Was Tiax on to something?

Okay, hear me out. Obviously Tiax is a raving lunatic obsessed with someday ruling the world (a lot of crazies in Baldur's Gate series when you think about it...) That being said, he is also a priest of Cyric, and tells us when we meet him for the first time, that it was foretold by Cyric himself that he would someday travel with us specifically in exchange of us later serving him when he's ready to "ascend" to the position of ruling the world.
As we all know, Cyric is essentially the successor to Bhaal, having slain him with the avatar of Mask at the peak of the Time of Troubles, so it does make sense for our destiny as Bhaalspawn to intertwine with that of Cyric.
Cyric does mention in Throne of Bhaal that he has only just recently recovered from a bout of madness, only to find "the spawn of the former holder of his office" infesting the land like weeds, though he could be referring to an earlier point in time than the peak of the Bhaalspawn crisis in Saradush, perhaps as early as the events of Baldur's Gate, since Bhaalspawn have been walking the realms for years (centuries if you count the likes of Sendai and Abazigal). Additionally while Cyric has been forbidden from directly interfering by AO as well as his rival deities, such as Mystra and Kelemvor, that doesn't mean he can't indirectly interfere through a disciple.
Do also note that, whether you take him on as a companion or not, Tiax does ultimately meet his end, fittingly fighting by your side against Irenicus.
So then, could it be that there is something to this "destiny" that Tiax speaks of? Could it be that our destinies were indeed intertwined with that of a certain priest of Cyric, or could it be that perhaps Cyric intended to use Tiax to keep us in check, luring his servant in with false promises of someday ruling the world?
As we all know, Cyric is essentially the successor to Bhaal, having slain him with the avatar of Mask at the peak of the Time of Troubles, so it does make sense for our destiny as Bhaalspawn to intertwine with that of Cyric.
Cyric does mention in Throne of Bhaal that he has only just recently recovered from a bout of madness, only to find "the spawn of the former holder of his office" infesting the land like weeds, though he could be referring to an earlier point in time than the peak of the Bhaalspawn crisis in Saradush, perhaps as early as the events of Baldur's Gate, since Bhaalspawn have been walking the realms for years (centuries if you count the likes of Sendai and Abazigal). Additionally while Cyric has been forbidden from directly interfering by AO as well as his rival deities, such as Mystra and Kelemvor, that doesn't mean he can't indirectly interfere through a disciple.
Do also note that, whether you take him on as a companion or not, Tiax does ultimately meet his end, fittingly fighting by your side against Irenicus.
So then, could it be that there is something to this "destiny" that Tiax speaks of? Could it be that our destinies were indeed intertwined with that of a certain priest of Cyric, or could it be that perhaps Cyric intended to use Tiax to keep us in check, luring his servant in with false promises of someday ruling the world?
Worth noting that his madness happens at the end of 1368 DR.
I would take anything involving Cyric and timelines not very seriously. The fall of Zhentil's Keep, which is what causes Bassilus to come to this region, is also related to when Cyric goes mad. Even though the game is now set starting in Mirtul, 1368 DR. It was originally set in 1370 so this made a lot more sense.
Anyways, I wouldn't take too much from it.
He's unarguably gullible for believing Cyric's promises, but that's a separate thing from like hearing voices and stuff.
Cyric is the god of madness. His followers ARE mad, its part of the package.