Development Build 8193.21 for NWN:EE - a HUGE beta patch is now available

Hello NWN enthusiasts!
- Please make sure you're using a clean (unmodded) install. Clear your override folder before testing the beta build
- In your Steam Library, Right-Click on the game and choose “Properties”
- Click on the Beta Tab
- Pick the latest Development Build 8193.21
The build is already available from the Beamdog Client as well.
Check out those sweet screenshots and try the improvements yourself.
- A new game launcher UI that also includes a curated content repository, free for everyone
- Full TTF font support throughout the game, for clearer and more adaptive text rendering
- Fractional/floating-point UI scaling
- Better UI skinning
- Game/renderer performance improvements
- Renderer: soft particle support, blending with fog
- Water: Screen-space refractions and reflections
- Pathfinding improvements
- Visual Object Transform Lerping (smooth transitions)
- New advanced script commands
- Three new portraits sourced from the community portrait contest
- Hundreds of fixes and smaller features
- Please make sure you're using a clean (unmodded) install. Clear your override folder before testing the beta build
- In your Steam Library, Right-Click on the game and choose “Properties”
- Click on the Beta Tab
- Pick the latest Development Build 8193.21
The build is already available from the Beamdog Client as well.
Check out those sweet screenshots and try the improvements yourself.
I wouldn't class these as bugs just a few things I noticed on trying the new user features for the first time.
First Opening of the new module opening dialogue
Why doesn't the dropdown box used for sorting the module lists default to A-Z as it used to do? From the default that is in it on first opening it is not obvious what the purpose of this dropdown box is for as there is no label above it.
Module opening
Why, upon opening of my module, is the view rotated by 180 degrees horizontally? I created the module so that it starts with the PC facing away from the player. With this new update the whole area is rotated so that the player has to look over stuff, formerly in the background, that is now in the foreground.
UI scaling
Why can't I see the effect of scaling while I'm actually doing it?
Can't actually even start a new playthrough.
Good criticism below:
1 - I read the full changelog at steam's site and i missed a changelog with changes in all embedded modules.
Just click the link and it'll lead you to screenshots and some details.
This was something I discovered while submitting screenshots back in the Redmine days. I always wondered why Circle Kick and Cleave/Great Cleave attacks would be done to the same target of the previous attack. Glad to know that issue has been addressed. At the very least, it's a step in the right direction. Thank you, Beamdog. Sincerely.
"Game: Effect Miss Chance/Blind Fighting: Fix erroneous re-roll against target concealment, fix effect being ignored against blind fighting. #15"
100% agree with @Flashburn. Please elaborate.
Thank you for reading, and happy (healthy) gaming to all.
Hi, your bug report reminded me of smalls things that would be nice if implemented.
1 - the number of the version of the game should be displayed in the title screen like in most of games instead of the option screen.
2 - Please, DESTROY the need to confirm TWICE to save the game, it's REALLY annoying and unnecessary.
3 - A quick load key like you added in Planescape would be good too, perhaps you could even "borrow" the code to do it?
It a toggle so when you use feats like power attack they do not turn off when you move. It was added few patches back.
In English, '?' is inserted which I'd also consider a bug since the character itself is present in cp1252 (0x85).
Later I found that all Unicode characters in U+2000-206F block causes the game fonts to break in Polish and possibly causes issues with English as well.
Please Verify game files via Steam. The picture looks as if the TTF file failed to load.
Thanks, we now require at least xx*768 as a base res, preferably more. And it will still overflow if UI scale is too big.
Thanks! Going to fix this bug.
@Prince_Raymond It will stay on until you turn it off by clicking it again.(deactivated)
There is another fix as well: the reroll was done against concealment rather than the miss chance.
Do you have the “no intro movies” selection checked off
Win 10, nvidia geforce 1650, 16gig memory. Nothing in override or development folders.
Please ignore. Fixed. Mostly my Bad.
This is the same for skin, hair and tattoo colors.
Edit: looks like it's fixed in the current beta