Problem? Could not get full hp per level to work, and with full screen. Solution at bottom of post.

This is so frustrating. I bought EE for what I thought was GOG so that I could play it offline. But it turns out I accidently bought this turd of a thing from beamdog. I can't figure out how to do anything in this version you created online. I wanted a game that would accept the mods that I paid for years ago, this one doesn't. (it advertises that it does though). I can't make adjustments to fit my game play like, forcing max hp at level up. All of the files show as bif. WTF?! I am so frsutrated that i even stopped playing the original now. -4 stars from me man.
Post edited by Armpitster on
The EE's work perfectly fine offline, the max HP on level up is literally an option in Gameplay options, and you CAN mod it unless you are playing on a console.
Nobody pays for mods, because they aren't sold. This seems fishy.
I wonder how you can mix up gog with beamdog or steam though being on literally different websites and all.
That sounds incredibly illegal.
I never bought those mods and just kept playing the old versions fixing bugs on my own side until the newest version became available again.
Improved anvil is not behind a paywall anymore but nicely in github. Critto is doing a fine job opening it to a broader audience by removing some of the old anti-player measures and adding some improvements once in a while.
There was another German site that had about 6 mods, cannot remember which ones those were, that site is long gone.
All of this does not help the original poster though. If he or she can be more specific in what goes wrong we could point in the right direction. But does he or she even want help to solve problems?
Uh... What version did you play where the data files were not .bif? That is the extension on the compressed data file libraries that Bioware used when they first made the game... There was never a time when the data files were not compressed into libraries nor was there a time when .bif was not the extension. Very suspicious...
.bif, vs .ini.. my regular version of nvn has .ini files that i was easily able to open and set for example, max hp per level = 1 or true? was awhile ago.
This was a post made in complete frsutration. Sorry beamdog
The game that I have is beamdog, it is only online and there is no max hp setting.
Do i need to further decompress the files? Why does the game only come up as a pop up style at first then goes full screen. like an opened tab on your browser. Also trying to follow any of the advice i've found on any website for this particular game has failed to work.
I know im stupid about this stuff but i was able to do it for nwn 2, nwn diamond version and fot toee.. only this game here gives me problems
I do want help. I just came off wrong is all.. I was very frustrated by this but kind of gave up by the time i wrote this post. If there is a way to fix it, i would love help with it.
Here is my main problem, making it max hp every level. I have found multiple advice threads but most say the same thing, which makes sense because this is how i did it with diamond. Open my document, find the file, the (forgetfilename).ini open it in notepad and change maxhp per level to =1? or =true? can't remember. But the problem is, this game doesnt show up in my documents, it only shows up in the install folder. it is installed but only plays online for some reason. Meaning, even if i want to play the solo campaigns, i have to be online to do so or the game does not load.
If any of this makes sense, and if you have any advice, im all ears and would happily accept any advice at all.. Thank you
Armpitster, (male btw)
This impossible. Such a version does not exist.
I'm a big NWN fan so glad to see someone else trying to get into it. There's still some good stuff being produced to this day. Let us know how it goes!
Will do.
Not impossible because i have such a version dude.
Supposed to be a screenshot as the game is opening. I use GOG Galaxy app. I open the game through it by hitting play button, and then the game acts like an mmo for a few minutes before it goes full screen.
I will admit that I don't know if NWN has a max hp setting. You didn't say WHICH Beamdog game you were running in your initial post. But if the original did, so does the EE.
I'm doing my best to answer the questions being asked of me. I was hoping with this screen shot that you could tell that the game opens like a windows page, or an mmo would load. Once it goes fullscreen then it looks more normal but if i try to play the game offline, it wont even open the game. it tries to connect me to the internet.
I can't tell if you're trying to help me, or catch me in a lie or something. either way do you have any advice on how to make this work?
Go to your Neverwinter Nights folder in Documents, look for a file named settings.tml. Open it up withe a notepad. Look for a command line: always-roll-max-hitpoints-on-levelup = false
Simply change the "false" to "true"
I uninstalled and reinstalled gog galaxy and then found this tip on another site and it worked. now the game wont play in full screen tho
I hope you get everything to work out.
i did and thanks mate. was easy once i knew which file to edit. Also i was looking for the neverwinter nights EE file, which doesnt exist. It's all under regular neverwinter nights filing. I hope if someone else has this same issue they scroll to the bottom and see the fixes.
It still won't play offline though. I have to be online to play even single player the original campaigns. and the ag is abit annoying. But I'm just happy it's playable.
I think the Beamdog game-select interface might check if you're online. Just go directly to the directory in which you installed the game and run baldur.exe.
I had the same situation when I got BGEE from Steam and got around it by creating a desktop shortcut for baldur.exe. and opening the game from there.