Mouse and Keyboard Support on iPad

I’ve really been looking forward to NWN:EE coming out on iPad. I’ve been using an iPad as my main portable computer for many, many years now and I’ve been really stoked to see mouse support finally coming to the system.
Seeing as how mouse and keyboard input is how NWN (and the Infinity games) were originally supposed to be played, the tablet version would be much improved to have that as an option. As of right now, I’m on the fence about whether I should buy it or not without that functionality. Civilization 6 (a very good but not quite perfect roadmap for how games should be ported to iPad) does allow for keyboard input but has yet to have proper mouse support patched in (the mouse still mimics a finger). Some functionality may not be available until iOS/iPadOS14 releases in the near future, but true KMB input support will be available to developers in the very near future if it is not already.
Apple even did a video on it for WWDC:
I really appreciate Beamdog for making these older classics available on more modern systems and for doing a very good job thus far with their iPad ports (I own BG I and II, ID and P:T on iPad already). I think a much more enjoyable experience could be had with these games on this platform if a KMB input option could be patched in.
I’ve really been looking forward to NWN:EE coming out on iPad. I’ve been using an iPad as my main portable computer for many, many years now and I’ve been really stoked to see mouse support finally coming to the system.
Seeing as how mouse and keyboard input is how NWN (and the Infinity games) were originally supposed to be played, the tablet version would be much improved to have that as an option. As of right now, I’m on the fence about whether I should buy it or not without that functionality. Civilization 6 (a very good but not quite perfect roadmap for how games should be ported to iPad) does allow for keyboard input but has yet to have proper mouse support patched in (the mouse still mimics a finger). Some functionality may not be available until iOS/iPadOS14 releases in the near future, but true KMB input support will be available to developers in the very near future if it is not already.
Apple even did a video on it for WWDC:
I really appreciate Beamdog for making these older classics available on more modern systems and for doing a very good job thus far with their iPad ports (I own BG I and II, ID and P:T on iPad already). I think a much more enjoyable experience could be had with these games on this platform if a KMB input option could be patched in.