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Steam Workshop mods for GoG version

Do I understand correctly that I have no access to mods on the Steam Workshop at all since I purchased my copy of NWN:EE on GoG? That'd be a bit of a shame, really. I never really dealt with their workshop before, but it seemss that its restricted to owners of the respective game on their platform. Most useful material is on the vault anyway, but there seem to be a number of nice graphical overrides made by Beamdog themselves which are only available on the Steam Workshop.


  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 581
    edited November 2020
    Of course, I was just slightly disappointed to notice that most of the EE-exclusive content seems to be Steam-exclusive, too... which doesn't exactly contribute to my motivation to switch to EE for good.

    The Verdant Wilderness pack, for once, or those placeable overrides a user called Polynudj created look quite nice and don't seem to be available on the Vault.
  • WilliamDracoWilliamDraco Member Posts: 175
    There exist utilities to download workshop files from their hyperlink (from the web-version of the steam workshop), independently from the steam client. These would then be a simple zip containing the relevant parts which you could place in the user directories (Just like vault download items).

    I've absolutely no idea as to the legality or not of such services, but they exist if you search for them.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    If authors post exclusively on Steam, players can ask them to repost on the Vault.

    It's in the authors' own interests, if they want more people to use their work.

    I wouldn't encourage players to repost other people's stuff, though, as the Vault will take pirate copies down on request from the recognised author.
  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Most of the content is on the vault but from what I understood there are some Steam users that upload content to the Steam workshop without permission or notifying the authors. There isn't much an author can do, maybe DMCA but the uploader just needs to challenge it to restore the content. There might also be some issues with conflicts that people have had, since Steam does its own thing not everyone knows how to troubleshoot it.

    It's the price of not needing to drag and drop downloads from the downloads tab into the hak folder and extract the zip.
  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,316
    My understanding is that (for EE) authors of works posted on Steam without permission are encouraged to contact @JuliusBorisov if they have an issue with it.
  • R_TEAMR_TEAM Member Posts: 35
    problems with steam workshop assets and NWN have the root in the extreme count of little files (partly over 6k) in an "mod" - here steam fail to corect mirror this enourmous file masses by start of the game in the game directorys ....modern games handly this different and have big single "pak" files ....
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    i just downoad the mods manually from the vault. steamwork shop tends to not work as well as it should.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited November 2020
    All the best stuff is on the Vault anyway, and the Beamdog early concept items aren't worth dying for by any means. So far the newest update is the best graphical enhancement they have done to date. The best thing about the Steam workshop is that it points to really high quality mods that you can then go and download off the vault.

    There are also a lot of problems with mixing workshop content and regular mod content. If I add custom portraits to NWN it makes all the workshop ones disappear, to name just one example. I think this is a Steam issue rather than NWN issue however, since all workshop content goes into a separate folder from the game one and it can only read from one folder.

    Basically, it's best to avoid using the workshop so much as browsing it, so you aren't missing much.
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