Trials of the Luremaster - Ghosts

There's almost no information on Trials out there and nothing about monsters. I wanted to know what Ghosts did when they hit you. I looked them up in Near Infinity, but the "weapon" they use just says it deals 2 crushing damage. I know there's got to be some kind of level drain or something, but I can't find out. Does anyone know?
do they actually level drain upon hit?
I can't imagine that all they do is 1d6 crushing damage. There's got to be a rider or something there. Curse or something.
@OlvynChuru Yeah no level drain that I've seen. All level draining monsters in IWD inflict the "bad luck" debuff instead which is temporary.
dice thrown 1, dice size 6, 0 enchantment bonus, no strength bonus due to 9 strength, no extra to hit or to damage bonus