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Looking to do a new playthrough

Since its been a while since I played the trilogy and I have a crap ton of things to do; design work, patron art, relearning 3-D modeling programs... I decided the best way to procrastinate is to start a new run of the BG trilogy! This time instead of a sorcerer or mage I want to do a druid run so I'm looking for help

first: Are there any good mods for druid spells and gameplay? Preferably shapeshifter, I remember that vanilla shapeshifter kit is gimped making the druid weaker than regular werewolf!

second: IF I can't go the route of a shapeshifting druid, I would rather a build that focused more on nature and elemental spells. Meaning I would like to avoid any and all spells that are more arcane or divine in their nature and focus on spells that deal with the natural world, spirits, and nature.

third: No dual or multiclass, yes I am a purest and I'd rather stay that way.

teammate choice: IDK, every playthrough basically have Imeon and Viconia due to them being two of my favorite characters, but I'm not sure if I want to go my usually 4 man team, duo or solo.

So any thoughts. ideas, or mods?


  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    Just take me and I think your playthrough will be great.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Tweaks Anthology has an improved shapeshifting component, however it was designed to be used with the Tactics mod, so in vanilla your character will be OP. There is a mod called IWDification that brings IWD spells into BG. I believe this includes druid spells and therefore could open up new possibilities for druids. SCS also has an IWD spell component and an improved shapeshifting component (though its shapeshifter isn’t as strong as the Tweaks version). Finally, there is a mod called the Artisan’s Kitpack that has two druid kits: Hivemaster and Elementalist, the latter of which might appeal to you particularly.
  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    Tweaks Anthology has an improved shapeshifting component, however it was designed to be used with the Tactics mod, so in vanilla your character will be OP. There is a mod called IWDification that brings IWD spells into BG. I believe this includes druid spells and therefore could open up new possibilities for druids. SCS also has an IWD spell component and an improved shapeshifting component (though its shapeshifter isn’t as strong as the Tweaks version). Finally, there is a mod called the Artisan’s Kitpack that has two druid kits: Hivemaster and Elementalist, the latter of which might appeal to you particularly.

    Wow. This paragraph is way too complex to read.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Tweaks Anthology has an improved shapeshifting component, however it was designed to be used with the Tactics mod, so in vanilla your character will be OP. There is a mod called IWDification that brings IWD spells into BG. I believe this includes druid spells and therefore could open up new possibilities for druids. SCS also has an IWD spell component and an improved shapeshifting component (though its shapeshifter isn’t as strong as the Tweaks version). Finally, there is a mod called the Artisan’s Kitpack that has two druid kits: Hivemaster and Elementalist, the latter of which might appeal to you particularly.

    @OrlonKronsteen thanks, I already knew about IWDification, so ill check out tweaks and SCS Question, when you say they improve the shapeshifting are we talking the basic forms or the werewolf forms because either would be fine with me.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    SCS improves both the basic form (by adding a considerably wider selection of spells) and the werewolf. You might though want to take a look at the shaman if you're interested in spirit magic.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Aerie wrote: »
    Tweaks Anthology has an improved shapeshifting component, however it was designed to be used with the Tactics mod, so in vanilla your character will be OP. There is a mod called IWDification that brings IWD spells into BG. I believe this includes druid spells and therefore could open up new possibilities for druids. SCS also has an IWD spell component and an improved shapeshifting component (though its shapeshifter isn’t as strong as the Tweaks version). Finally, there is a mod called the Artisan’s Kitpack that has two druid kits: Hivemaster and Elementalist, the latter of which might appeal to you particularly.

    Wow. This paragraph is way too complex to read.

    That's what happens when your Intelligence is only 16.

    As OrlonKronsteen said, you can use SCS which modifies the werewolf forms based on the stats of the Shapeshifter Rebalancing component of Tweaks Anthology. But I'm guessing you'd like to use more forms than just the werewolf. You might like the Shapechanger kit made by semiticgod. Besides that, you can try an Avenger druid after installing the Improved Shapeshifting component of SCS, which lets you swap forms at any time by equipping symbolic paws in your weapon slot.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    I figured I would have to choose one or the other since I can't have both
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    edited August 2020
    @DragonKing The Tweaks component (which is actually called Shapeshifter Rebalancing) strengthens the combat ability of the werewolf and greater werewolf forms, adds a few spells, and allows for spell casting while in werewolf forms. Like the SCS component, it utilizes paw tokens which are placed in weapon slots to trigger the transformation. The readme includes a chart that details what the vanilla kit gives the werewolf forms versus what the werewolf forms are supposed to get according to monster cre. files. You can see in the chart that immunity to normal weapons is supposed to be one of the benefits of the forms. If this is in fact implemented, you can see how overpowered the kit would be.

