Steam Workshop mods for GoG version

Do I understand correctly that I have no access to mods on the Steam Workshop at all since I purchased my copy of NWN:EE on GoG? That'd be a bit of a shame, really. I never really dealt with their workshop before, but it seemss that its restricted to owners of the respective game on their platform. Most useful material is on the vault anyway, but there seem to be a number of nice graphical overrides made by Beamdog themselves which are only available on the Steam Workshop.
Steam Workshop content doesn't work without the Steam client (even though the game is DRM-free). Even with the client, there seem to be a lot of issues, especially with the toolset, whereas the Vault versions work reliably.
Like you say, the Vault has almost all the Steam Workshop content (and far, far more). Apart from a few early proof-of-concept items, I don't think Beamdog are making exclusive content for Steam, so no big deal.
The Verdant Wilderness pack, for once, or those placeable overrides a user called Polynudj created look quite nice and don't seem to be available on the Vault.
I've absolutely no idea as to the legality or not of such services, but they exist if you search for them.
It's in the authors' own interests, if they want more people to use their work.
I wouldn't encourage players to repost other people's stuff, though, as the Vault will take pirate copies down on request from the recognised author.
It's the price of not needing to drag and drop downloads from the downloads tab into the hak folder and extract the zip.
There are also a lot of problems with mixing workshop content and regular mod content. If I add custom portraits to NWN it makes all the workshop ones disappear, to name just one example. I think this is a Steam issue rather than NWN issue however, since all workshop content goes into a separate folder from the game one and it can only read from one folder.
Basically, it's best to avoid using the workshop so much as browsing it, so you aren't missing much.