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Resurrection spell hotfix for BG2EE version 2.5: a fix for the disappearing sequencer bug and others

jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,917
edited February 2021 in BGII:EE Mods
Mass Raise Dead is a fantastic spell. Unfortunately, it's bugged in version 2.5. On one hand, it breaks sequencers and polymorph spells. On the other, it grants far too much healing.
These are fixed in the 2.6 beta, although I don't have the details; they may differ from the solution here.

I took a look at what the spell actually does ... and they're actually pretty simple bugs.
The sequencers break because the spell explicitly removes those abilities. Actually, nearly all resurrection spells do that, but most of the time you won't use those spells on living targets. Only Mass Raise Dead and certain cutscene actions are likely to apply such a spell to a living target. The rod of resurrection doesn't have these effects, which causes problems in the other direction.
The healing on Mass Raise Dead comes from a secondary spell that heals the whole party. The problem is, the primary spell casts that for each member of the party. Change that so it only casts once, and we get the intended amount of healing.

The package below corrects the healing on Mass Raise Dead to only apply once, and updates all resurrection effects to only remove the abilities from targets that are actually dead.

Updated 1/4/21 for a new and hopefully improved version.
Updated again 2/16/21 to include a spell I missed the first time.
Post edited by jmerry on


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,917
    As of today (1/4/21), I have updated this. It turns out the ability-removing effects really do need to be there, but only for dead targets. There should even be more; point-targeted sequencers should be removed as well as creature-targeted sequencers.

    As such, I have moved all of these effects to a secondary spell, and updated the primary resurrection spells to cast it conditionally on targets that are actually dead. This method was suggested by @kjeron on another site.

    Bugs fixed herein:
    - Creature-targeted sequencers no longer break when resurrection spells are cast on living targets. This includes all uses of the HLA Mass Raise Dead, the end of every battle in Black Pits 2, and the transition to hell at the end of SoA. This was a rather nasty break; the ability to activate the sequencer was gone, but the effect denoting what was in the sequencer was still there so you couldn't cast a new one.
    - Shapeshift effects no longer break when resurrection spells are cast on living targets. The spells previously removed all shapeshift abilities, so you would be trapped in your current form until the spell granting them ended. In the case of a druid polymorph, indefinitely or at least until the next time you rest.
    - Point-targeted sequencers no longer break when a character is raised from the dead. Previously, you would have ended up with a sequencer ability with no spells contained in it. This was rather harmless, as you could simply memorize a new sequencer or discharge the old one at any time.
    - Creature-targeted sequencers no longer break when using the rod of resurrection to raise a character from the dead. This was the same break as the point-targeted sequencers above, giving you an empty sequencer ability.
    - Polymorph spells no longer break when raising a character with the rod of resurrection. This formerly cleared the original spell's time limit but not the shapeshift abilities themselves, so you could transform repeatedly into the spell's full range of forms as long as that character lived.
    - Mass Raise Dead applies only the stated 3d10+(1/level) healing to each party member, rather than a far larger amount nearly certain to raise all party members to maximum health. In this fix, that healing is applied to all party members and not just those brought back from the dead.
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    Thank you!
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,917
    Update: I missed one. The wish option "Resurrect all dead party members" is now included here.
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