    It's just that higher fidelity demanded larger storage mediums. Well, either that or lots and lots of floppy discs in the case of LoL. For consoles it meant waiting for the advent of CD's, as cartridges were far too limited on that front. I still remember that Resident Evil on the PS1 was pretty realistic for its time period.

    But it's true that it was far easier to come up with other styles such as pixel arts, 2D, or a mix of 2D and 3D. Looking back, overall the games with stylized arts aged far better by todays standards.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Um, what's with all the animosity? I was just musing out loud as part of a discussion. I wasn't claiming anything as fact. Just wondering about the direction of things in the gaming industry these days. Don't see at all why this needs to be personal.

    But getting back to what I was wondering about, it is indisputable that D&D artwork has moved more towards a cartoon-style look going from 2e to 5e, or as some have described it, going from a more medieval look to a more renaissance look. And this is also reflected in Pathfinder and other similar games. So what explains that?
  • CvijetaCvijeta Member Posts: 417
    Does anybody know how much like RPG would this title be
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    edited July 2020
    Cvijeta wrote: »
    Does anybody know how much like RPG would this title be
    Way too early to tell. The only informations we have at hand come from a single, cinematic trailer. From it we can inquire that the game is purely in First-Person and plays like an action RPG. That's about it. Craig Matchett's artstation profile also has some artworks which may be from Avowed.

    I wouldn't count seeing the game released before 2022. Obsidian started their work on Avowed in 2018, just before Microsoft bought them. And currently the studio is split between at least three projects in development. If it indeed ends up being a open world setting similar in scope to Skyrim then a development circle of at least 4 years seems pretty realistic to me.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Cvijeta wrote: »
    Does anybody know how much like RPG would this title be

    Its a first person ARPG, so probably not much.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Cvijeta wrote: »
    Does anybody know how much like RPG would this title be
    It depends on how you view what is an RPG. For myself, I reject the purist view of what qualifies as an "RPG experience." So games like DA:I, Skyrim, and especially TW3 are indisputably RPG to me. Yes they combine action elements into the game, but that does not automatically mean "less RPG." In fact for me, action combat ties into RPGs way better than tactical combat.

    All that said, Obsidian are widely considered to be the best studio out there right now for creating RPG experiences, especially with respect to such things as storytelling and character development. If you go look at the articles that have been written by gaming journos since the announcement, and these are all the very same people who have written glowing reviews of D:OS2 for example and write very favorably of Larian, and yet they all say the same thing: Obsidian is who's best at making story-driven RPGs. And the general consensus nowadays appears to be that whereas the isometric perspective is good for tactical combat, the first person perspective is best for the most immersive RPG experience. So I fully expect this game will be loaded with RPG goodness.
  • jjstraka34jjstraka34 Member Posts: 9,850
    I just read that this is going to be bigger than Skyrim. That is.......quite a statement. Outer Worlds was a relatively modest project. A game that is Skyrim-size in scope, you are likely looking at almost an MMO-like development cycle of 5 years, so depending on when this started, I would expect this until 2022.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Yeah but apparently not necessarily bigger in the size of areas but rather bigger in the density of content. Here's a leak of some further details on Resetera, which some others have since said appears to be legit:

    As I previously mentioned before the announcement, Obsidian is working on Pillars (I assumed this regarding the info) game as back then I did get confirmation that game contains “spore-like” creatures with few other vague descriptions of The Living Lands.

    So, I did get new informations about Avowed:

    - fully open world, much much larger than Skyrim (very differently “larger”, more proper word would be “denser” and “more contrasted” at the same time)

    - primarily set in the The Living Lands region of Eora (not sure if it’ll go like that as explicit later on, but that was starting point)

    - big focus on world-reactivity, lighting and next-gen AI systems and physics (special focus on physics with magic systems - have no clue what would that mean)

    - realtime whether system (don’t have full details but fog is very important as realtime element, rivers will have specific micro physics systems regarding this)

    - very advanced character creation tool (didn’t get more info)

    - mod support (for now PC is/will be very dominant as creation tool, but I’ll be playable fully on Xbox)

    - very large number of fractions but very different approach than with Skyrim

    - you’ll be able to have companions (different than Outer Worlds)

    - storyset: fight against incoming threat of tyranny (independent from previous stories)

    - game has bosses planned and some of them are very very large

    - Gods will have special say in the game

    - great focus on iconic landmarks, statues and buildings

    - two large cities planned with many smaller ones with strong focus on contrasting wild-areas, rivers, mountains and desolated areas (yes, you’ll be able to swim)

    - fully respecting POE creatures lore with new additions

    - dynamic presentation of dialogue

    - for now idea is to keep “you can kill everyone in the game” option

    - around 100 people are on the project for 2y (smaller number for 7m of preproduction), in total 2y 7m

    - full production is already a thing

    - team will still grow

    - target date: late 2022/early 2023

    Keep in mind that some parts of this can change during the development process.
  • kanisathakanisatha Member Posts: 1,308
    Well, apparently over a million people have been playing Obsidian's new survival RPG, Grounded, in its first days after release. Admittedly this includes people with Game Pass who got the game for free, but I see it as Obsidian-made game still having a lot of draw power with RPG fans despite PoE2's weak sales (though even on that we recently got news that PoE2 has now made more money than it cost to make the game; and TOW sales are now over 2 million). So I am very optimistic that Avowed will be a blockbuster game.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Wait, grounded is by Obsidian? I love the concept of the game (Honey, I shrunk the kids is a nostalgic favorite), and am quite excited to see where it goes though development. But I don't really see how its an RPG. Looks like a pretty standard first person survival game to me.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    Yup that surprised me too but it is
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