    The SCS component seems milder. According to its readme it utilizes paw tokens for an instantaneous shift and adjusts some ability score and attack bonuses slightly (though it doesn't specify what those are as far as I can tell).

    @Flashburn are you saying that the physical attributes of the werewolf forms are the same in both the Tweaks and SCS components? And if it's possible to install both components, am I correct in assuming that you'd want to install the Tweaks version first? I'm wondering not only about the physical stats of the werewolf forms, but how spell casting would be handled. The SCS readme indicates that spell casting is still blocked while shapeshifted with its component.
    Post edited by OrlonKronsteen on
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    edited August 2020
    @Flashburn are you saying that the physical attributes of the werewolf forms are the same in both the Tweaks and SCS components? And if it's possible to install both components, am I correct in assuming that you'd want to install the Tweaks version first? I'm wondering not only about the physical stats of the werewolf forms, but how spell casting would be handled. The SCS readme indicates that spell casting is still blocked with its component.

    The SCS version of the Greater Werewolf does slightly less damage at 2d6 rather than 2d8. It doesn't modify your THAC0 or saving throws, the regeneration is reduced to 1 HP/sec instead of 3 HP/sec, it sets your attacks per round to 2, you can't cast spells while using the token, and it doesn't give immunity to normal weapons. However, the SCS version is Hasted, so its regeneration rate is doubled to 2 HP/sec and it gives 3 attacks/round. The other stats are unchanged (STR/DEX/resistances/MR).

    If you want the stronger version from Tweaks Anthology, you'll have to install it after SCS. Although it might have a weird interaction with it since SCS just gives you its version of the tokens once you're high enough level instead of having to use the special ability menu to create them which will give you Tweaks Anthology's versions.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    I like the Tweaks Anthology allowing the werewolf forms to cast spells. It makes sense to me that you'd be able to cast as a 'controlled' lycanthrope.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    So I just realized I had a lot of the mods mentioned here already and installed and broke my game trying to install things that was already installed.

    Had to completely wipe everything and start over. I decided to go for ahapeahifter since it said normal druid doesn't get their first shapeshifting form until level 7x but unfortunately the one spell slot for the ahapeahifter is murder. I'm also playing with tactical mod and ai enhancing mods.
  • AerieAerie Member Posts: 226
    Flashburn wrote: »
    Aerie wrote: »
    Tweaks Anthology has an improved shapeshifting component, however it was designed to be used with the Tactics mod, so in vanilla your character will be OP. There is a mod called IWDification that brings IWD spells into BG. I believe this includes druid spells and therefore could open up new possibilities for druids. SCS also has an IWD spell component and an improved shapeshifting component (though its shapeshifter isn’t as strong as the Tweaks version). Finally, there is a mod called the Artisan’s Kitpack that has two druid kits: Hivemaster and Elementalist, the latter of which might appeal to you particularly.

    Wow. This paragraph is way too complex to read.

    That's what happens when your Intelligence is only 16.

    As OrlonKronsteen said, you can use SCS which modifies the werewolf forms based on the stats of the Shapeshifter Rebalancing component of Tweaks Anthology. But I'm guessing you'd like to use more forms than just the werewolf. You might like the Shapechanger kit made by semiticgod. Besides that, you can try an Avenger druid after installing the Improved Shapeshifting component of SCS, which lets you swap forms at any time by equipping symbolic paws in your weapon slot.

    My intelligence should be reset to about 3.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    So I decided to restart with a totem druid since I could bare go anywhere without dying as a ahapeahifter...

    Everything was going fun until I was trying to get and why are spirits... Petrify-able?
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    Question, do you know if the spirits that the shaman summon get the same abilities that the the spirits that the totem druid spirits get?

    I like the fact the shamans get infinite spirit summon ability, but i hate that they get the sorcerer permanent spell treatment.

    While I like the totems spirits in general and how strong they are even though I wish they got immunity to non magic weapons alot earlier, and I got more summons of them pet day right now.

    @Grond0 @Balro @OrlonKronsteen @Flashburn
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,463
    The shaman spirits are not the same as the totemic ones and don't have all the same immunities.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    I now noticed that, I use keeper to keep class changing between the two to test and compare the spirits. Seems totem druid is the superior of the two both spirits and class wise.

    Now if I can find a way to get beers to stop dying... I swear she can be on the other side of the map away from combat and the second it starts the enemy runs directly at her and her 13 hp o.o
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