What hurts you more?

in Off-Topic
Just an experiment on human psychology that I wanted to carry out.
- What hurts you more?14 votes
- People being rude to you57.14%
- People ignoring you42.86%
Edit: I remember reading somewhere that in a survey of whether you would rather be forgotten or hatefully remembered, women tended to opt for the former and men the latter
Do I know the person? Do I have a relationship with them?
If so, I may understand their rudeness more than if they just one day stopped talking to me. I actually had a friend just stop talking to my roommate, blocking us both on all social media after years of unconditional friendship from me, and many more from my roommate and it hurts not knowing why she did that.
If I don’t know the person, then it’s the opposite. Why is the person being rude? What are they attempting to prove? Just leave me alone and ignore me if you’re act like that.
I sincerely hope you're being sarcastic.
Actually, this is a fairly important qualifier for the question. When the OP says "people ignoring you", who exactly is ignoring us? Friends/family/loved ones? Or random strangers? Because I would not be bothered at all by random strangers ignoring me (I'd just ignore them right back), but if my partner was giving me the cold shoulder, that WOULD upset me because that would be extremely out of character for them and I'd know something was very wrong.
*As it was said before, a stranger ignoring you is much different than your loved one ignoring you.